
Let’s Read The World

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Author: Theea Writes



I HAD ME A BOY 2 PDF Free Download


Roxy Trent, Kyrah's best friend finds out she's a millionaire right after she finds her childhood painting at a gallery. The question is, who sold her painting? And who is the mysterious person sending her letters? Is it someone close to her? Meanwhile Kyrah Bailey struggles to fight for Blake but Sabrina Johnson has rolled up her sleeves and is ready to take her down in every way possible. What if Kyrah loses the battle? What happens when the apple of her eye betrays her?
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Chapter 1

"Whoa! Hold on a sec, one, two, three million dollars for a piece I made when I was a kid? A painting that can't be compared to the Monalisa by Leonardo Da Vinci?" I am shook. How is this even possible. Nothing makes sense.

"So who did you buy it from," Vic finally asks the question that I was about to ask. It's like he read my mind. We all stare at the man in front of us, waiting for a reply.

"I am not in a position to discuss that right now. It's part of the puzzle," he says.

"Oh my... Why isn't anybody telling us anything? This is annoying and frustrating," I complain as I pinch the bridge of my nose.

Here we go again with the puzzle shit. I've never used my brain this much in a very long time, since school is not part of my schedule now.

"So you mean that Roxy and Vic are now millionaires?" Kyrah asks, her eyes look like they're about to pop out.

"Yes," the French man says. "As I said, I won't keep you here for long. Any other questions?"

I squint as I think of any question he may be able to answer.

"Oh, and how do we get the money?" I inquire.

"Haven't you checked your bank account young lady?" he questions with a brow high up his forehead.

Oh shit balls!

"What? Last time I checked my account was months ago, and there's very little in there," I say, avoiding eye contact.

"Check again, now, allow me to go back to the gallery, but first, here, have this letter," he hands it to me.

I roll my eyes inwardly, how many of these do we have to read before we find out what this is all about?

*'On the first day of next month

Be here, at the gallery. 7Pm'*


This is even more annoying, next month? Okay, cool. I'll wait.

The thought of having all that money hits me and I squeak in excitement as  John Pierre leaves.

"My bestie is a millionaire!" Kyrah squeaks hugging me as we walk out, Scott and Vic are fist bumping behind us.

"Look out world, here comes your youngest millionaires!" I say dramatically, pretending to be on a red carpet with paparazzi all around me, pausing for invisible cameras. "Smile for the camera, baby! The Trents are untouchable!"

"Damn right" Scott says and we all laugh.

"But still we need to be careful, we don't know this guy and we don't know if this is some kind of way to con us or something," Vic says and we agree.


Kyrah's POV

The finals start on Wednesday, it's Monday morning, there'll be no classes today and tomorrow. I haven't studied. At all!

I lay in bed staring at the dark ceiling, my alarm clock displays 0500 hours. Yesterday we arrived home late after having a celebration. I still can't believe all this is happening. Roxy is stinking rich!

I turn to my side and Roxy is dead asleep. When I turn on the lights, she seems to be smiling, maybe she's having sweet dreams. I look away and grab my phone from the nightstand. Without thinking, I dial Blake.

"Hello..." his husky voice fills my ears from the speaker.

"Hey, uhm... Sorry for waking you up. I just couldn't sleep and I haven't studied for the finals yet," I say as I bite my fingernail.

"Babe... It's okay, I haven't studied yet too, but I'll do so today. How are you? I miss you, Kyrah," he sounds sleepy and I giggle, leaving the bed and going out of the room.

"I'm fine babe, and I miss you too," I lean on a wall for a second and proceed to go downstairs.

"How about we study together?" he asks and I stop walking and stare at my bare feet, pressing my phone to my ear.

"Blake, I told you I can't be around you until we're done with the finals, I don't want to mess things up, you know, and... I don't want Cruella drama," I tell him and he laughs.

"Okay, okay... Who is Cruella? Like the lady in the 'A Hundred and One Dalmatians movie?" he asks.

I giggle as I walk into the kitchen and switch the lights on.

"It's Sabrina, and yes, that's where I got the name Cruella from. Enough of Sabrina, let me start my day with a hot shower and some books. We'll talk later," I say as I look around for something to eat.

"Alright love. Take care of yourself." and he hangs up.

I spot some brownies on the kitchen island, I grab one and gobble it down in seconds.

God! I'm starving and I didn't even realize it this whole time. I grab another one and eat it on my way back upstairs. Roxy is still asleep and so I close the door carefully. My eyes move to my window and so do my legs. I take a peek through the curtains and notice that Scott's bedroom lights are on.

Is he awake? Or perhaps he slept with the lights on. Should I call him or not?

Roxy clears her throat loudly.


When I turn to face her, she has an eyebrow raised as she sits upright against the headboard of the bed.

"I thought you were asleep," I say and she shrugs.

"Well, they say millionaires don't sleep, so–"

I laugh hysterically. "You're being silly. Go back to sleep. It's too early," I tell her.

"And you should stop stalking, it's too early." She smirks and I grunt.

"I'm not. I just happened to be next to the window and I saw his lights are on. That's it," I defend myself but she won't have it.

"Liar, liar, pants on fire. Why are you up this early? It's..." she checks the time on the alarm, "5:20am?" she sits up looking surprised.

"I want to study, I couldn't sleep so..."

"So you decided to stalk Scott? I understand. It's quite normal to stalk your male neighbor at five in the freaking morning," she teases and throws a pillow at me.

"Stop it! I wasn't stalking," I throw the pillow back at her. Hitting her face.

"Why don't you call him then, if you want to study, you can both do that. Now, let me go back to my millionaire dreamland. Ta-ta! darling." she says and pulls the comforter above her head and goes back to sleep. I only shake my head.

I take a deep breath and dial Scott. He picks up after the first ring. It's like he's always waiting for my call, when does he ever sleep?