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Cruel Billionaire's Wife

Cruel Billionaire's Wife

Author: Dewhales Chrisney



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"Live On Zayne, I'd love you again in the next world" this was the last words Zayne Anthony heard from her bethroted heiress Ivy louis. Anthony Zayne an heir to a very prominent and wealthy family, also the heir of a popular group , He's to choose a bride from one wealthy families between Ruby's family and Louis family. He chose Ivy louis, the one he loved with his whole heart and he could die for, but this turned over as the vicious heiress Riele Ruby and her father schemed and sent assassins to murder the innocent Ivy Louis. But life wasn't so cruel for ivy Louis she excaped , and lost her memories and moment with Zayne , after 7 years she came back to work as a tutor for Zayne's sister, none of the both protagonists recognized each other. The painful scar in Zayne's heart made him hate females in order to keep his beloved ivy in his heart, that he didn't recognize Ivy and he was so cruel and brutal on her. Check this intruging novel out add to your library to see how their love goes...
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Chapter 1

Cruel Billionaire

[Oh! The heir is cruel] Chloe's pov

It was a stressful evening for me,my sister sent me an errand to deliver a dress she sew for a Mistress in an real estate it was difficult to locate the home address though , thanks for my phone's map tracker .

I walked briskly after to much of stress following the tracker .

Because there were many mansions in the estate ,I heard celebrities , billionaire and millionaires lives In the estate .

I wonder how my sister got a rich customer she asked me to deliver the cloths too..

My sister Bella is a skilled fashion designer ,we lived together ever since our parents passed away .

I don't know what both my mom and dad looks like till now.

Because I forgot everything about my live at age 13 ,my sister told me I was sick for years so I had an operation of the brain the operation prevented me from knowing the past ..

So I moved on with my life, cause she has done me greats alot ,she treats me well ...

The little money she gains from her fashion designing , she has been saving it to send me to the most standard school in the country ..

I had no job , still in search for a job, to assist her financially.

I walked to the house's gate , I knocked on the gate , soon the gate was opened ..

"How may I help you ?" Asked the gate keeper with a 'who are you' gesture.

"Actually ,I was asked to deliver this dress to the miss in this house sir " I replied pollitely.

He went in and closed the gate on me ,after 10 mins of waiting outside .

He came out with money for the dress he gave me the money and collected the miss dress..

The miss probably gave the gate keeper the dress fee Rich people don't stress themselves .

I stucked it into my straight gown's pocket and I zipped it up.

I was about going home as my sight directed to the beautiful houses in the estate I admired the house as I glances at them while I walked slowly going home.

My eyes caught with the biggest mansion in the estate , the house was just like a president's house , the house is probably a billionaire's house . Zayne's Pov

I was in my large bedroom apartment , lying down on my large massive bed that 5 hefty men could sleep enjoyably and comfortably.

With all my room mordern materials big flat television , big glasses table and exoensive chairs,

My closet was a big one , which makes my room so big and classy,

I stood up and walked to my bathroom , I laid inside my tube and foamed soap into the water.

I was a billionaire heir of a very big and famous well known group..

I was also a popular musician ,music has always been my passion .

I schooled in the most popular music school owned by my father .

Many girls in school falls for me ,I was known as the cutest and classy demi - God They've ever knowb..

My dad's group in which I was the heir has many ,Industries,Company,High Schools , Hotels ,Hopitals , cement companies and many more , that was inherited by my father , Now I'm the heir of all those properties I'll be the owner after my dad passes away. All this looks like trash to me , because I never lived an interesting life since my 15 years of age I've never smiled nor o laughed . Now I'm 22 , My life had been a miserable one , I'm cold hearted and or to females.

I loathes girls with with intense passion , no girl dares comes near me , Because of my heartrobe Ivy.

She was the only girl I've loved in my life she was just 13 years old when she was assassinated 7 years ago with her father, We loved each other, since we were kid she was innocent 13 years old girl from the louis family , one of the member of my dad group,her father was a billionaire cause all members of my dad's group are billionaire and millionaires.

I loved her and about to officially sign her as the HEIRESS to my father's properties and group,which makes two of us owns the properties and we'll be officially married, that's just the moment she was assassinated with her father and they were killed and shared there photos online ,it was a great disaster to me that I almost committed suicide until a letter was delivered into our house mail, an assassin delivered the message which says "My beloved zayne, I'm wirtting 9 this letter with my very 23 last moment 1on earth, thanks to one of the 19 assassin who gave me an 11 opportunity to write.. please move on and live without 9me forget 12 about me,and 12 move on 5 with live, 4 I'll forever love you ,let meet in 2 the next 24 world, please do not hurt 18 your self,and Grant my one 21and only wish do 2 not hurt your self 24.

I love you so much.. Yours beloved Ivy"

She wrote, Ivy was a smart girl , if you read the letters well , you would notice some numbers she wrote very tiny and small.

No one could ever notice this , I got to discover those numbers because I read the letters everyday ..

She smartly decorded the 26 alphabetical letters to numbers - 9 ,23, 1, 19, 11, 9, 12, 12 , 2 ,24, 18 , 21 , 2, 24...

This number was decorded by her,. I W A S K I L L E D B Y R U B Y Which meant Ruby sent assassins to kill her and her dad.

I thought she's dead how did she write a letter?,

I wonder if she's really dead, maybe she hid somewhere,maybe she was saved ,maybe she excaped , I hope she come back to me one day .

The assassin read the letter to approve delivery , but he / she fell for her smartness,he / she didn't see the numbers , and delivered the letter , it took me 2 years before I could see those Numbers and the meaning , it was the love between us that made me read the letter everyday and I noticed the numbers.

That day , 5 years ago I quickly rushed to the police station and reported the case ..

They investigated more but it wal all to vain ,that they couldn't arrest Ruby after he had bribed them ,they came back to me and proved the letter wasn't true, that someone might have wrote it that way, just to frame Ruby,moreover if it's true the Mastermind was Ruby he won't allow the assassins send the letter that will give firm evidence of Ruby behind the death of ivy and her father, I was sued for defamation of character I was bailed shortly after they ended the key proof which was the letter....

I became more toxic,heartless, I could kill any girl who tried to seduce me or come near me ,all girls in my school don't dare come near my class in school , I always expell all female students that comes near me , to an extent only males was in my class..

Ruby's Pov

I was in my car in the back seat reading a news paper while my driver was driving me home..

I'm was a very rich millionaire "Ronald zayne" the heir to the group which I was a member that made me a millionaire where I am today was bailed 5 years ago, after he tried to frame me a murderer ,with a false evidence,

" the evidence is indeed true ,hahaha"

I laughed sarcastically , I Ruby the wisest of all time , yes I killed his lover a person who he could give his life to save ,,,,ivy the daughter of Louis , Louis has always been my opponent in the billionaires group ,Im gonna kill the C E O of the group that Ronald Dave , the father of Zayne , zayne is the heir to the position who owns the group and all the properties and wealth , I've wanted wealth for my daughter riele also , so i decided to make her the HEIRESS to Ronald family so she will gain 3times more than the wealth and properties I had that makes me a millionaire ...

Through her I'll become a billionaire ha ha ha I laughed sarcastically again..

So I killed people who are obstacles to my plan ..I killed Louis and her daughter....

My daughter is about to become the HEIRess !!!!.