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In Love With My Husband Son

In Love With My Husband Son



In Love With My Husband Son PDF Free Download


Married but in love with another. Arima Goodwill, She almost loss her life after meeting with Shaze, when she woke up she was inside his household instead of the hospital! Soon she learned she will have to marry into the family and all her bills, will be paid off however, a contract to certain her stay had to be signed. Ashazian, appears out of nowhere and soon he sweet gentleman gesture was claiming her heart. But she believes her marriage was between his father and her, Shaze, her husband doesn't realize that she is cheating on him or maybe he does, just doesn't care. Azash is driving Arima crazy, she wants him, his touch, she needs him close to her, when she's not supposed to! Who did Arima marry really, Azash or his father?
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Chapter 1

The time on the clock is set at 9:30 PM. A female wiping down the table in a pair of blue sneakers, black jeans, a blue button-down to the end shirt, and a name tag. Arima.

"Arima. It's 30 minutes over your time, I won't pay you for it."

Arima boss, Ella speak from the back suddenly, she busted through the diner doors and stood looking at Arima with her arms crossed to her chest!

"I know, Ms. Ella I'm"

"I will pay it! 20 Dallas right?"

A deep manly voice said Arima who was cut off looked up at the door, as did Ella!

"I'm sorry, but we're closing."

Arima said, her voice was soft and filled with politeness. The man smiled!

"That's okay you can finish up, my name is Shaze Fitzgerald and I would like to have a word or few with you, Ms. Arima."

The man said to her introducing himself, Arima was not surprised because she's wearing her name just above her left breast on her shirt!

"Sorry to disappoint you, Mr. Fitzgerald, I have no interest in speaking with you, also please be on your way. We're closed."

Arima said to him, but as bold as she was to speak back to him. He didn't leave because he was sure Arima has no idea who he is.

"Ah, Mr. Mr. Fitz"

"Shaze is fine, Ella. Can I have today's special?"

Shaze said cutting off Ella, and ask?

"Ye- Yes, Sir. Of course!"

Ella said stuttering before she leaves to fix him the plate, while Shaze makes his way to the closest table. However, Arima had noticed Ella being afraid of Shaze.

"You are scaring my boss, and she's not one to be afraid! If you don't leave I will drive you out myself."

Arima said her voice got cold and became very demanding.

"Huh? What happens to your voice? A moment ago you were a bird with sweet melody, but now you're bitter and not very pleasant."

He asked? As he was surprised but also pleased he said with a smile he stares at Arima, who walked over to him and reached for his hand... When Shaze extended his hand Arima grabbed his wrist and dragged him up then pulled him to the door.

"Suddenly, Mr. Fitzgerald you are not! Welcome! Leave."

Arima said stating he's no longer welcome, Arima push him out the door.

"Obviously, Ms. Arima Romarnae Goodwill, you don't know who I'm but how is your mother these days?"

The man said, then asked? Arima was stunned by the fact he knows her middle name, when she rarely used it, yet to know about her mother being alive! Not many people do. She was surprised she stood staring at him...

"Who are you?"

Arima finally speak, asking?

"When you're ready to know who I'm, called this number and be ready... As in dressed when you do. Ah, remember to visit her too don't just pay for her expenses."

The man said giving her three hundred dollars and a card with his name and a telephone number. He then leaves her standing there!

"Obviously, Arima Romanae Goodwill, you don't know who I'm."

"Who is he?"

His words replay in her head! Arima then asked? As she watched him crossed the street from the dinner and into a car.

"Mr. Fitzgerald? Where"

"He left and left three hundred dollars."

Arima said still looking out, regardless his car had long gone.

"Ms. Ella, have I ever offended anyone?"

Arima asked? As she turns around from the door looking at her boss.

"Not that I remember of! Why?"

Ella respond and asked?

"Then why would someone, I don't know come looking for me? He even knows that my mother is alive, no one knows about my mom not even Jay."

Arima question it saying.

"Please, don't speak of that your ex-boyfriend! What did he say otherwise? Anything?"

Ella asked? With surprise yet waiting for any good answers.

"When you're ready to know who I'm, called this number and be ready... As in dressed when you do, .. Ah, remember to visit her too don't just pay for her expenses. I asked who he was? And he ignores my question."

Arima repeat what he said, and her question she then looked up to see Ella with a faded smile.

"Oh Goodwill, this is a good opportunity for you."

Ella said.

"Is it? Your voice cracked! You are in fear, and you're trembling. What kind of person is he?"

Arima asked? Determining answers but being pleasant about it!

"He is a man. A man with a lot of money, friends, businesses, and more. This might be your good will, Goodwill. Maybe you help him once without noticing it. You know, since you always helping strangers."

Ella let out with fear, stating Arima's habits to help people.

"You seem to know a lot more than your telling me, why are you lying, and why are you in so much fear?"

Arima said to Ella then yelled asking?

"It is your business now, not mine. He didn't come here for me, oh no! He came for you, you. I told you to stop helping people on the God dam Street but no, being kind is good! I'm good too, but you don't see me helping everyone, people sometimes can't be trusted, Arima. Stop helping everybody. Now you dragged a big shot into our small town and you're asking me who he is? Turn the God dam television. Now go home."

Ella yelled at Arima saying but nothing made sense, not to her. She was even more confused.

"What's wrong with helping? I'm not rich but I'm not heartless either, at least I'm not just thinking about me, and me alone regardless. I would want someone to help me if I fell on the street not having no one but my adopted mother who is ill and does not seem to be getting better but worst, I'm kind because someone was kind enough to take me in, name me, and love me. Where my real parents are? Who knows. So leave me let me be kind what does me being kind got to do some big shot? I was being kind when I met Jay it's not my fault he wanted City life and I didn't. But as much as I wanted it too I stayed here, being kind and working with you, for you. When everyone else leaves. Jay left me because I refuse to leave you, he was not cheating Ella I lied so you could feel good comforting me. I see you as my friend but I'm just an employee to you. I like you, when no one likes you. I stayed, when no one stayed. Because I'm kind, Ella kind people needs to be selfish sometimes. But am not, not once, I ask who he is because I Don't Know! And Instead of telling me who he is, you are telling me to turn on my television when you know, I don't own one. But you dare say this might be your good will, Goodwill."

Arima let out not holding back but all she saw was Ella getting ready to yell at her, Arima narrowed her eyebrows but realize Ella had a frightened look all over her face!

"Get down!!!"

Ella yelled but it was too loud with shooting... Arima notices Ella rushing towards her and turn around into bullets...


Ella yelled kneeling down to her putting pressure on the spots Arima is bleeding from, as she cries out Arima's name in tears.