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Nothing Without You

Nothing Without You

Author: HaileyMarie



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My grandmother is very sick and needs a lung transplant. She is on the waiting list, but with the insurance, my grandmother has we won't be able to afford it when and if the time comes. I couldn't believe my ears when Nicholas Diavolo asked me to become his bride. I couldn't pass this up, and now that my mother wants to move into a nursing home, this may be the perfect opportunity for me to save her life. I figured this would be an easy five million dollars, pretend to be his fiance for six months, please his father, get married so that he can take over his family's company, and two months later I'm free to walk away with five million dollars as long as I agree to keep being in his wife on paper. He agreed that if I keep my end of the deal, he will pay for my grandma's surgery even if they called before the contract was up. I can do that. I will do anything to save my grandma, including pretending to be this handsome billionaires fiance. I didn't know what I was getting into but what I hadn't expected was for my fiance to be bringing home women every night, leaving me alone at dinner, and parading me around at event's like he was hopelessly in love with me. I don't know if my heart can keep pretending that I'm in love with him without falling in love for real.
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Chapter 1

Today is already starting out unpleasant. I tore my second favorite scrub bottoms, the ones that bore adorable kittens on them. My grandma had struggled to sew the hole shut and ended up giving up because her shaking hands can no longer handle the needle and thread anymore.

Then I was at the pharmacy to pick up my grandma's new medication, and the pharmacist tried telling me my grandma's health insurance was canceled. I couldn't afford to pay for her medicine without the insurance.

After ten minutes of arguing with the older lady, I stepped aside, called her health insurance company.

I then proceeded to be on the phone with a man who sounded very annoyed with his job.

And now I am stuck in traffic and have been in the same spot for at least twenty minutes. Twenty minutes doesn't sound like enough time to get someone frustrated, but as I already said, it's been a rough day.

It would be so much easier if my brother was still here. Sadly, he passed away when I was just sixteen years old. He was nineteen years old when he was killed. He was shot trying to protect his girlfriend at the time one night.

Layla was in at a club with a few of her friends, and this group of guys kept making her uncomfortable. She got scared and called my brother.

It wasn't her fault, I don't blame her, but I do miss my big brother. He was the star of his college baseball team and was unbelievably good. He could have gone pro if that terrible night had never happened.

Everyone came to pay their respects to my brother, including one of his fraternity brothers, Nickolas.

I didn't know who he was at first. We had never met before, and I was amazed when he strode up to my grandma and me. It wasn't the fact that I had never seen him; it was because when my eyes settled on him, my heart immediately skipped a rhythm.

He was the hottest guy I have ever had the privilege to look at. His dark features called to the wanton side of me, and I stood in front of him practically salivating over his sinister black hair and icy blue eyes.

He was wearing a black suit, but I could see the tattoos on not one, but on both arms, just barely tucked away underneath the coat sleeves. The way he strutted roared bossy, like he recognized he was hot, and he loved the feeling. He had a powerful jaw that, for some reason, had images of me biting it flashing through my head.

“I'm sorry for your loss,” he told my grandma and grandpa tenderly, with his hands in his dress slacks pocket.

“I'm sorry, dear, have we met?” My grandma urged him, looking confused. “I'm sorry, forgive me, it's been a long day,” she added, tears falling from her cheeks.

“No, we have not met. I'm Nickolas Diavolo. Kyle and I were in the same fraternity, ” the gorgeous man that I now know is named Nickolas said. “He was a good man.”

“He was,” my grandpa accepted. “He was always happy to help someone in need. Constantly had respect.”

“Yes sir,” Nickolas agreed, and finally noticed me standing there.

His blue eyes landed on me, and I felt my lungs freeze, causing me to struggle to suck in a much-needed breath.

“I'm sorry about your brother, Macy,” he told me respectfully.

He knew my name.

Oh, goodness.

“Um thank you,” I mumbled, embarrassed.

