
Let’s Read The World

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Author: Nameless writer





after completing her business trip. Juliet come to the apartment for giving her boyfriend a surprise. when she came to her Apartment she found her boyfriend cheating on her with her sister. She was heart broken but will she overcome the pain and find her true love.
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Chapter 1

juliet a young woman on her early twenties with sparkling eyes ,long and thick hair,soft and pink lips,slim waist. A natural beauty. after completing her business trip. Juliet come to the apartment for giving her boyfriend a surprise. when she came to her Apartment she couldn't find anybody. after a minute she had some sound for her bedroom.

aah john pl ea se sl ow down you are splitting me."moan by jamie

``you seducting bitch i will split you apart for your naughtiness "replied by John

``whom you like more me or my sister "asked by jamie in a seductive voice.

``of course you baby.she didn't even let me kiss her. can't she think I am a man and I have physical needs" john replied.

`then can't you just break up with her. I can't always be your secret lover "Jamie complained.

``it's not the right time i don't have any money with me now. let me use her for making more money. "John said

juliet was shocked to see her younger sister and the man she thought whom with she want to live her rest of her life were actually cheating on her and making hera fool till now.

``John yesterday when I was shopping i saw gorgeous dress i want to buy it. can you give me some money "Jamie said him in a cute way.

``i will give you money if you be a good girl now.And anyway if i ask money your stupid sister would give me without any question.

juliet heart was shattered into pieces. she never thought she would have such a day she have to be witness something like this.

John and Jamie were laughing. juliet feeled angry and hate towards them. she stormed into the room and shout at them.

`` what a beautiful scene I had witnessed. I never thought I could see a cheating bastard and pretending bitch together. Today I am announcing that i don't have such a sister and here I am breaking up with you. get lost from my apartment before sun rise."juliet shouted and slammed the door at them.

``what are we going to do now this apartment belongs to her.and the money we spend also her i can't live without this luxury. "Jamie cried

``it's not only about yours I also have to lose this.let me think."John shouted and support his with his hand.

juliet was determine that she would never cry infront of that pretenders. after leaving the apartment she wandered the streets. she was crying. suddenly a car knocked her off.

when she woke up. she was lying in hospital bed. no one was there in the room with her.she recalled what happened yesterday. her eyes were watery. she thinks what an idiot she was. then she decides she would never fall in love with an asshole again.

sunddely the door opens a young tall man with dominating aura walked into the room with a thermo in his hand.