
Let’s Read The World

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Author: A.J.Anita


General Romance



Have you ever had the feeling that your life has turned from glass to grace,only to realize that the grace is your downfall? Have you ever missed someone and feel like you will go crazy while waiting for them? Meet Wayana Ishmael,a girl from lower class family who lost her parents at a tender age. She is left with a responsibility to take care of her little sublings . From nowhere,an archangel showed up to help lift the burden from her shoulder. What happens when she founds the evidence of her parents murder and the pepetrator turns out to be a family stronger than herself? What happens when she found herself in between the pepetrator's daughter and her archangel? What happens when the pepetrator vows to do everything to keep the evidence away from the whole world? Will wayana overcome what her future holds?
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Chapter 1

Its been a very tiresome day, Wayyana could not wait to get off work. Just when she was about to sort the last file of the day, a phone interrupted her.

"Good evening, Wayyana ishameal speaking"she said as soon as she picked up the phone.

"Anna, meet me in my office this instant"said the caller before disconnecting the call.

That call, that voice, is what cheers Yanna ever since her parents passed away.


The door opened and Anna rushed to the CEO's office but stopped midway on the door. She fixed her dress, pushed her hair backwards, took a deep breath then knocked on the door and she was asked to enter.

As soon as she stepped a foot in office, an archangel was standing before her.

"You called for me sir"said Wayyana shyly.

"Yanna, how many times do I have to tell you to address me with the lovely pet names,every time we are alone! "The boy took steps towards Anna.

"Sorry, just that I am used to that? "Ana faced the ground. Then,she felt a hand on her cheeks.

"Yanna, you know that I love you so much right? Why don't we just get married? " the boy caressing Ana's cheek.

"Sir you know that I love you too, but I am just a mere secretary and my family is far poor than your family. I am afraid your parents won't let us be"one could feel the sadness in Ana's voice.

The guy put her arms around Yannas waist and pulled her near him.

"Sir, please don't do this"Anna said trying to set herself free but the boy didn't let go.

"Yanna, I don't care about who's son I am, all I care about is what my heart wants"

Yanna could feel his breath close to him, her heartbeat could be heard everywhere the room. She could not guess what the only heir to MM cooperation was about to do but yet her mind could predict what he was up to, until her breath seized and his lips we're pressed on hers passionately.

Annas POV

I could not believe that finally I and Tyler had our first kiss.

"Anna, are you okey? "Tyler brought me back to my senses but I was short of words.

"I apologize for what I just did"he said making puppy eyes.



The car come to a halt and in no time the door was opened for me.

"Come out princess"Tyler said with a bow and I chuckled.

"Thanks for the ride"I said while blushing.

"Its about to rain, hurry inside"Tyler said.

"Drive safely, "

"Sleep tight, love you"he shouted from the window.


In no time I could see the car no more. I smiled to myself and turned to go inside the house only to be greeted by four ugly looking eyes.

"Gosh! You girls scared me,i almost had a cardiac arrest"I said while trying to calm myself down.

"Miss Ishmael, who was that? "Atea said while folding her arms, I guess I am in trouble.

"Wayyana, when did you start keeping secrets from us? "sion added.

"well let's go inside, I will explain everything to you"I said while dragging them inside the house.

I guess I have talked a lot,let me introduce myself. I am Wayyana Ishmael, the first born daughter of three. Our parents passed away when I was twelve, Siona was eight and Atea was only five then. Its been eight years arleady but what happened that fateful day, remains fresh in my head.


On that particular day, I pretended to be ill just to skip school for that day and my parents fall for it and allowed me to stay home.

"Yanna, "mom called me and I rushed out of my room to meet her in the living room.

"Yanna, I am off to work, your father has already left. Make sure to lock the door and take good care of Atea. "Mom instructed me.

"Mom, I don't feel like you should go to work today, I had a very terrible night mare"I said and she just smiled at me.

"It was just a mere dream,, bye"she pecked me and left the house.

After like two hours,I put Atea in bed,walked to the living room and picked up the remote to watch my favorite serie when a phone call interrupted me.

I rushed to the sitting room only to discover that mom forgot to take her phone along with her. I checked the caller ID and it was dad.

"Dad, mom forget.."I was cut short by my mother's sad voice.

Well,my parents works for the same family so am not surprised.

"Yanna, "the sound of her voice send chills down my spine.

"Mom are you okey? "I asked.

"Yanna, your my only hope, your the first born of the family and I love you so much"her voice was not calm at all,it's as if she was trying hard to get a breath.

"Mom, please what is happening? Your pulse is somehow strange, are you okey? "I asked as fear begun to engulf me.

"Anna, I will send a recording, if anything happen to me, make use of it, please take good care of your sisters"I could hear sobs from her side.

"Mom, your scaring me"I said as tears begun to build up in my eyes.

"Anna, tell Atea and Siona that I love them so much, and one more thing, no matter what, you must enter MM cooperation, the fate of that cooperation is in your hands"she said and that scared me the more,why is the fate of MM cooperation in my hands?

"I don't und..." before I could finish my words, I heard a gun shot, not only one but two. Just like that my parents died.