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He’s So Gone

He’s So Gone



He’s So Gone PDF Free Download


Diana Hokulani was tired and having a bad day until she met Frederick Griffin. She was your average struggling college student, but Frederick seemed to have it all together, despite some anxiety and depression issues. Diana thinks she's met her knight in shining armor. Aeron believes she will be the one to bring him back into reality. Aeron Griffin suffers from Schizophrenia, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Anti-Social Personality Disorder, and Multiple-Personality Disorder. He's a cut throat hit man who has been chased by the police and FBI since he was a teenager. Will Diana figure out Frederick's and Aeron's secret? Will she be able to help the young man? Marked mature due to gun violence, murder, and mental disorders.
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Chapter 1


This world is a beautiful world, I thought as I laid on the grass under a tree at the University. I watched as the branches of the tree swayed with the soft wind. Leaves frequently fell from the tree signifying the transition of seasons. My watch went off and my heart began to beat fast. I sat up and reached for my textbook and backpack. I got to my feet and ran to my class.

My name is Diana Hokulani. I am twenty—years—old and a sophomore in college.

I walked fast in my flat TOMS to the point where my shin muscles ached. A group of boys walked past me and I noticed my head hanging. The thought of never being with a boy crossed my mind. I shook the idea out of my thoughts and instead went over need—to—know terms for my test.

I walked into class and sat at my desk in the middle of the room. Others waved to me and I waved back. Our teacher entered and called the role. A few minutes later a test was laid out in front of me and I had two hours to do it.

Those two hours felt like forever. This teacher's tests were always like this. They make you feel like you've learned nothing all unit. I felt sweat drip from my armpit to the side of me under my sweatshirt. The room began to be warm and the student who wouldn't stop coughing was now getting on my nerves. I ran my fingers through my curly brown hair that was tied up in a fat bun. I adjusted my glasses and tried to focus on the test. I looked to my teacher and he coincidentally looked back. I broke our eye contact and stared back at my test, circling an answer, and flipping the page.

My teacher graded miraculously fast and I couldn't wait to see my score online. I was restless in the rest of my classes. I was sweating badly through my uniform at Arctic Circle.

I rushed home to my dorm room and waited for the results to pop up on my laptop.


I jumped in my chair at my desk and adjusted myself to where I was sitting on the edge of my chair with wheels and leaned forward. My heart stopped as I looked at the solid "D". I slammed my laptop down and paced the small room. I bent down, pulled my bun out, and shook my head to get all the aggravation out of my thoughts. I went to the small kitchen and grabbed the hamburger from my work. I took in large bites as I opened my laptop and emailed my teacher about extra credit. I was constantly doing this after every test, but good thing I do, because I keep a "B" in one of the hardest classes at this University.

My teacher emailed back immediately most likely due to just now putting in results and other students emailing him about extra credit work as well. I finished off my dinner and decided to head over to the library to start on my new homework.

I put my hair back up as I sat at a table all by myself. I liked sitting by myself when at the library or whenever studying. The less people there are the better when it comes time for me to focus.

"Is this seat taken?" I lifted up my head after a while of working and blushed at the very cute boy before me. Actually, my thoughts couldn't decide if he was a boy or a man. The male before me wore a purple buttoned up shirt under a blue sweater and gray pants that revealed how skinny he was due to them being skinny slacks yet loose on him. He had black hair and olive skin. He wore black glasses that were slightly covered by his thick wavy hair.

He smiled at me and I noticed how animated he looked when creases showed up on his cheeks.

"No," I simply said. He pulled the chair in front of me out and sat down. He placed his backpack in the chair next to him and pulled out a folder. I slightly eavesdropped and watched his large boney hands flip elegantly through pages. I then narrowed my eyes as I noticed his paperwork was the same as mine.

"Hey," I faintly said. He looked up at me and I got a little warm at his fierce blue eyes. I lifted up my papers and he smiled.

"How did you do on the test?" He asked with his kind smile again.

I put my hands under my thighs and nervously smiled myself. "I got 63%, You?" The man before me nervously laughed and looked down.

"I'm afraid I got a 95." He looked back up and gave a chuckle to my open mouth. I turned my shocked expression into an accepting one and congratulated the boy. "Thanks," He said.

"How?" I asked.

"Well, after taking this teacher's tests a few times, one is able to figure out his method; you find his pattern."

"Teach me oh great one," I said. He gave his cute chuckle again.

"Well, think the opposite," I tilted my head at his response. "When you read the question, try not convincing how one is right, but how all but one . . . is wrong." I narrowed my eyes again and took in what he said.

We helped each other on the extra credit homework to the point where our light was the only one on and Frederick

his name I soon learned

was sitting next to me in the chair next to mine.

I looked at my watch and gasped at the time. "It's already eleven. I better get some sleep." I said as I began putting my things away. Frederick smiled and apologized for keeping me out so late. "Oh no, it's my fault."

"It was really nice to meet you Diana," he said. I turned red and said,

"You, too, Frederick," I walked away with a smile on my face.

I finished walking down the stairs of the library when Frederick called out my name. I turned and found him running down the stairs frantically. I stopped and allowed him to meet me. He leaned over with his hands resting on his knees and I allowed him to catch his breath. He stood up straight with his kind smile and asked, "Could I get your number?"

"Mine?" I asked in unbelief. "But I'm—"

"Someone I'd like to get to know more," he finished. I couldn't believe it. I'm of Hawaiian descent and inherited the large hips my grandma used when she danced before the Queen. I had thick thighs and a pear shaped figure. I most likely weighed double than what the boy in front of me weighed. I had a round face and almond eyes that bore a dark brown color—nothing like his strong, magnificent blue. He had fair skin and I had a slight tan to mine. We were complete opposites and yet here he was, asking me for my number.

Frederick grabbed out his phone and gave it to me. It was on New Contact Information already and the thought of this being the first time ever giving a boy my number raced through my head.

I punched in my name and phone number and gave it back to Frederick. "Thanks," He said. "I'll call you up sometime," I nodded.

"Goodnight, Diana," He said.

I walked back to my dorm fiddling with my fingers in my sweatshirt pocket. This could just be a prank. A guy like him would never be interested in a girl like me. Or maybe he just likes curvy girls.