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I Wanted To Die, But The Idiot Prince Saved Me!

I Wanted To Die, But The Idiot Prince Saved Me!

Author: ShayJ



I Wanted To Die, But The Idiot Prince Saved Me! PDF Free Download


Dami was excited when she learned she had been reincarnated into a fantasy world and given a chance to lead a better life. But...HER NEW LIFE SUCKS. Sick of her troubles and convinced god gave her the short end of the stick, she hopes the war ravaging through the land will free her from this life. Until some idiot prince saves her!
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Chapter 1

  When I died I was sure that I'd be met with nothing but darkness. I wasn't religious nor did I lean towards any alternative universe theory. I just thought everything would be...over.

  I stuck by this until the bitter end. Tears streaming down my cheeks, pleading cries filling the air, and horns honking below; oh yes I knew it'd all be over; until I hit the ground.


  ...and that woman appeared.

  She spoke to me in the most soothing tone reassuring me that if I took her hand a better life would be waiting for me. I wouldn't be stuck in a closet every day. I wouldn't get beat every day. I wouldn't deal with drunken tyrants. I would be happy.

  That woman lied.

  "Dami!" my mother whispered "Stay quiet and don't move. They're here."

  Hm? They're here already?

  The 'they' my mother is referring to are the Brarius Royal Knights. They're knights from a neighboring kingdom that we're currently at war with. For centuries our kingdom has been the pinnacle of trade and investment. The previous kings successfully created trade agreements, bought, and sold investments with countries all over the world. Sounds perfect, doesn't it? Well, the current king got greedy. He ignored trade agreements, sold off many of the royal investments, and forcefully levied higher taxes on merchants. What were the responses of the neighboring kingdoms? War.

  While he sat in his pretty little palace in the heart of the capital his subjects were all but screwed. All border towns have been terrorized relentlessly or destroyed by the knights. When they went to beg for protection they weren't allowed in the capital. That selfish king left us all here to die. Because of this, my life has been a hell of barely eating, almost being killed, and taking any means necessary for money.


  Yep, it's time to die! I'm outta here!

  We hid in our basement holding our hands over our mouths. We breathed sparingly. My mother held my shaking hand. Every time we heard a bump she squeezed. This was her way of distracting me from what was going on. This was her way of comforting me. But unbeknownst to her, I didn't need comfort. I was shaking because...

  I'm finally going to die and be free from this hell hole! I'm shaking in excitement.

  My mother in this life --Damielle Ocearus-- is an angel compared to the one in my previous life. She's always done everything in her power to make sure I'm happy and safe. Every attempt I've made at ending my life has been foiled by her motherly love. With tears in her eyes, she'd plead with me to be more careful. My previous mother would've just let me die by now.

  "Come on Holoqians!" a voice boomed, "We know you're in here. We saw you come this way to hide."

  The latch to the basement flew open. Knights came rushing into the room around us. Their cold metal armor and Brarius insignia shot daggers into my little heart. These men are really here to kill us! Thank you! God, thank you!

  My mother threw herself in front of me with her arms outstretched. She uttered a spell and a magic circle appeared under us.

  Wait...When could she do magic? I thought only the Hollows could do magic!

  Oh. CRAP.

  "Don't take another step!" she yelled, "I-if you take another step you'll die!"

  Holoqian has always been a kingdom of devotion to the gods. Every glory and praise they received was offered up to them as repayment for their protection. They hold a big festival once a year where it is said that gods and goddesses come to enjoy the love of the people. To show their appreciation for their followers, one year the gods gave those in Holoqian possessing the most devoted hearts a power that'd rival their own.

  I thought that was just some fairytale Damielle would tell me! I didn't think she was forreal!

  The knights were shaken by her exclamation and muttered amongst themselves about what to do. Is it really that hard? While I love Damielle very much, they need to stop chatting and get down to business! Besides, the gods' blessing won't do much about these knights. Brarius has a blessing of their own. The demons' blood.

