
Let’s Read The World

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Author: Apple Writings



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A psychological horror with a tough romance highlighting two teenage college boys with twisted and dark pasts.Alex moves to the city after living in an orphanage all his life where he stumbles upon Skylar, an off vibe guy with an interesting past. The sequence of events of their past define what their actions are today but will they let them have a future?
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Chapter 1

"New year new me" is what everyone thinks at the start of every year, I thought about the same thing the day I cheered with the people sitting with me at the table.

Such a chilly night, with nothing but the cheap booze in our hands to warm us up. Nothing to worry about. I imagine this to be one of the best moments a man can ever live.


"Man, Alex we're going to miss you so much," Lucas said as he put his arm around my shoulders.

"Yeah buddy, don't forget about us, ok?" Louis said leaning back on his chair.

Louis and Lucas were my childhood friends.

we were basically like brothers.

Leaving that town might have been the hardest thing I did in the 20 years of my sane life.

"of course not man! u guys are my brothers!". I said laughing.

" of course, we are".

" can't believe little Alex is all grown up, going to college in another city"

" haha guess I'm not so little anymore huh what if I go there and never come back"

" Shut up u cunt, don't say stuff like that"

"yeah you still have 2 days before you leave we'll just tape you up if you say you won't visit up"

We laughed, drank, and talked until the sun rose.

I'm Alex, I have been living in an orphanage for as long as I can remember.

Nanny once told me my parents were alcoholics and abusive but that's about it. That's all I know about them.

* 2 days pass by in a swoon and it was time for me to go, I bid farewell to everyone in the orphanage*

" Man, Lucas stop crying he's not going to die". Louis said patting Lucas on his head.

" But our baby Alex!!!"

" Lucas don't worry I'll try to visit as much as I can" I childishly said all the while hugging the two.

I got on the bus and said my last goodbye to everyone. Luckily I found an empty seat next to the window and took it.

*inhale, exhale*


I couldn't sleep on my 5-hour trip even though I didn't get a wink of sleep the day before, I was just too excited, I couldn't stop looking out the window at the beautiful scenery and imagining my new life as an independent guy.

After about 4 to 5 hours, I reached my station.

Stepping out, the first thing I noticed was how the smell of the city was so different from that of my town.

food stalls, tall buildings, busy people running from one place to another, Busy roads, and individuals cycling everywhere, this place has so much life to it everything just made me fall in love with the city!!

I started looking for my apartment while looking around trying to take in every scene that lit my eyes all too bright.

What a warm feeling...

It took me a little while to find my apartment, but I managed to find it eventually.

It was a "not very expensive" one-room apartment so I didn't expect anything great about it anyways, it had a simple structure; a single bedroom, a small bathroom and a small kitchen and all the essentials a person would need, I mean, I couldn't afford anything larger anyways.

I undid all my stuff and set up everything I needed for the following day.

It was going to be my first day at college the next day so as they say, "A new beginning in life."

Though my excitement took the best of me, I was still exhausted and it hardly took me 5 minutes to fall asleep.

*beep beep beep* "ugh what time is it... it's 7:30... it's 7:30 ALREADY!?!?"

ah yes, the cliche first-day story...I was getting late.

I got dressed as fast as I could and ran for my class.

I still had half an hour left for my class but I had no idea where to find it so I had to hurry my ass up.

" shit my class starts at 8!".

I already knew where my college was so It didn't take me much time to reach there.

"wow, this place is huge!....AHH! but better look around later"

Not stopping even for a second I found my classroom just seconds after it started, hoping the professor will be late.

"Phew! found it.." I took a huge breath of relief before opening the door.

But just as I enter I was struck by a pile of paper on my head.

Of course, college professors .... don't even waste a second before reaching in class.

"you're late," the professor said after striking me with the pile of paper he was holding. "Go take a seat now "

"Sorry sir," I said as I turned around to sit.

