
Let’s Read The World

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Author: LoeyChan





What will you do if you suddenly find out that you are betrothed with the king of the alpha gang when you are just a mere human? And it was prophesied long ago when you were not even born.... The two rival alpha kings of two different clans are prophesied to be the mate of the mere human, Ruth who will bear a child with one of them. The child - half human, half wolf will be the king of kings of all era. The two alpha kings - Alexander and Thomas - both want to behold and possess the power whom no one ever had. But was that truly a prophecy for which they were ready to sacrifice everything? Or just merely an old saying? And what about Lia and Adam who are madly in love with one another in the mortal human world? "Leave me alone! "Ruth screamed with rage and fury. "Why have you taken me here?"Her big beautiful eyes shone with fear when she saw the dark silhouette behind her came to light infront of her. "You...." Looking at the dark shadow, she froze at her spot. "Yes,me. And here you are, my would be bride who will bear my child in her womb. " Crazy laughter broke out the whole castle. " No! Let go of me! Adam! " Ruth screamed when she saw the dark shadow coming directly towards her slow by slow. She tried to get up but could not as she was tied up with the pillar. "Adam!" Her voice went meek as she was fainting gradually, looking at the shadow coming close to her little by little....
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Chapter 1


I woke up late that night because of the same dream that I'm having for a very long time .

I looked at the table clock . It was showing 3.30 am sharp _ the vampire hour . I got up my bed and looked outside the window . It was dark _ quite dark outside . My head was hurting slightly as usual , like it always does after having the same dream each time .

In my dream , I was standing near a big castle which was in the middle of a dense forest . It was a bright full moon night and the whole forest was flooded with the soft light of the moon . Distant howling of unknown beasts was coming from the forest which made my body shivered . I could clearly hear mournful howlings of thousands of wolves as if they were trying to forbade me to go into the castle , as if they were saying something to me .

I was walking slow by slow towards the castle as if I got hypnotized by something ... I entered the castle and was moving from one hall to another to desperately find someone . I was searching like crazy for someone that I didn't even know of .

Suddenly , I came into the centre of the castle when I heard someone stepping behind me . I slowly turned my head to see who's making the noise and saw a flash of light so dazzling white that I couldn't see the face of the unknown person in my dream .

Then I suddenly woke up in my bed with a jolt .

I have been having that same dream for a very long time as long as I can remember . I don't know if the dream means something or not _ but I don't wanna waste my time thinking about it . Whatever . I went back to sleep . I have to wake up early next morning because I have exams tomorrow for which I have been preparing for a very long time and I don't wanna ruin it by thinking about that stupid dream . I set alarm on my phone and closed my eyes .

" Ruth ! "

It felt like I have just closed my eyes when I heard mom from downstairs calling for breakfast . I looked at the clock . It was showing 6.00 am .

" She's always ahead of the alarm ! " I said to myself , then turned off the alarm which was set for 6.30 .

I went to the bathroom to get freshen up . I looked at the mirror . A pair of green eyes looked back at me which were swollen because of the lack of sleep last night . I yawned and sprinkled some water in my eyes to be fully awake .

When I went downstairs , I saw everyone was already there waiting for me .

" Happy birthday , dear ! " Dad said to me softly while giving me a warm hug .

" Happy birthday sweety ! " Mom hugged me too .

Oh , I almost forgot that today's my seventeenth birthday !

" Thank you so much mom and dad ! " I was so happy to see them together at this moment as they both were always busy with their works and we hardly eat our meals together except some rare occasions .

We happily had our breakfast after a long time .

" You got any plans for your birthday , sweety ? " Dad asked me after a while .

" No , dad . " I replied .

" What'll you do after your exam ? "

" Nothing much . Why ? "

" Let's have dinner together . You , your mom and me . "

" Sure , dad ! That's gonna be so awesome ! "

I felt so happy because it's been a long time that we'll be going out together as a family . I finished my meal quickly and left for the school . The day has started quite well .

" Hey , Ruth ! "

I turned back and saw Emma was coming towards me , running .

" Hey , what's up ! " I said to her seeing her catching her breathe .

" How's your preparation ? Mine is way too worst . We had a big party last night at our house . " She said anxiously .

" No worries . " I pushed her slightly with my shoulder . " We got your back ! " I said to her while waving to our another friend Lisa who was just entering .

" Hey ! Buddies ! " She screamed at the sight of us .

" Hey ! " Both Emma and I said in a chorus and burst out laughing at the same time .

