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Irresistible CEO's Personal Physician

Irresistible CEO's Personal Physician



Irresistible CEO's Personal Physician PDF Free Download


"Miss, it's not me who is pricking you, but my needle!" An amorous doctor has been mistakenly regarded as a hooligan by a policewoman, and thus, a flirtatious story full of ambiguities starts unwinding! Holding the Five Elements Needle, healing a person within ten steps, and then leaving casually, leaving girls to follow!"
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Chapter 1

As the remnants of the sunset scattered, the sky was heavy and dark like a newspaper soaked in oil, causing discomfort. A rainstorm was approaching with pedestrians on the streets hurrying along.

On the sidewalk, a fiery red Porsche zoomed past pedestrians with a swoosh, causing everyone to feel a chill in the dreadful weather amidst their startled cold sweat.

"Damn it, rich arrogance. I hope you crash and die, you bastard," someone cursed.


With a flash of lightning and roaring thunder, the Porsche skidded, slamming into an electric pole. With a loud bang, sparks dashed on the ground as the car flipped over, scraping along the road for several meters, splashing blinding sparks.

"Gosh, God certainly listens," the muttering man quickly covered his mouth, rapidly veering away, fearing the trouble he might attract.

The Porsche quietly lied on the road surface, its windows shattered. A moaning figure could still be seen. Knowing the dire situation of the person inside the car, no one came forward to help.

Petrol poured out, drenching a large part of the cement road. The sizzling sound of electricity rang out like a summon from hell. The spectators recoiled in fear, worried about getting caught in an explosion.

The auxiliary police arrived late to the scene. Seeing the urgency, they called the fire department. By now, the person inside the Porsche had been in the car for seven to eight minutes.

The auxiliary police maintained order, instructing the crowd to keep a safe distance. They themselves also retreated to the back of the crowd, anxiously watching the accident scene and making phone calls. The gasoline extended towards the crowd, terrifying them into stepping back.


Sparks flared again, causing a chilling horror among the crowd. It seemed like the Porsche was about to explode, and the person inside was beyond doubt going to die. At the last moment of desperation, a somewhat thin figure stepped out from the crowd.

“Come back, do you hear me!" The auxiliary police hiding in the corner shouted at the figure who emerged, "Come back, it's dangerous."

The figure seemed oblivious, heading straight to the car. Despite his frail-looking body, he managed to lift the car, pulling out the driver, and carrying him towards the crowd.


As the figure carried the car owner about twenty meters away, the Porsche exploded instantaneously, light hurting everyone's eyes. Against the backdrop of the blaze, the figure appeared overwhelmingly towering.

The car owner was a young girl, with oval face, large eyes, small cherry lips- a typical modern beauty. She breathed heavily, clutching her chest uncomfortably.

Ping! Pang! Boom!

The fragments from the exploded car fell in front of an auxiliary police officer, who shrieked louder than a woman giving birth. Regaining his senses, he looked around and saw the surrounding people eyeing him with contempt, blushing in embarrassment and seething at the figure who had rescued the car owner.

"I told you to stay still, why didn't you listen to me!" the auxiliary police officer roared, "Did you hear me speaking?"

Seeing the auxiliary police officer shouting angrily at someone acting out of good conscience, the crowd filled with disapproving murmurs. Far from calming down, he felt more humiliated, blaming the person in front of him for his current predicament.

He grabbed the collar of the man, glaring furiously. The man had a slightly pale face, only in his twenties, his body slender and swaying under the angry shakes by the cop. Despite his ill-looking appearance, his eyes were particularly bright, like the stars in the sky.

Ignoring the auxiliary police officer's irrational shouting, the man took the girl's wrist, felt her pulse and muttered, "Pericardial tamponade."

Pericardial tamponade, commonly caused by violent trauma, damage to the pericardium, and accumulated blood could lead to immediate death if not rescued promptly. The girl's life hung by a thread, yet the auxiliary officer didn't care about the patient's life or death, instead, glared at the rescuer.