I was only sixteen at the time, so standing in front of this breathtaking guy had my belly feeling like butterflies were dancing around inside it.

Nickolas stayed in touch with us for a few years. He would call to check up on me, come over for family dinners, and talk with my grandpa, and would bring me birthday presents saying they were from my brother.

It was really sweet of him.

But those phone calls, visits, and presents stopped coming years ago, and I have not seen him since. I'm woman enough to admit, I had a major crush on him when I was younger.

Silly puppy love.

I declare that, but even now, my heart skipped a beat whenever his name was brought up. I sought to stop my feelings, but it was impossible, and a few nights when I was in my bedroom, I pleasured myself to the fantasies I had about him.

That was mortifying today that I reflect on that. I mean, it's perfectly natural for a teenage girl to do that regarding a hot guy, but when that hot guy drops you like a hot pot of soup, it becomes embarrassing.

P.O.V Nickolas Diavolo

I stare at my father as he takes a bite of his steak and points the knife towards me. "Son, you will be twenty-five soon, and you know that before I can hand over the business to you, you will need to be married."

'Not this conversation again,' I growled inside my head. We have done had this conversation three times this month. This is exactly why I have been staying away from home. Every time we are sitting down and trying to have a nice meal, he brings up the same bullshit.

"Now dear, surely this conversation can wait?" my mother asked before smiling towards me. "I have not seen my boy in weeks. I wanted to have a nice meal with my two favorite boys."

"I'm sorry Helen honey, but this is not a conversation I can drop. He knows what he needs to do."

"Father -" I opened my mouth and tried telling him that I didn't need to get married in order to take over the family business. I have been doing that for years, being the Chief Operations Officer for our company.

"If you do not find a woman and marry her before the year is up, I'll have no choice. I will hand over the company to Alonzo." He snapped before shoving a piece of steak into his mouth.

If my father does indeed hand over the power of our families company to my cousin, the family will fall. Alonzo does not have the business since nor does he have the respect needed to take care of the family business.

My father himself knows it, that's why he is pushing me so fucking hard about marriage when I'm not ready. I have yet to find a woman I'd even remotely be okay with waking up to every damn morning for the rest of my life.

I watched as he took a sip of his whiskey before saying. " You know your mother and I were arranged. I know a few ladies who would love to be the wife to someone in the Diavolo family."

"I just ask myself how lucky I am to have married you, poohbear," my mother grinned and blew a kiss towards my father.

Oh for fucks sake.

'Yeah yeah father you have been singing this same song for two years now.' I sighed. I don't want some spoiled daddy's princess running up my bank cards.

"That was the old days, father," I reminded him and took a sip of my own whiskey.

"We fell in love. Not a day goes by that I don't still see the love in her eyes that she has for me son," my father informed me and cut into his steak, a little more harsher than necessary. "It was rough at first, but once we got to know each other, god damn but she was the most beautiful woman I ever laid eyes on,"

"and he reminds me of that every day," my mother sighed happily.

"I don't want an arranged marriage, father. I don't want to live the rest of my life with a wife that leaves my bed cold," I responded evenly, trying to keep the anger for showing through my tone.

"Your mother does not leave my bed, cold son," my father scolded.

"I most certainly do not," my mother defended herself, out raged that I would even suggest such a horrible thing.

"I was speaking in general, not about your marriage. I don't need to hear anymore," I groaned. No man wants to think about his mother and father fucking around in the bedroom.

I always have and show respect to my father, and not just because he is technically my boss. It's also because he is a good father. Even though he has multiple businesses to run for the family, he always made time for my mother, sister, and me.

I know he means well, but I'm not interested in chaining myself to a woman who has breast implants and thinks looks are the most important thing. Sure, a businessmans wife needs to look good, and I can handle that part, but my wife, at home, I want her to just be her.

