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When Love Happens, Taming A Mafia Queen

When Love Happens, Taming A Mafia Queen

Author: Joy C. Amadi



When Love Happens, Taming A Mafia Queen PDF Free Download


After being turned into a Psycho by a scientist in a bid to cure her illness, Tequila .A. Nathan meets with several challenges which only comes when her madness starts. Meeting Alexander Holman, the blood thirst seemed to have reduced. From being good friends she finds out something shocking about him which threatens her position as a Mafia Queen. Note: Not good with descriptions but believe me you won't regret adding this book to your library. Tags: Betrayal, Romance, Mafia, Billionaire
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Chapter 1

Tequila sat on a swirling chair, a lot cigarette on her lips. A slow but steady footstep was approaching her room door. Finally, the footstep came to a stop and a knock followed.

She took out the cigarette and mumbled s 'come in'. The person pushed open the door and got in. Looking at the ashes in the ashtray, he affirmed she had been smoking.

Standing behind the infront of the chair, he said: "There's a news about Neeta"

Tequila's attention instantly dashed to him and slowly she swirled to face. A glass of red wine in between her right fingers and a lit cigarette in between the other. Her lips were smoking red. Because there was no light where she sat, the light from the room only illuminated her nose down to her lips, her eyes hidden.

Seeing he had gotten her attention, Smith continued: "She was rushed to people's hospital fifteen minutes ago"

Tequila blew out the smoke through her nostrils and leaned forward, exposing her deep blue eyes and a little of her cleavage.

"What happened to her?"

"According to an be X-ray done on her, her bones seemed to be folded up. Her legs folded into two, including her arm, her spinal cord hot bent. It looks a lot like she had stayed in form of a square for a long time" Smith reported.

Tequila's brows furrowed as she asked: "she's been in school, hasn't she? Why does the possibility send so?"

Smith hesitated before saying: "I suspect something happened to her in school"

"Really? Get me her school principal, tell him to meet me in her ward" Tequila said as she stood up.

"Yes, boss" he nodded and left.

In the dark, her eyes shone dangerously, after smoking for sometime, she headed to the door.


Edward Miles, the current Principal of Being A Star Grade one to twelve, was seated in the dinning room about to have lunch with his family, his wife and two sons, when some men in black stormed in.

Alerted, he reached for his phone but the nuzzle of a gun was placed on his temple promoting him to stop.

"We come in peace Edward Miles I have no business with your family, just you " Smith said walking out.

Seeing him, Edward was puzzled . Smith was Tequila's Manager and right-hand man and he had always been at peace with her. Now seeing Smith leading a group of men with his life on the line was surprising.

So he asked: "Smith, What the hell is going on? I have no problem with your boss or are you perhaps going against her?"

Smith Smiled and answered: "I would never. I'm here based on her order"

"But-but, we've always been at peace haven't we?" Edward proved further, trying to get Smith to give a clue.

Smith frowned and answered:"this is between you and her. My job is to take you to her willingly or unwilling"

Edward gave a nervous smile and quickly said: "of course, I'll come with you"

He threw an assuring to his family and left with Smith.

He was led to a black sedan and the car drove off. During the ride, Edward couldn't help thinking were he had gone wrong.

Smith who sat beside him, didn't spare him a glance as he browsed different pictures of Heather.

Finally, the car came to a stop and Edward looked out of the car. He got startled seeing it was a hospital.

"I only have one kidney and my heart often beats faster unnecessary" he blurted out. Smith who was bout to step down, stopped and turned to him.

Edward looked like he was about to cry. Most powerful people, if not all, had all heard about Tequila's cruel punishing method. One of them which included selling ones kidney and heart, then the person's body would be thrown to her dogs.

Smith sighed and placed a hand on his shoulder saying: "Although I know you'd be severly punished. I doubt she'll kill you. Don't be scared"

Edward calmed down a bit but the words 'severly punished' clung to his brain. After calming down, he stepped down. He followed Smith all the way to a VIP ward, Smith Knocked twice then pushed the door open and ushered Edward in.

Tequila stood at a corner in the room. Her eyes pinned on the little girl on the bed. From time to time, the girl would groan painfully. The actions pained her.

Noticing Edward from her peripheral view, she turned her head to look at him.

Edward paled out at the look and almost slumped to the ground as his knees suddenly grew weak.

"Come" Tequila signalled with one hand and Edward moved to her. She pointed at the girl on the bed and asked: "Do you know her?"

Edward took his eyes to the person on the bed and answered: "Yes, Neeta Scott"

Tequila hummed and asked: "She was brought to the hospital and hour ago. She closed school by 2pm but wasn't found until 6:15pm inside a locker"

Edward once again paled out and slumped to his knees pleading: "I'm sorry Tequila. I should've taken care of her but I was occupied the whole day."

Tequis frowned at his sentence asking: "Edward Miles is this what happens at your school?"

Tequila was about lying but his eyes met the piercing gaze being directed at him and blurted out: "The parents of these girls are people I can't afford to offend"

Tequila sneered: "So you can afford to offend me. Interesting!"

Edward was already bringing out cold sweat, when she asked: "Give me the names of these these girls"

"Brittany Daniel, Lara Paige and MaryJane Simpsons" Edward answered.

"So, they are girls" Tequila turned to the direction of the door and said: "someone, come in"

Immediately, Smith walked in with two men and and she ordered: "Take him away, give him a lot of bruises that'll keep him in the hospital for at least a year and strip him of his position. Find someone competent and trustworthy to replace him. Also bring me Brittany Dani, Lara Paige and MaryJane Simpsons"

"Yes, Boss" Smith nodded and turned to the people with him: "take him away and do as commanded."

The men took the pleading Edward away, leaving Tequila and Smith behind.

"When you get the girls, take them to the torture room. Don't do it in a kidnapping manner and if their parents s wants to join, they are free to " Tequila said relaxing on the wall once more.

"I'll do just that" Smith promised and made for the door.

After he left, her gaze once more returned to Neeta who was groaning in pain again. This time, she seemed to be Jerking up and down.

Confused, Tequila hit the emergency button and a doctor buzzed in. She was ushered.

Finally, the heart monitor which had been beeping rapidly slowed down, returning to normal.

After the doctor came out, Tequila asked: "is she okay?"

The doctor nodded, saying: "she is now. It seems something triggered her trauma"