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Losing My Innocence

Losing My Innocence

Author: SweetPsycho26



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Anna Reyes, a naive 25 year old Executive Assistant sells her body and her soul to her cold as ice CEO boss just so she could pay up her debts and continue to fund her father's medical expenses. She kept reminding herself that it was nothing but a business transaction... Or was it?
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Chapter 1


  I stared at my father in his hospital bed. My mother too tired from taking care of him the entire day, sleeping by his bedside. We don't have much in this world but being an only child they made sure I was provided with the best that we could afford and for that I am forever thankful. That's why seeing my father so frail, suffering from a stroke and my mother devastated shatters my heart to pieces... Over and over again. We have sold or pawned everthing of value but the bills keep coming. Now, we have nothing. My father retired years ago and my mother has always been a housewife. I have to do something. Anything to save my father.

  I left the room and sat on the floor outside. Looking at the beat up phone that my parents bought me 5 years ago as a graduation gift, I knew I had to swallow my pride and text the only person I hadn't asked help from, our company's CEO and my direct boss - Jaoquin Dela Fuente. My fingers trembled while I messaged him.

  "Boss, please I need help..."

  In less than a minute, my phone was ringing. It was Sir Joaquin. My back straightened and I tried to compose myself before answering his call.

  "Hey Anna, what's the matter?".

  He's always been very professional in dealing with me. Though I must admit I was known to be his "shock absorber". When he's having a bad day, he'd take it out on me. For some reason, I feel as if he gets some kind of sick pleasure when he gets to bully me.

  "I uhm... My father he's sick..."

  "Yes, I know and that's why I gave you a few days off remember?" He said coldly.

  "Yes boss..."

  "So what do you need from me?"

  My heart sank and I felt so small. I didn't want to impose but my father's life is on the line and I need to swallow my pride.

  "Boss, I'm sorry to ask but..." He cut me off before I could finish.

  "Anna, look, I'm in the middle of something important right now just go straight to the point."

  I was teary eyed and my voice was shaking.

  "Boss, I need money for hospital bills and such. We're out of funds and I'm the family's breadwinner.. Please help me..." At that point I was already crying like a baby.

  "You're seriously asking for money from me?" He was emotionless.

  "Yes, please I'm desperate. I'll do anything. I'll pay you back I promise... Please... Please..."

  "Ok, come to my office first thing tomorrow."

  "Oh my god, thank you. Thank you, boss."

  "Don't thank me just yet."

  For the first time in a long time I was able to sleep soundly. Knowing Sir Joaquin, he may be cold and distant but he was a man of his word. Help was coming.

  The next day, I was sitting in his office as early as 7:30am. I waited anxiously. He maybe the boss but he was always on time and sure enough by five minutes before eight he was infront of me, sitting on his swivel chair.

  "So, Anna... How much money are we talking about?" Cold and business like as usual."

  "Half a million..." I couln't bring myself to make eye contact.

  "I see. Ok then." He said as a matter of factly.

  Just then I looked him in the eyes in shock, trying to see if he was serious or he was playing a cruel joke.

  "I... Wow... I... Thank you boss!" I managed a weak smile. We're saved. Thank heavens!

  "As I have said last night, don't thank me just yet. You don't expect me to shell out that much money for nothing. I am a businessman after all."

  He looked me dead in the eyes and coldly blurted out something that made my jaw drop.

  "I will give you half a million pesos in exchange for one night with you."

  "What?! How dare you! I knew you were an asshole but atleast I thought you were a decent person!"

  "I'm not forcing you to do anything, Anna. I'm merely giving you an option. Think about it. The offer stands."

  I abruptly stood up and shot him a death stare as I stormed out of his office bumping violently to Sir Benedict, our VP for operations.

  "Anna Banana are you ok?" He fondly calls me that. He's always been very nice to me. I apologised and left in a hurry.

  In the taxi, I cursed my asshole boss for even thinking that I was going to sell my soul for money! What a creep! No matter how he was bashed by officemates for being too strict and demanding when it comes to work, I always defended him. I felt angry but more of disappointed because I have always thought that beneath his cold demeanor was a good person. Boy was I wrong!

  Just then my phone rang. It was my mother! It felt as if I was splashed with a bucket of cold water.

  "Anna, your father, he suffered another stroke..." I could barely understand from all the crying.

  "The doctor said he needs an emergency surgery tonight or we might lose him and the surgery will coat us Three Million pesos... Anna, we can't lose him. I'll die."

  "I'll find a way mama. Trust me." And I hung up before she could answer.

  With determination I sent Sir Joaquin a message.

  "Meet me at Cafe Noelle in 30 minutes."


  At that moment I knew I just made a deal with the devil.