" I heard that your hot brother has come back from the state . " Lisa said to Emma while emphasizing the word ' hot ' in a sexy way .

" Hey , Lis , don't start again ! " I said to her mockingly as we all know that she's got a crush on Rob , Emma's brother . But he never gives her a chance for flirting or anything . He's just that nerdy type of guy who loves books more than anything .

" Okay , wanna come to Billy's party tonight ? After our exam is over ? " Emma said to us after a while .

" No . Got programs with mom and dad . " I said to her while entering the classroom .

" Come on ! " Lisa grabbed my shoulder .

" It'll be fun ! After all Leo will be there tonight ! " She winked at me while laughing so hard .

Leo , the captain of the basketball team of our school was my secret crush that only we three know .

" Yeah ! It'll be fun ! Hey Leo ! " Emma said suddenly . I quickly turned my head to have a look and saw him coming through the door . We have got the same subject and we have a very casual relationship like classmates ... well , except my having crush over him ...

" Hello ladies ! " Leo smiled and gave a high five to both Emma and Lisa while only said just " Hi " to me .

I was blushing heavily and was staring stealthily at his sight . He was looking way too much handsome that morning . He was wearing a white shirt with a black T shirt underneath . The sleeves were rolled back and I could see his veins in his wrists which I liked the most . His brown hairs were back brushed neatly and I could smell a spicy and woody smell of his perfume coming from his body while he was talking to us , standing a few inches away from me .

I couldn't engage myself to their conversation . I was just standing there blushing while looking completely stupid in front of him .

" Hey , can't you talk ? We were trying to make you communicate with him ! It's not the first time that you did the same ! " Lisa said to me after Leo had left .

" I ,, I was thinking ... " I stammered . It's all my fault that I can't speak a single word in front of my crush . Oh , why am I so stupid like this ?

I got back home quickly after everything was over . It was evening and the sun had set already . It was quite dark outside . I unlocked the door and went straight to shower as I had to get ready for the dinner . Mom and dad was not home as usual .

I stepped into the bathroom and closed the door . I looked into the mirror and looked at myself . Everyone says that I'm beautiful _ but am I really ? I have a nice face with beautiful eyes and luscious lips . My waist is slim and curvy . I have such long legs that can be called hot . I have smooth skin which is soft and honey colored . I think I have the look of more innocent one type than the hot sexy type that boys like the most . I put off my clothes and bra and looked at the mirror again .

" What type do you like ? " I said to myself while thinking about Leo ....

The kitchen phone was ringing loudly at that time . I quickly finished the shower and wrapped myself up with a towel . I was wearing nothing but the towel and stepped out of the bathroom .

" Hello . Who's this ? "

" Honey , it's me , dad . "

I heard his anxious voice over the phone .

" Dad ? When you'll be back ? We got dinner together , remember ? " I reminded him of his plan while thinking what had happened suddenly .

" Listen , sweety , me and your mom , both has got stuck in our works all of a sudden . I'm just very sorry , dear . We'll be a bit late tonight .... " He paused a little as if trying to find words to say something . He sounded a bit anxious over the phone that I got nervous too .

" Okay , dad . " I said sadly .

" Listen , sweety , we ... we are moving out of the town tomorrow . "

" Wait . What ? " I screamed with surprise . " Why all of a sudden , dad ? "

" I'm so sorry , darling ... but we have to . It's all of a sudden though , I know it's hard for you ... but I can't help it . You go and pack your stuffs . We'll be moving early tomorrow . "

Then he cut the phone , leaving me quite perplexed in the spot .

Damn it ! We have been moving from town to town since I was little because of my parents jobs . I have changed schools so many times that I can't even count how much . I just got fed up at this moment . We have been living in this town for about a year now and I have thought that , at last I can be settled in somewhere after a long time . It'll not take too much till I graduate and move out of the house . I decided to stay in this area after that and complete my college . But my whole plan got ruined just now .

I was so shocked and felt so sad that I cried for a while . I couldn't believe that I was leaving the town , my friends , my school , and ... Leo , who doesn't even know about my feelings though .

I looked at the clock . It was showing 7 pm sharp .

" Okay . " I wiped my tears . " I'll go to the party tonight and tell Leo about my feelings . "

I was determined and wanted to give it a try . I have to overcome my fears . It's just a year for me to graduate , after that I'll move out and come back here again .

I went upstairs to my room .

" Let's give it a try ! " Looking into the mirror , I said to myself .