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Monteverde's Obsession

Monteverde's Obsession

Author: MJoy060604



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Lyn enrol to a private university which is Monteverde's University (MU) for her college. She meet Axiel on the dean's office when she want to know her room, section and lockers key. Axiel is very happy when he see Lyn. Axiel know that Lyn has an amnesia and didn't remember their past relationship when they are young. A past relationship that breaks when they need to migrate abroad because of business problem. Their opponent wants them to die to get the business organization they have. A legal but very famous business organization in the whole business industry. Lyn got an accident because of a girl want her to disappear because she is jealous. That girl made her plan and get her price but Lyn doesn't remember her little boyfriend. A story that you will see what will love can do. What will happened if Lyn remember him and what are the problems they are going to face that will test their love to each other.
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Chapter 1

Lyn, a simple girl was facing her new school. A first year college student that comes from a public school and now will experience a private school because of her aunt that will support her.

Just like she's having a scholarship but the difference is, it's a part of her family that will support her that was helped by her parents before when she is studying until she graduate and now she's a doctor, it is her aunt Ethel.

Now, Lyn is in front of the door of the deans office. Well, how did she know it? Simple, she see's a school map when she enter the campus so she find this room. Lyn knock three times, to tell someone inside that room that theirs someone outside.

"Come in!" a cold voice said inside of this room, so she go inside it. She see a man who is sitting on its shivel chair staring on the papers in front of him. Lyn think that he didn't care about her presence after all. She fake cough.

"Ehemmmm.... excuse me sir but I'm here to know where's my section and may I get also my lockers key?" Lyn ask to get his attention and that's it, she made it. He gave her his attention but he has a cold aura. Ohh she's freezing now, just like she's in antarctic.

" Sorry Miss but I'm not the Dean here but the owner. So what's you're name so I could ask my secretary where's your room and where is your lockers key also?" he coldly said while staring at me directly into my eyes. His voice is scaring her now. Lyn think that he didn't have a guts to talk to her.

" I'm Grace Lyn Ramirez sir! " Lyn answer with a smile to lessen the cold atmosphere here in this room because of this cold guy. He pick up his phone and called someone.

"Good morning sir Axiel, what I can do for you?" his secretary said full of respect, just like he is talking to a man full of authority that needs a lot of respect.

"What is the room of Miss Grace Lyn Ramirez?" he ask already direct to the point, without hesitation. Lyn think this guy is a freezer coz of his voice. You can have an ice just after a minute.

"Room 10, in the nursing building sir section A, and her lockers key is in your table, fourth drawer sir." his secretary answer with a voice full of respect.

"Good!" he said and hung up. Ohhh....this man didn't have manners to others, unbelievable!!! He's stare meet me with always a cold aura on his side. I just roll my eyes.

"Don't roll your eyes on me coz I can kick you out in my university in this instant so watch your manners baby." Lyn eyes widened on his last word which is 'baby'. She is not his baby coz I'm not his child.

Ohh..... so who is her mom? Is he is her father but Lyn already have one which is her papa Mateo, is she is an adopted child of her parents who's on her side.

"Hey your spacing out baby." he get her attention with that words with a playful smirk on his lips. A pervert guy.

"So where's my room, just tell it now?" Lyn ask with a lifeless voice.

"I think you heard it because my phone is in a loud speaker, so I think you heard it loud and clear baby, you want me to repeat it for you?" he leave his chair and walk toward me so my knees are shaking with a cold sweat in my forehead. Is he planning bad on me?

" Ohhh..... I heard it so I get going!" Lyn said full of nervousness over my body. She need to get out of here as soon as possible before she will faint here because of his crazy thoughts.

Lyn rush on the door and about to pull the doorknob but a smooth hand pull her over so she landed on his chest. She can smell his manly and expensive scent. Lyn look up and their eyes meet each other.

She can see his eyes full of emotions that no one can read it. I can feel that ha has a bad past on his own.