  While Holoqian was blessed by the gods, Brarius was blessed by demons. Damielle told me the story of how centuries ago the king of Brarius and his personal knights drank demon's blood to combat Holoqian's blessing. We were at war with them then and they were losing because of the blessing. She said the war was the worst to take place in history. With each side feeling its repercussions the two kingdoms signed a treaty. Each kingdom would keep to their own lands with only designated people able to trade between the borders.

  Obviously, our king squandered that.

  "Why are you all dallying?" a blonde-haired man said pushing through them all. His armor was different from theirs. It was black and his eyes were a piercing shade of red. "We need to be done here now to reach the capital by tomorrow's nightfall."

  "Y-you can't touch us!" Damielle spat at him "I'll make sure of it."

  He looked down at her and laughed. He stepped past the circle as if it was nothing. The man grabbed her by the throat dragging her up out of the basement. A knight picked me up throwing me across his shoulder. Damielle screamed and screamed for me. Hearing her began to break my confidence little by little. He threw her into our dining table and took out his sword.

  "Stupid woman!" he barked, "You know your blessing isn’t absolute on us."


  I watched her head roll without a word. This may seem heartless but since my birth, I've seen many heads roll. He turned to me and held his sword to my chest. I stretched my arms out for him with a smile.

  " she...welcoming me? Is this child alright?"

  This is it! Sweet release. When I see that woman again I'll definitely wring her neck!

  "Thank you, sir. For killing me." I beamed

  "Stop!" A voice yelled. Another man came marching into our house. He looked at my mother, then at me. The men kneeled as the words "Your Highness" echoed through the room. I stared at him confused. Is he the king of Brarius? The prince? Why in the world didn't it occur to me that the Royal Knights would have a royal with them?

  "Your Highness," the man that had killed my mother said "we're finishing the exterminations per orders. This child is the only Holoqian left in this area. We were just about to finish her."

  "Don't." the royal commanded "Leander she’ll be returning to Brarius with us. Now, we don't have much time. Take her as a prisoner."

  What?! No! Kill me!

  "Your Highness Prince Dorian." Leander argued "The king's orders are absolute! Every Holoqian is to be executed."

  Yes! Yes! He's right. You can't disobey your king! Er...Father!

  "Prince Dorian," I urged "It is okay. I welcome death."

  "Shush." He said ignoring me "Adults are talking right now."

  Did he just shush me?! I know in this life I'm only 16, but the audacity! I'm actually 36 if I add both lives you brat!

  "My father may have ordered you to kill all Holoqian," Dorian continued "but this is the only Hollow left. capturing her would prove fruitful as we can cultivate her for future use."

  Excuse me, what?

  "Your highness I've never disobeyed the king." Leander pressed shaking "My life and my family are on the line."

  That's right! You tell him! Disobeying a king means death. Now hurry, kill me!

  "I will speak in your stead." The prince sighed "The one who will get the punishment will be me when I tell him I ordered you to let her live."

  "Your highness!" Leander cried kneeling, "My wife has just given birth to a son. My fear is dying before seeing his face. I thank you for your graciousness."

  "No need." Dorian said motioning for him to rise

  There's nothing to thank him for! This nosey prince interrupted my long-awaited chance at death!

  I pushed away from the knights and grabbed the prince's sword.

  If you all won't do it, then I'll take matters into my own hands!


  The prince slapped the sword out of my hand.


  "I didn't think Hollows were suicidal." he said "I guess even the gods' favorites think of dying. Heath!"

  A tall, menacing man stepped forward. He was bulky and looked as if he juggled bears for sport. His hair was red and his eyes a piercing green. He looks like he'll kill me himself! I should definitely get him to-

  "Watch after her." Dorian ordered, "Make sure she doesn't get ahold of things that might hurt her nor do anything stupid."

  "Yes, your highness."

  NOOOOOOOOOO! You idiot prince! Who told you to save me?!