Someone in the crowd heard "pericardial tamponade" and let out a gasp, saying, "Quickly get her to the hospital, or it will be too late."

The auxiliary police officer was stunned, quickly realizing that saving the girl was the priority. He growled, "Get her to the hospital now!"

But the rescuer's next actions shocked everyone, and the auxiliary police officer turned livid.

"Do you even know what a pericardial tamponade is? Get her to the hospital immediately for rescuing, or I'll make you pay." The cop yelled.

The man ripped open the girl's clothes, exposing her. Unfazed, he gently massaged over the acupoints at her Renzhong, Ziguang, Zhongfu, and Jiwei, but to the auxiliary cop and the crowd, it appeared as a different scene.

They thought he was doing something sleazy, taking advantage of the unconscious girl. At first, they had a positive impression of him for his brave act, but now they sighed at his indecent behavior. It seemed like people's morals were degenerating day by day. Society was full of every sort of person, even those who would harass a patient in public.

The auxiliary policeman was livid, wishing he could obliterate the man who had made him look bad right in front of him. Pointing at the man, he yelled, "You beast, let go of that woman!"

The cop was beyond furious, his dignity challenged for the first time since he became an officer.

But the man remained unfazed, continuing to grope the woman's body. Suddenly, a chill wind whirled, signalling him to press on her four acupoints. He pulled out handcuffs, and the policeman advanced to apprehend him. But to everyone's astonishment, the woman coughed up a gush of coagulated blood and astonishingly regained consciousness.

"You're alright now," the man said indifferently before getting up to leave. Suddenly there was a click, and a set of iron handcuffs clasped onto his wrist, "Come back with me to the traffic police brigade."

The crowd gathered their wits, marveling at the scene. It turned out that the man who stood falsely accused was actually a rescuer. He had casually pressed two acupoints and miraculously saved a life.

From a distance, an ambulance finally reached the scene. Two medics stepped out, gently lifting the woman onto a stretcher. As the woman woke up, she shot a lingering look at her savior, "What's your name?"

The man looked puzzled, his brow furrowed, unsure how to answer. Somewhere in the background, someone mumbled, "A real Lei Feng, a silent hero."

"Lei Feng." He smiled, revealing snowy white teeth.

The woman nodded, softly lying down on the ambulance stretcher.

Lei Feng looked at the fuming auxiliary policeman, glanced down at the handcuffs. The cop, at the other end of the handcuffs, was ought to arrest him but was staring at Lei Feng as if he wanted to devour him.

Shaking his head, Lei Feng walked towards the corner of the street. The cop's jaw dropped in shock as he discovered the man's extraordinary strength. Helplessly, he was dragged along by Lei Feng.

The crowd gasped again, looking at Lei Feng as if he were a monster. He was casually pulling the cop like a rag doll until they disappeared into an alley. Soon after, a scream echoed from the alley before silence fell over.

A figure darted out of the alleyway. The cop covering his bleeding wrist shouted at the departing ambulance, "Wait for me! There's another injured person here."

Laughter echoed from the crowd of onlookers.

The rain arrived as forecasted, casting a cold and desolate vibe throughout the city's night. The streets were sparse with pedestrians. Pan Xiaoting drove her car tiredly, eager to get home. The pouring rain splattered against the windshield, making her mood even more irritable.

"This rain is too heavy, I must get home quickly," Pan Xiaoting murmured to herself. Suddenly, a dark figure flashed in front. With a crash, her car hit something and sent the figure flying ten meters.

Pan Xiaoting immediately hit the brakes in shock, staring shakily at the motionless figure lying in the rain through her car's windshield.

"Did, did I kill someone?" Pan Xiaoting's first reaction was to run, but watching the body being hit by the rain, a glint of strange color flashed in her eyes. After a struggle, she finally opened the car's door: "God bless, I pray you're okay."