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Kidnapped By Mr. President

Kidnapped By Mr. President

Author: Jyoti Trivefi



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Rose Spencer is 21 years old, a college girl. Bold yet stubborn. His name is Mr. Smith, the business tycoon known for running the business with his fingers - he rarely speaks. He doesn't feel pain but can cause you the worst. But what happens when Mr. Smith sends his men to her uncle's apartment to kidnap her? They killed her uncle and forcefully took her away. She cried, "Why me?" They answered, "Because your name is Rose!" Is this the only reason to abduct her? But even after kidnapping her, why Mr. Smith wasn't showing up? And finally, he did something that scared the hell out of her. That night he almost killed her. And after that night, he forcefully married her. Rose had never met this man. Then why was he doing all of this with her? Well, read it along.
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Chapter 1

Knock Knock, Knock Knock!

Rose Spencer instantly woke up from the dream after the harsh sound of knocking on the door. She swallowed the saliva started shivering. Her heartbeats suddenly started thumping vigorously. She sniffed as she stared down at her fingers, weeping.

Her aunt Karen, who was sleeping beside her also woke up and said, "Don't worry dear. It must be your cousin."


Suddenly, they heard a loud noise of a pistol being fired. Karen and Rose got terrified. Looking at the situation, Aunt Karen said, "Rose, you stay here, let me check out!"

After saying this, she opened the room gate and walked downwards. There was no one, but the room light was ON.


Rose shivered after hearing the scream of her Aunt Karen. She again swallowed the saliva and decided to hide, instead of checking the situation. But she didn't know where to go. She was living in a room which has windows but with iron rod barriers. She couldn't run away from that.

What more? She doesn't have big cupboards to hide. She didn't know what to do. At that time, she heard several footsteps reaching the door. Her room door was opened. She decided to hide under the bed.

The door got opened and the lights turned on. Rose could see several men's shoes. They were so many that she couldn't even count. In fright, she closed her eyes.

What she could feel was that someone picked up the bed from her above and now she got caught. But still, she dared not to open her eyes.

She heard a voice, "She is the one."

Finally, it was her death day, so she tried to open her eyes and spoke, "Wh... Who are you?"

The man in a white suit replied, "It doesn't matter for you."

Rose again spoke, "Wh... Why do you want to kill me?"

The man smiled, "Mam, we don't want to kill you!"

Rose asked again, "Then why you are in my house?"

This time, the man in the white suit didn't say anything. He just hinted at his men to pick her up. Suddenly, two strong men picked her up and said, "Mam, you don't need to struggle. You can't win from us. So it's better to surrender."

The Rose didn't say anything. She walked with them downwards and saw something. She screamed, "Aaaaaaaaah!"

Two dead bodies were lying beside it. Those two were none other than her uncle and aunt. She screamed, "Uncle! Aunt."

The man in the white suit smiled cruelly. "They are dead. So you don't need to cry."

This time, Rose started struggling. But she was dragged to the car and her body was tied, including her mouth.


Next day...

Rose Spencer finally opened her eyes and found herself in a dark room. Her room was so dark that she couldn't even see herself. For a moment, she felt like she was blind.

She screamed, "Who are you? Where I am? Somebody, please save me. Anyone listening? I can't see."

She heard few footsteps far away from her. She felt like few men were approaching her room. Then she could hear someone opening her gate.


The room got opened and finally, Rose could see few people. "Thank god I am not blind!" She thought and the next moment, she screamed, "Who are you? Why are you doing this? Please leave me!"

The men entered the room without replying to anything. They just turned on the lights. In the very next moment, Rose realized that she was in a very beautiful room. This room was big, very big. For a moment, she thought that her old house could adjust in this room.

Then those men opened the curtains and placed the food near her. "Mam, on your right, there is a door which is your cloakroom. In the cloakroom, you could find a door to the washroom. This is your breakfast. Please wash up yourself and eat properly. Thank You!"

They left.

They left just like that. They didn't reply to her screams. Rose was trembling in fear. Where was she? Which place was this? Was she in her city or not? Was she even in her country or not? Thousands of questions were running through her mind. But there was no one to reply to her.

Exhaustingly, she went to the cloakroom to freshen herself up. After bathing, she wore the clothes which were in the cloakroom and washed her inners and clothes, because were dirty. She was wearing them for three days.

The washroom was luxury but it wasn't the time to praise. She again came back to the room and started eating breakfast. She had no choice even if the food would be drugged or poisoned. She was hungry.

She finished her breakfast and looked around. She saw the window. She ran towards it and tried to see outside her room. She could see several men practicing martial arts. They must be in large numbers. She could also see the man who was in the white suit last night. He was leading them. Rose bit her lips and thought, "Why me god? Why always me?"

Just after practicing, the man, who was in the white suit last night looked towards Rose's window. Rose panicked and closed the curtain. She was scared, scared to death!

The death scene of her aunt and uncle was making her crying. She cried the whole day, but in return, she was only served good food. That's it!


In the evening,

A woman came into the room with the food table in their hands. They placed it near to Rose and said, "Mam, this is your food."

Rose was done for this time. She instantly grabbed her hands and shouted, "If you won't tell me where I am and why I am, I am not going to leave you. Just tell me right now. Please, I request you, madam."

The woman got terrified and she screamed, "Help, Help me!"

Rose widened her eyes and shouted, "I didn't even hurt you and you are crying for help? I just want the answer, that's it. Please tell me."

But Rose was very late to ask. Several armed men in a black suit already appeared in front of her and grabbed that woman from Rose's hand. Rose cried, "I wasn't doing anything. I was just asking what is happening? Why I am here? That's it!"

The armed men didn't reply to Rose but they took out that woman from that room. Rose, in the room, was left alone again.

She couldn't help but finish her food. She knew that if she wanna run, she must have to stay energetic. She just can't live while doing a hunger strike.

Just as she finished her dinner, someone knocked on the door. Rose smirked, "As if I would say no and you won't enter." But she could only think of this. She didn't dare to say this. She said, "Who's there?"

But, before she could finish the two words question, the door was already opened. She again saw that horrifying man in the white suit. He walked straight towards her and wished, "Good evening mam."

Rose didn't say anything. Fear of that man was still available on her face. The man smiled cruelly and continued, "I hope you are enjoying these facilities provided by our boss."

Rose wanted to curse him badly. But she didn't have the guts to even open her mouth. She was just looking straight. She was wondering what could be his next move.

The man smiled and spoke again, "Mam, I hope you are enjoying all the facilities provided by our boss."

Rose nodded her head in fear, just like the animals' dances in the fear of beating by humans.

The man clapped his hands and few women entered the room, including that woman who served her dinner.

The man spoke again, "Mam, these women are your special caretaker. You can call them anytime you want if you need anything. What more, if they won't do their work properly, this is my card."

He put his card on the table and said, "Mam, here is your phone. You can call me anytime if these women won't do their job properly."

Rose was silent.

The man continued, "If you want to ask anything, you can ask me. I would come daily to take the feedback."

Rose was still silent.

"As Rose mam hasn't said anything, I would consider that mam has no questions and she is very happy with the environment. So everyone, leave right now."

Everyone started leaving. After that, the man in the white suit also started leaving. Suddenly, Rose trembling voice fell in his ears, "Why me?"

The man turned around and replied, "Because your name is Rose!"