"I was barely a minute late though" I mumbled as I walked upwards. I looked up straight and sat behind a boy.

Professor: "Ok class I'll be your English professor my name is Liam, and ...."

"ugh how long is this intro gonna be"

I put my head on the table in grief.

*Scribble Scribble *

I was taken in by the sound of scribbling on a paper, it appeared to be the boy in front of me.

It looked like he was trying to draw something, curious I leaned a little closer to him.

"Hey!" I tapped on the boy's shoulder to grab his attention.

He then proceeded to turn around to look at me and Gosh... do I tell you, he was the prettiest human I've ever seen; pale skin, flushed cheeks, long lashes, it all fits so well with his orangish brown hair and light eyes which seemed...kinda cold?

If it wasn't for his whole getup and body, I would have mistaken him for a girl.

The boy just gave me a cold stare and went back to doing what he was doing.

huh, he's just gonna ignore me?

I tried to talk to him again though.

"I'm Alex I'm new to the city "

.... ignored ...

"Umm hello?"

... ignored again.

Is he deaf or what?

" dude the professor is just giving an introduction you can at least reply to me?"

.. wow totally ignoring me.

"Jeez,  I was just trying to start a conversation"

not even an ok..?

not going to lie his face was pretty if it wasn't for his gender and dumb ego I would have fallen for him right on the spot.

oh, so that's how it is! annoying never mind I heard these city boys have nothing to give but their ego anyway.

Still... curiosity got the best of me again. I tried to get a glimpse of what he was drawing or writing but he was just making a smiley face with red ink.

Maybe he was just drawing stuff to pass time.

After class was over it didn't take me long to make "friends", most of them being girls to be exact.

"How tall are you Alex? you look tall"

"Do you have a girlfriend?"

"Want to hang out after class?"

"Your hair is pretty can I touch it?"


" Aha ladies I have to go use the restroom so if you'll excuse me" I made an excuse and rushed out from there.

" annoying...that guy from before really ruined my mood...actually.... no why should I care bout this guy I met just today"

I reached the restroom and swung open the door.


Of course, who would have been there none other than that tiny piece of-I mean the guy from before.

wow way to ruin my mood more, life

He poured water over his head all the while swinging his hair back and looking at himself in the mirror, his hazel-colored eyes were as dead as they could get, and his light-fainted hair along with his beautiful features almost made him shine.

He looks so.... beautiful ... what beautiful??? he is a dude! and a rude one to be exact. Get a hold of yourself, Alex!

Our eyes locked

shit I should say something

" uh umm hey so we met-"


yes, my dumbass was so flustered when our eyes locked that I decided to talk to him again....and as expected, got ignored.


The guy just walked past me. Didn't even let me complete my sentence.


I turned around and he was gone.


I did my business and went to my next class, of course, I was pissed the whole time.

How can someone be this fucking rude!! that's why he looks lonely even with that pretty- NO WITCHY FACE ugh I hate this.

I mumbled about him for the rest of my day, I don't even know why I took his actions so personally, guess no one has ever treated me like this before, or maybe he was just too... noticeable.

After all the classes were over, I went to the station and got on the first bus. I started using my phone. When a new notification popped up.

[Headline: another dead body was found by a group of hikers in B. city

the police have reported the rising cases of bodies being found in different parts of the city.

they further reported that this was no case of murder, but it's a serial killer as none of the victims along with their families are related, and neither do they know anyone in common.

The murdering spree is not confirmed yet, but we will still advise the citizens of city B. to be safe and stay home as much as possible until this investigation is solved.

Further reporting, 85% of the victims found were young and all of the victims have two things in common, their right arm was broken, and they all had several head injuries.

Youngsters are advised to not walk alone in the streets, especially at night.]

There is a serial killer in this town? why did I not know about this or is it only displayed in the local news?

My eyes went blue thinking about the fact that I live alone as well.

"you look like you're about to cry..."