He almost jumped off his chair when he slammed his two big fists down onto the table, fingers clinching tightly around the knife and the fork. "You have until the end of the year to be married. If you do not, Nickolas, so help me, I will pick one for you," he spits, pieces of steak flying out of his mouth.

"Times have changed, old man," I once again reminded him. We need to stop following these old family traditions. I don't need to he married to take over the family business, I wish he would understand that.

"I want you engaged by Christmas,"

"Christmas? Father, that's three months away. Be responsible. How the fuck am I going to find a bride, one that I can actually stand in three months?" I shouted, head pounding as I stared up at my father like he don't lost his ever fucking loving mind.

He grinned. "I guess you better get to work on that. Your mother and I will be out of the country for a few week's. You know I promised that woman I'd help her see the world and she damn well holds me to it. You have until we get back to find a woman Nickolas, don't push me on this, son. You won't win."

"Mother?" I asked her, hoping she would take my side like she has done many times, but she never does, not on this subject.

"I'm sorry, sweetie," she whispered and shook her head. "We all have to go through it. At least your father is allowing you to choose. That's more than your grandfather gave him."

I never win.

He wipes his face with the napkin that is sitting on his lap, tosses it over his now eaten steak, and stands up. "If you are not engaged by Christmas, I will hand over the company to Alonzo and not to you, son. Don't make me do it."

A plan suddenly comes to me. I can just hire someone, I have a few girls that I have been playing around with. Each one is practically addicted to my cock. I could get one of them to pretend to be my wife with the agreement that in a once I'm given full control over the company, they leave me and disappear. I could get control of the company, my fucking birthright and once I do, my fake wife goes away leaving me to live my life happy once again.

Maybe Vivien?

She practically whines when she needs me to go over to her and fuck her. She would love to become my wife, even for a little while. I could offer her money and she would get that money on the day she leaves.

My father suddenly turned around and pointed his meaty finger at me. "Son I know you. I know how your mind works. No hiring a bitch to pretend to be your wife ya here me boy? I want your wife pure. She needs to be innocent and not like... that girl you been fucking around with for two years. Your mother would faint if you brought her home to family dinner," he growled before walking out the door and slamming it shut.

"I probably would. I don't think she likes me, and I most certainly do not like her. She always has something to say about the meals Joan prepares," my mother added.

Thanks, Father.

Just ruined my whole plan.

I know he thinks doing this is what's best for me, but it's not. I know him and my mother thankfully have a loving marriage, but not many business arranged marriages turn out like that. My best friend is married to this wretched woman named Felicity. That woman is a complete snake in the motherfucking grass.

He tried, boy did he try to be a good husband to her. He even stopped being my wingman at the nightclub my family owned and she repaid him by cheating on him with multiple men. He can't even do anything about it because arranged marriages are until someone dies. I bet he wishes he could stomach killing her.

We really do take to death do you part seriously.

I may have to do it for him.

I never even had a serious relationship. I'll admit I'm a bit of a player, fuck boy whatever the bitch I throw out my bedroom decides to call me. I just never met a woman that made me want to settle down. I don't even want to. I don't want to be chained to the same bitch for the rest of my life. I like being free and being free doesn't involve coming home to the whines of a bitch needing attention.

I am my father's son, I am cruel and blackhearted in business. I will do anything in order to protect our businesses. That's not the reason I am like I am though, I was kidnapped when I was a child and tortured until my father was able to find me and save me.

I will find a wife but I will do it my way. I will find and rescue a woman in need, and she will be so pleased with me that I saved her she will agree to be my wife.

"You know he means well," my mother reminded me softly as she drank a sip of her red wine. "He wants what's best for you, Nick."

That doesn't mean I have to like how his acting about this silly nonsense. I don't need to be married to run our companies, and I just wish he would see that. I do fine already without a wife. Since my parents have gotten older, my father is always taking my mother somewhere, and I'm left behind to run the company.

I have been running the company but he doesn't care about that. He wants me married and I don't have a choice. I will need to find a woman soon. I don't even know where to start.