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My Little Alpha

My Little Alpha



My Little Alpha PDF Free Download


Suffering years of abuse from the Black Moon pack, Katya is pushed to limit one night. The effects of night hit her hard, but in the lite of morning will things turn for a change. Will it be for the better or is just another stepping stone for more pain………..Drake’s eyes glittered with hate as he whispered “You will never be my Luna. You will never be enough to be my Alpha female. You are nothing and will always be nothing.” Pushing away from me he turned his back on me as he said “I Drake Vincent of the Black Moon pack REJECT you as my Mate.”My eyes widen as pain filled my heart. Tears filled my eyes as I struggled to breathe. I wanted to scream out at the intense pain that was burning in my chest. It was almost too much that I struggled to catch my breath.I heard the sound of uncle Rico’s voice “don’t forget little your one special girl’. Drake watched me over his shoulder as struggled to compose myself.Then my wolf called out to me “Be strong you are not weak. We will have our day. He is not worthy of being our Mate.” She cooed I straighten myself and stood tall. In a clear firm voice is said “I Katya Layla Cruz accept your Rejection” I turned walked at the room as I heard the sound of something crashing against the wall.With the rejection of her mate, she finally has the reason and the courage to leave but it means leaving behind the one person she truly loves most Logan. Drake’s baby brother, the boy that she has loved as her own during the years of hell she has suffered. Katya leaves him but makes Logan a promise that one day she will return for him. After years apart she finally gets the chance make good on her promise. Can she pay the price? Will she fight the old demons of the past and attraction of her old mate? Or will she just walk away and what will happen with Drake find out the truth of the past. Will give up his true mate or will he believed the more lies.
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Chapter 1

Katya POV

"Baby girl, Where are you?" I heard my mom call out from the kitchen.

"I'm upstairs momma," I shout back as shoved my tiny feet into my shoes.

"Come down here little angel, I baked some cookies."

My mouth watered at the thought of tasting one of my mom's yummy cookies. I was so excited I jumped to my feet and bolted out the door. I ran down the stairs into the kitchen as I skidded to a stop, "Tadaa am he—eere". The words flew out my mouth, as I grinned ear to ear in one my dazzling smiles. The smile slowly vanished from my face when I notice the two strangers sitting in the room. My eyes darted to the people at the table, I could feel my eyes widen in curiosity. Sitting at the table were two of the pretties people I had ever see. One was a tall elegant power full man with thick chestnut brown hair and deep blue eyes, and the other one was a young blonde girl. I stood there gawking at the pair, as I awkwardly shuffled my feet.

The curiosity was killing me and I blurted out, "Momma, who is that?" I asked as I braking up the strange silence in the room.

My mom looked down at me with a tender smile on her lips, "Baby this is Steven Moyer and his daughter Amber." She sighed briefly as Steven reached over to hold her hand. I could see the slight hesitation in her eyes as they laced their fingers together. Her eye clouded over with worry as she quietly spoke, "Steven and I are going to be mates." My eye shifted back and forth between her and Steven as I tried to process what was going on. She paused and watched me for a moment before she spoke, "Pumpkin." I looked back at her as gaze commanded my attention, "Now that we will be mates we are going to be moving."

I gasped as my mouth flopped opened to speak but nothing came out. I felt as if I was choking with emotions that were bubbling within me. There was a slight tremble to my voice when I finally managed to speak. "We are moving but I don't want to move," I said in a tiny voice.

Mother released Steven's hand, and held her arms out to me. I ran into her warm embrace and buried my face into her fragrant hair. A quiet sob left my tiny body, as her hand brushed over my hair in a soothing manner.

Her warm motherly voice wrapped around me like a cuddly blanket. "We are going to be a family baby girl, don't you want a family again?" I sniffled as my head bobbed up and down in "yes" motion.

"Where will we be moving... And what about Uncle Rico?" I finally asked as the sobs died down.

Her hand rubbed my back as she looked down into my puffy eyes. "Your Uncle will stay here, while we move into Stevens pack. He is the beta at the Black Moon Pack. It's not like you won't see your Uncle or Aunt Claire any. You can always come back to visit for vacations and stuff. Plus soon you Aunt Claire will have her baby and you know we will be back for that."

I tried hard to put up a brave smile but all I can think is "New mate….Moving……Leaving Auntie and Uncle……New Family." My hands twisted together nervously as the panic started to surface. Momma held me close in her loving arms as she kissed the top of my head trying to ease my worries, "you ok baby girl you're really quiet?" I simply nodded at her because I wasn't sure what to say.

"When are we leaving?" I asked quietly.

Her hand stilled against my back as she reluctantly said. "Well you are leaving today with Amber. We hired a nanny to escort you down and watch you till we arrive at Black Moon. We will meet you there once the house is packed up." She gave my shoulders a little squeeze. "I know this a lot to take in kiddo, but I need to pack your bag before the nanny arrives to pick you up."

Momma picked me up and set me down in an empty chair, and then placed some cookies and milk in front of us girls. "I'm going to pack your bag, while you and Amber eat some cookies?" Both our parents stood up and headed up stairs. My head followed their movement as I watch them leave room. As soon as they disappear my head snapped back towards pretty girl at the end of the table.

I remained quiet as my eyes checked out the pale young girl sitting next to me on the small kitchen table. She sat there prettily with her delicate hands folded in front of her. "Man she was beautiful," I thought as I stared at her. It was like looking at a living doll. She had a mass of golden blonde curls that hung loose around her shoulders, so it framed her lovely heart shaped face. Her big blue eye seemed to dominate her face and her thick golden eyelash gave her that wide eyed innocent look. Everything about her screamed "PERFECTION", she was so flawless it seemed unreal. She must have sensed me watching because something dark spread across her face as pale pink lip curled into an evil smile and her bright blue eyes bore into clothes.

I glanced down at myself looking at my blue daisy overalls and sponge bob shoes. I thought "Hey I love my sponge bobs". I lifted my chubby chin stubbornly as I ignore her as I picked up a cookie.

Cautiously I eye Amber as I nervously nibble on my cookie. "Umm Hiya, I'm Katya, but you can call me Lala, that is short for Layla my middle name"; I ramble in a small voice as try to sound friendly.

The girl wrinkled her nose as she rolled her eyes at me, "How about I call you Fatty." I brushed off the offending remark. I acted normal as if it didn't bother me.

My feet swung back and forth, as I took another bite of my cookie. "So how old are you?" I ask in between bites as I looked at everywhere but at Amber.

"I'm 12 you little fatty, I'm older just remember THAT!" she said as reached over and pinched upper arm hard.

"Owwwwie……What did you do that for? Don't do that, or I will tell my mommy". I glared at her as I rubbed the sore spot on my arm. "Why are you being mean?....... I don't like you." I snarled at her through gritted teeth.

Amber laughed at me like an insane chipmunk. "How old are you butter ball? What are you, like 6 or 7."

"I'm this many," I held up 5 chubby little fingers.