
Let’s Read The World

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Author: Dave white



VIXEN HIGH PDF Free Download


Cheryl did everything it takes to stay out of all high schools drama in her formal high school. What happens when his dad got transferred to a new town, a new place, a new high school, and a new beginning. Cheryl made a promise to herself to come out of her lonely zone confront the world, but the world in front of her much worse than the one she lives in before. Vixen high is known for is pettiness, and a lot of other bad things. Can Cheryl put up with it? #All_Rights_Owned
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Chapter 1


Revolution Of Mean

Season 1

Episode one

Welcome to Vixen High

Who are the HAZEL’s girls?!

“I heard Harley was mean because she is in-love with her brother,”

“One time Harley glared at me, I almost fainted,” she said with a blush

“Rumor as it the HAZEL’s are insecure that why they constantly bully,”

“Heard Leah make-out with Harley’s twin brother,”

“Rumor made it Harley once kissed a girl, so I kiss my bff till now we’re no longer friends ,”

“Students says Harley was once pregnant, so I got pregnant for her to notice me, too bad she wasn’t even pregnant in the first place instead she mocked me real hard,” the girl said already crying

“My hot brother was approached by her, but when he turns her down she made my brother crawl at her feet for weeks,”

“Anna once smile at me, but Harley smack it off her face,”

“Heard Zoey make out with tons of teachers for good grades,”

“Rumor as it Emma is in-love with some poor dude,”

For all we know HAZEL’s girls are the meanest in whole world of existence


I can smell and feel the fresh breaths of *Vixenville High School* as I walk in my new school elegantly heading straight to my first class, while glancing at some exciting views near the hallway.

I walk in on the teacher teaching, I stopped on my track then move in slowly dragging my feet like it wasn’t mine, slowly I got to the miss’s front then close my eyes and wave gently. Gosh this is the moment I actually never existed, holy embarrassment take me home and wipe my memories.

“Are u the new kid the principal was talking about?” She asked lowering her glass

I opened one of my eyes, pick a chalk then walks over to the chalkboard and wrote *Yes*.

“Uhmm great, so what your name?, introduce yourself to the whole class!” She said, obviously surprised by my moves

I cleaned the *Yes* then wrote *am Cheryl, Cheryl Blossom that’s all I can share plsss.*

“Wait!, are u sure you’re okay kiddo?”

I cleaned and wrote *100%*

She *uhhhhhhh* for some time then said “I see, go and take a sit.”

“So I was saying......” she continue her speech

I walk boldly with every looking at me super weirdly, guess I did make some moves.

I took my sit beside this young looking nerdy of a guy, I mean what type of teenage guy wears on big glasses in age of lens, and teeth braces at the age of 16/17 it super nerdy, I bet he got a lot of predators or bullies around here. Opposite me was this good looking guy looking moderate with his hair gelled sideways giving him the perfect rich guy look.

I said nothing to them as I took my sit gently in-between them.

I am a damn introvert at my formal high school, I literally never existed in my formal high school, I had zero friends, zero enemies, with zero lovers, and zero socialism. When we moved here three days ago I promised myself to zone out of my introvert existence, and confront this world a little, I mean I can be alone forever and confront this world a little.

Am Cheryl as u know, and there’s nothing to know about me except, I have faced the worst and still facing the worst from my family, just know my mom is dead, she died of lung cancers and left me and dad with jace my little brother. And since she left world took a hell turn on us, something am not ready to let out yet.


We done with class, I pack my stuffs like flash and zoom out before they could stop me and start socializing, “-oh Cher! U gotta chicken up or at-least Hen up-“ my inner voice said. I was rushing to my locker when I bumped into this jocks and his friends

“Hey, watch it nerds,” He said full of disdain, ewww he made me hate him already

“What?, all time playing sports block your eye and brain to know yuh the one who bumped into me!” I replied with a small ridiculous small, then walk in his middle and friends after packing my books who is by the way awed, barge into him purposely and walk away.

Nice one Cher! I complimented myself for not running away, I guess I had this baddie in me but never let out.

I keep stuffing my stuffs inside the locker when the bell for lunch rings, I tried finding my school map, but I think I lost it great. I was scheming and picturing the map in my head, when this cute rich guy from the class lean on the locker beside me. Ohooooo

“A walk to the cafeteria,” he said gentlemanly

“Huhhh? Oh no am fine, I have a map...I got it right here,” I said flaying my drawing paper

“Uhh, I see but am still walking u there,” he replied crossing his arms “-oh am Cole, Cole lensherr by the way,” he added, stretching his arms towards me, I took it and lowers it am not really good at socializing.


And yes, Cole turns out to be the best in one day, he managed to make me laugh three times, something I rarely do. We order our lunch telling stuffs about each others, mostly mine are makeups. I don’t really have cool stuffs to talk about, and who says socializing is bad.

We were eating and chatting peacefully when suddenly this five girls cat-walk in, the HAZEL’s I think, I don’t want trouble or anything to do with them so I turn my head and try talking to Cole who shunned me, and surprisingly everywhere in the cafeteria is quiet like a Queen just walk in, I look around and see the HAZEL’s talking to the lunch lady who is by the way shaking some rotten tomatoes.

Whoooooh, let cause some drama shall we!. I stood up stand on my table and clear my throat loud enough to draw everyone’s attention, then I begin “I suppose we’re all here now except for some people, but 80% students are here so I believe this is the right time to introduce myself-“ I stopped when I heard “isn’t she who couldn’t introduce herself properly in-front of her class,” “told u she got some vibes,” *scoffs* gossiping “-My name is Cheryl, Cheryl Blossom, a fresh newly transferred student, do not background check me that’s all you be getting,” I get down to see a raged HAZEL’s descending my way.

“Who the hell are you?, who the f*ck do u think you’re?” Their leader whom I guess said

“Uhmmm, it Cheryl, I just said it like right now,”

“It obvious she don’t know the rules,” one of her minions said

“I see, well look here ugly bitch, these are the rules-“ she begins “-1

Do not talk wherever I am-“ I cut her off saying “am kinda hungry can we deal with the rules later plsss,” I said holdingmy both palms together, and now she looks like a mad lion

“-rule 2, never interrupt me whenever am talking, -rule 3, bow at my feet for u live and graduate peacefully at VHS,-“ I laughed at that one “-lastly, I will always be your queen bitch, so stop acting all slutty and bitchy and blend in,” she completed her empty speech while trashing my lunch and walk away, alongside her minions.

I sat down planning my revenge, even Cole couldn’t say a word, and all eyes are still on me for like standing up to this mean girls, I watched them took their sit and chat happily while others eat like someone being held prisoners.

I stood up from my lunch-table walked over to theirs and slam my hands in front of their leader.

“Excuse me b*tch, those are your rules u haven’t heard mine, and they’re too empty to follow, now listen to rules-“ I said to them dragging an empty chair to sit-on “-rule 1, never in your life try to intimidate me, -rule 2, do not give me rules, lastly, again never try to intimidate me unless u want venom,” I completed my speech also trashing her lunch, while a lot of phones are up for tomorrow’s school headlines, and gasps fill the air as I walk out.

I head to the school lady’s restroom to change my uniform and touch myself up a-bit, when I keep hearing this strange noises from outside, I keep quiet and say something but gosh I hate crowds.

Am watch my face when I looked up to see a whole bucket of water descending on me. My body was now alongside my uniform was now wet

That little bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!


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#Inspired by Mean Girls

A/N: what do y’all think of Cheryl’s first big challenge let me know your thoughts, suggestions and if am incorrect in some places under the comment section