
Let’s Read The World

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Author: Penelope Sibusisiswe Ncobeni





Ziphozenkosi thought being out of her family's life would bring her happiness but it didn't all it gave her was unhappiness, torture. When she thought that her and the king lost their child. A miracle happened after few months that promised to give them happiness but it all changed when that miracle was turned to one of their most toture in thier marriage.
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Chapter 1

historically have been uncommon because traditions have been established of Royals, especially high-level ones, only marrying other persons considered to be royalty, sometimes with penalties for royals who married far below their rank, deemed morganatic marriage. Often, alliances could be created between countries or strengthened within a country through intermarriage of two royal families. On the other hand, occasionally a member of a royal family will marry a commoner either simply due to romantic feelings or physical attraction, and possibly to endear themselves to the common people by establishing that sense of connection. This trend has accelerated and become more accepted in modern times.

When I grew up what I knew that Zulu royal families abashadelwa abantu abangasibo abasebukhosini they don't get married with commoners they only get married to people who are from Royal families or rich families. They commoners don't have that dignity and they are not respected enough to be called royalty they are considered to be slaves for the Royals not become one because they will destroy the royals image. That how things still have been in other royal houses but in other royals they have changed.

My name is ZiphozeNkosi I live

in KwaNongoma Im married to Ndabezitha

crowned king

king Nyandezulu Busani Zondi funny at the begging I said royals Kings don't get married to commoners yes but that changed when king Busani choose me , a commoner amongs all other princesses that were there for him to choose from. I was an orphan my parents died when I was only 4 years old and I had to stay with my abusive drunken aunt. many people asked them selves why me well I also don't have an answer for that question. All I know is that I'm the crowned Queen of Ngaphesheya kingdom and I'm considered as the chosen one for Ndabezitha after I was his second chosen maiden to be in his Polygamy. I bet you asking your selves what Happened to the other girl well this is the story.

Monday morning the sun is out it hot and I have to go to the river and fetch water , I was sad that day actually I'm always sad , angry the reason is that why em I the only one who have to go down to the river and fetch water while my step sister get to sit down and relex enjoying her life this made me ask my self why me, why God punish me like this in life. The time I get to the river there was AZENANDE and MBALI . I wanted to turn Around and Go back home gosh I don't like to be near this girls they always make fun of the way I dress up and the way I'm so poor they would always mork me make fun of me that always kills me inside , I don't want to lie it even made me feel less of my self.sometimes I would think of killing my self.

Azenande: hey you Duff where is Sma.

They laughed at me well I'm not surprised that turned to be my new name the Duff

Mbali: we are talking to you , you stupid girl.

I ignored them and bent down to start with what I came for , while I was at it I felt kick in butt I fell into the river. I was all wet and they laughed at me and left me like that . I was injured but a little on my belly by the rocks and the bucket from there I had to go back home without water and thinking that my aunt would feel sorry for me as I'm injured . who em I kidding that women would never care all she Care about is her self only and that stupid daughter of hers

Yazi ngaze ziphi le slima sa Bacebile kunini sihambile la syokhamanzi nx yaz angek ngisho kuth iphi futh yaz ngyabona ilibele ukungcebeleka lapha nabafana nx slima lento.

Fikile: mom where is this girl now eish I'm going to be late for my date I can't find my dress and I bet It not even ironed lakhona.nx.

Aunt:. Ngish breakfast le akayenzile angaz khamisephi nx. Nobubi.

I arrived home they are Fuming my aunt is so Angry at me , let alone her daughter they both shouted at me calling me names all kind of names you can think that are so destroying and they're shaming me in every angle you can think. That was so deep especially when they bring my mother into their shaming. They never cared how that makes me feel. After they're done shouting at me they made me do their laundry even their underwears cleaning the house , yard, everything , going all day without food saying it my punishment. That was my everyday tasks in life taking care of them.


it Friday morning and I'm getting ready to do my everyday tasks and in the evening ngyahamb ngya kwi practice ngyosina ,yes they do give me a chance to go maybe once or twice a month only if I will bring money so yes we do get paid if we're going to perform and this time this practice is important because siyo perform esigodlweni SeNkosi. What specifically about this event is that iNkosana izobe ikhethelwa I nkosazane or should I say Isithembu sayo and yes this time I will get paid that is why ngivunyeliwe kuhamba, and no I don't get that money they take it all and spend it for their selves only.