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Arrest Me, My Love

Arrest Me, My Love

Author: Risse_labsyou



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Love is what keeps us continue living and fight the suffering, anger, and futility that rules this world. Love is about trust, and many more to mention. Love, one word but it can make you feel different emotions. It's also about sacrifice if you don't sacrifice it can't be called love if you're not hurt you don't love. With every wrong decision you make, there is an affiliate waiting for you. Love and surrender or sacrifice and revenge, one wrong decision can ruin everything, many definitions of love but only one is so sure love is so powerful. Do I have to choose, justice in the death of my parent? or the person I love the most, the person who made me feel the true meaning of love, the person who made my heart beat so darn fast? Which of the two is the right decision? Is "Love" enough to set you free? “Will you choose love to blind you from the truth just to save him?”Or will you choose to be imprisoned him to remove the conscience that is building in your heart? I also didn't know why it seems like I was trapped in the shadows of reality. - Azurethia If you think imprisoning me will calm you down then Arrest Me, My Love. -Zeuns
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Chapter 1

Azurethia Aerhine Chantrea - Azure is an abbreviation for "blue." She has a mineral-like heart.

Chantrea Represent as "Moonlight" - Has goodwill, which enhances her persona.

Zeuns Crypt Adrastus

- Zeuns means "God of Sky," and everyone knows he's dangerous—dangerous enough to destroy you.

Because of his profession, he is difficult to reach.

- Crypt means "to hide"- he was good at hiding, known for his emotionless face, but he had a secret hidden within him.

- Adrastus means "Inescapable," and the dangerous billionaire experiences an inescapable event, which we refer to as "Love."


Azurethia woke up in a soft bed that was not the same as her previous bedroom. She quickly stood up and took a look around the large room, which was opulently furnished.

Nervousness had engulfed her when she heard footsteps bounding to a room near where she was that seemed hurriedly, she tried to hide but it was too late because they were rushing in to enter. But, to her surprise, the girl and her mother walked right past her as if they hadn't noticed her.

The three of them screamed when they heard a gunshot in a distance. Her attention shifted to a little girl who is scared and crying.

"Mommy, I'm scared. Who are they? Are they bad? Where's Daddy?" successive questions of the girl but her mother remained silent.

Azure intently stares at the girl who's crying. The girl who has the gentle and innocent face that you be seen that she's too innocent to know what is happening around her. Azure head suddenly ached for no reason but she ignored it.

The mother of the child panic when they heard many footsteps. It seems that they're looking for something. When she hears footsteps approaching, her heart rate quickens.

The mother of the girl quickly hid her daughter in a large closet but Azure's hands were shaking due to confusion about what going to happen next.

"Baby, listen to mommy. Okay?” the girl innocent nodded to her mother without any clue on why her mother's crying.

”Whatever gonna happen, Don't come out and don't make any noise because the bad guys might hear you, do we understand each other baby girl?” her mother said and the little girl replied:

"Y-yes mommy.”

"Good girl. I love you and always remember that mommy and daddy will always love you no matter what. O-okay?” the woman's voice broke but she managed to plaster a smile so that her daughter wouldn't cry.

Azure's breathing gradually became heavier while watching them, she couldn't name the emotion that she feels right now. She unconscious touched her cheek and to her surprise, there were tears in her eyes.

When the door was open, she was jolted awake by a soft pat on the cheek, but this time it was her true bedroom.

Her best friend Shanny is surprised when she quickly gets up, she wanders her eyes in her bed, she breathed a sigh of relief when she realized it was all a dream, isn't it?

"Sorry if I scared you," her best friend said calmly, but it appears she didn't hear anything because her mind was preoccupied with the scene of her dream.

She dreamed of that scenario again, the face was clear and detailed in her dream, but when she woke up, it became blurb, and she doesn't remember what exactly happened in her dreams, it appears that its part of her past which strained reminds her, she tried to remember what happened and her past, but she just ends up with nothing and her head hurts.

“Rhine?” Her best friend taps her on the shoulder, giving her a reason to regain her sanity.

“Huh? Sorry. Would you mind repeating your question, Shan?” she stated.

“I asked if I scared you when I tried to wake you up?” her best friend inquired once more.

“Oh, no, what time is it?” She spoke softly.

“It's 6:20, it's still early; I don't want to wake you up because I know you're tired, but Zeinn said we should eat breakfast together before going to work,” her pal's illumination.

"Thank you, Shan. But, you should go first, I'll follow you later once I'm done fixing my bed."

"Okay, we will wait for you at the dining table". her best friend smiled at her before left her.

She raises her head slightly and briefly nodded. The three of them live in the same house together, after. She's be bereaved, her best friends stay by her side and she's thankful for that.

Shanny was the calm one among them, Zeinn is obstreperous and happy-go-lucky, while I'm just a normal girl, I'm not that friendly but I'll appreciate small things. Every day I wake up I feel like something is missing about my personality. But, even me I wondering why, Whereas I have nothing to do with it. Thus I take my strength from my best friend.

"Rhine, Why did you take so long? We're almost done preparing our breakfast!" Zeinn yelled at her as if she were swallowing a microphone, and I shook my head slightly before responding.

"Coming!" I responded by yelling back.

She didn't get a response, so she dashed to fix her bedroom right away. She was tired while walking to her room, and she came to a halt when she felt her rear was etching. She was exhausted from cleaning the place where they were staying alone. Her two best friends couldn't help her because their manager called them to the restaurant where they would work as waitresses and at the bar for serving drinks.

There Province is remotely from the City, you'll need a car to get there because it's surrounded by towering trees. However, they, like other provinces, have bars, restaurants, and so on.

Her best friend caught up with her around noon, and the two of them immediately helped her. Since the death of the old woman who cared for her, her two best friends have been her constant companions. 2 years had passed, but the scenario was still fresh in her mind, she clearly remember what exactly happened to the old woman, she didn't know what to do at the time because of her wrong decision, the old women she considered as a family died-in front of her, it hurts so bad, but do you know what hurts the most? Saying that your so-called family is dying in front of you and there is nothing you can do about it.

Only the old woman's house was left to her; she recalls being 15 years old at the time.

It was raining at the time, which Azure was thankful for because they didn't see how unhappy she was. She was experiencing mixed emotions because she had accidentally met her two best friends at the time, who didn't leave him until now.

She sometimes relies on the two, fearful that it will happen again. She just shook her head when she remembered what happened in the past. She was burying it in oblivion, at the second time she shook her head slightly, and quickly went to the table she caught up with the two who were preparing their food they turned their gaze to her.

"Good morning," she greeted.

"Morning," Shanny greeted her back.

"Good morning, I thought you're going back to sleep," Zeinn said while arranging the plate they were going to use.

"No, sorry I just remembered something that's why I took so long," she replied to her.

"C'mon, it's okay," her best friend reply back.