"Where are you going baby? Escaping uhmmmm?" so he's sweet voice now. He smile my hair down to my neck. He is totally a pervert.

"I will be late sir, p-please l-let m-me g-go s-sir!" Lyn stutter coz his sudden actions. This is our first meet but I feel like we are into a relationship before, just like we are close but it's like a stranger to her.

"Don't stutter baby, I will not hurt you but I can eat you uhmmmmm......what do you think babay?" his words shock me to death. Her face heaten up when he say that he want to eat her. Is he a cannibal person or a vampire? Is this her last day on earth huhuhuhuhu.......

How this vampire will live here in earth? Is they are having their second life like reincarnation just like in Wattpad?

"Hey why are you crying baby?" he ask her while wiping her tears. Lyn didn't want to die in a brutal way coz she is afraid on horror movie. The characters are ugly and they are killing people in a brutal way.

"I-I d-dont w-want t-to d-die huhuhuhu *hik *hik " Lyn said while crying Axiel is shock of what his baby says. He is not going to kill her, never!! He love her now and before.

"Hey I won't kill you, shhhh don't cry baby! Sorry for making you cry but I promise I won't hurt you, your my precious okay!" Axiel explained to her. He didn't know where she got that thoughts of her. Ohhhh...... my innocent baby.....I lift her and carry her that make her feet to encircle on my waist. Axiel put his hand on her butt to support her weight. He sit on his shivel chair and hug her.

"Shhh stop crying, you just misunderstood it baby, stop crying okay." Axiel explain to her and kiss her forehead. Lyn rest her face on his chest because she want to sleep. Axiel hear her sobs until she fell asleep.

As always this is her habit. She will fall asleep after crying it's just like her sleeping pills.

He arrange her position and carry her as a bridalstyle and bring her to his room here in his office. He slowly put her on his bed and cover her body on his blanket. He sat down beside her and stare on her beautiful face. She is beautiful now and also before, with innocent mind always. He kiss her forehead again before leaving his room and continue his work

Lyn wake up on a room that is not familiar to her. The theme of it is white and black. Surely it is a boy's room, she could smell the cologne same smell that Axiel are using. She remember when she was comfort by Axiel and she fall asleep on his hand. Lyn feel embrace about it cause she just meet him today and she did her habit again.

Agrhhhhh why did she cry, it's so embarrassing for her. She didn't know how to face him now. She has a free sleeping pills but she hope that is not a curse on her life. She check the time and it's already 11:30 am, did she sleep in 2 hours and 30 minutes, it's his fault, if he didn't make her cry, she can attend her morning class huhuhuhu....... She open the door and slamp it hard when she close it that make his attention ends up to her.

He face her with his cold stare and furrowed forehead that make her tremble. She guess that her reaction are in a wrong timing.

"Are you going to break the door? It's not like that, come on baby I will teach you how to break it properly." Ohhhh.... that smirk again.

"What!!!" is he really want to break it. How incredible. Lyn was shock, she guess he will be mad and shout at her and scolded her.

"You're awake baby! uhmmmm....... what do you want to eat? Let's just order and eat together before you go to your afternoon class." Axiel suggest while hugging her. His sweet words can melt her. How could this ice man be a sweet in an instant. Maybe bipolar right?

"How can I go to class if I'm absent in my morning class, it's totally your fault huhuhuhu!" she said while punching him but Axiel didn't feel those punch because it like nothing to him, he is not hurt after all.

"Didn't you forget that I'm the owner of this school baby, I can order them not to absent you!" he explain so she stop on punching him and face him.

"Really?" with an amused eyes. She's like a puppy playing with his owner. Axiel can't help but laugh. This girl is really beautiful with those eyes of her. Those eyes that was so innocent about the past. How this girl can't remember him.

"Yes baby!" and kiss the forehead of Lyn. She blush again and burry her face on his chest, so she heard his laugh. Is he making fun of me? She suddenly ask to her mind.