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My Cute and Annoying Husband

My Cute and Annoying Husband



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Six years ago, she took a ball and ran away. Six years later, he came to her room to ask for payment. In front of others, he was the boss—the one who took advantage of her—and he also wanted her heart. After she was born, he was her husband—a hungry wolf wearing human skin, and he took her out every night for exercises. She, with a sore back, stared at the man lying beside her. "I've told you that I'll sleep in the room after getting married, and you can sleep in the study!" The riffraff's husband held her in his arms. "Wife, the study is so cold." The cute girl looked at her father with a face of despise. "Let go of your mommy and show your cuteness!" The man retorted. "Why can you be so cute?" "I'm your son!" The cute boy said. The man looked very proud. He raised his eyebrows. "I'm still your grandfather's son!" The only one among them, "Can I return it?" The big boy and the little girl turned their heads together. "No!"
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Chapter 1

Su was the only one who suddenly stood up and placed both hands on the table's surface. She cried out with widened eyes, "Marriage?"

The man sitting opposite him was well dressed. He nodded with a smile and said, "Yes."

"We've only met a few times, this is too sudden..." Su's only heart suddenly jumped a few times. Before she could even come back to her senses, the male on the other side reached out and grabbed her hand, his eyes full of love.

"Only one, even though we've only met a few times, I've long fallen in love with you. This time, I want to formally propose to you!" The male then took out a brocade case from his pocket, opened it, and handed it to Su's only one. "Only one, marry me."

Su was the only one who was stunned. At this moment, a streak of cold light swept over. Her expression of shock was as if she saw a ghost.

"What the hell is going on?"

The man turned his head subconsciously and happened to meet a pair of cold eyes. Suddenly, a cold wind crushed his heart, and the man's body couldn't help but tremble.

Lu Bingmo put his hands in the trouser pocket and strode in from the outside with a cold face. His tall figure was as tall and straight as a pine tree, and his momentum was as cold as a mountain.

The handsome face, the slim figure, and the noble temperament attracted everyone's attention almost as soon as he entered the room.

For a moment, the quiet coffee shop was extremely quiet, and even the sound of a needle falling to the ground could be heard.

Su was the only one that remained silent, and then she slowly sat down.

Lu Shengmo walked up to her and pulled over a chair. He sat down casually, his calm eyes fixed on the area in front of him as he looked closely at her.

"You are?" The man was puzzled.

Lu Shengmo looked at Su Yi and sighed. "My boss, Lu Shengmo."

"Boss?" The man was surprised, still thinking about her cold gaze. He smiled awkwardly and said, "Hello, I'm the only boyfriend..."

Before she could finish her self-introduction, Lu Shengmo raised his eyebrows and looked sideways at Su Wan, who was standing beside him. "Boyfriend? I didn't hear you mention him before."

"Mr. Lu, you are the only boss. You don't have to report your private affairs to me." Seeing that he didn't give face to him, the man retorted.

Lu Shengmo smiled faintly with mockery in his eyes. Supporting his face with one hand, he turned to Su and said, "Tell him what's your relationship with me."

"Does it have anything to do with you?"

The male's ears moved, also looking towards Su 'one'.

She broke out in a cold sweat. The only thing in Su Mo's mind was to scold Lu Shengmo a few hundred times. What happened six years ago flashed across his mind. She was in a panic. He wouldn't know, would he?

"It's impossible!"

He was obviously completely drunk that night...

"It's the only one!"

"Su is the only..."

The two men asked at the same time.

Su was the only one who was stressed out, cold sweat pouring out from his back. In the end, she slapped the table, and then she suddenly stood up.

"I'm going to the bathroom!"


Su was the only one standing in front of the sink. She reached out her hand and continuously splashed water onto her face, trying to calm himself down. However, her heart continued to throb.

The door opened and closed again.

Turning to look at her, she saw Lu Bingmo holding his chest and leaning against the door.

Her heart trembled, and Su only took a step back. "You, why did you come in? This is the women's restroom!"

Lu Bingmo put down his hands and approached her. He opened his hands and trapped her in front of the bathroom. He leaned forward and looked at the crystal drops of water on her lips, with a faint light.

"Is it hot?" Every time she felt guilty, her face would flush.

His handsome face was right in front of Su's eyes. The only thing he could feel was his heart beating rapidly. It was as if it was about to jump out of his throat. He swallowed a mouthful. "Excuse me, please move out of my way."

However, Lu Shengmo remained motionless as her cheeks brushed past his lips. Instantly, he felt a wave of heat seeping through his heart, as if he was ready to take action.

Su was the only one that was stunned.

They were ambiguous and entangled with each other's breath.