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Lethal University

Lethal University

Author: Jasyman



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Lethal University is a school where you can kill your enemy. Killing is free in this school. They only have one rule. KILL or DIE, the choice is yours. If you wanna live, kill them. If you wanna die, wait for your killer to kill you. Will Luan survive in this cruel school?
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Chapter 1

Luan Chris Williams' POV

"You have to go there, Luan." My aunt said.

My uncle and auntie wanted me to transfer to Lethal University. I don't even know what kind of school it is. I searched it up on Google but there's no result showing up.

I don't even know if that school really exist. Of course, the typical me. I don't want to go to a school that I don't know even a single detail about it.

I grew up with my uncle and auntie because my parents left me with them. I don't know if that's true but, that's what they told me.

They said that my parents abandoned us. I don't know if it's true. But I don't also have a reason to don't believe what they said because there's no reason for them to lie to us.

They raised me and my sister. We've cost them a lot. So I don't really think that they're lying to us.

I grew up without my parents. Though, they didn't lacked love for me. I still wish that my parents are with us when we grow up.

The love that parents can give to their child is different. It is extra ordinary and no one and nothing can equal the love a parent can give.

I wish we can feel that love too. Even just someday.

My unlce and auntie give me everything that I need and want. And I'm thankful for that. But I just can't obey them for what they want me to do because I don't have any idea about that school.

The school that's not on google? Unbelievable. Google knows every university in the whole world.

"I don't know that school, auntie." I said.

They are forcing me to go there, for some reasons that I don't know. They're saying that it's for my own good but they're not telling me the real reason why they want me to go there.

"You won't know that school if you don't go." Uncle said.

I sighed in frustration. I'm starting to get annoyed. I let out a heavy sigh before I speak. I can't really understand them.

"I searched about that school but nothing came up. Why is that? If it's a decent school, it will be on Google or in any website." I said.

"That University is not covered by the government so no one can really see it any website because they are the only ones who can see it. They have their own website that you can't enter because they are the only one who know what that website is." My auntie said.

Not covered by the government? What kind of school is that? All school are covered by the government so why isn't it covered?

Is it something like in the Harry Potter movie or what?

There's really a school here in the Philippines that is not cover by the government? I'm getting curious and curios about that school.

"Why isn't that covered by the government? And why the hell are you pestering me about this? Can you give me one hell valid reason?" I asked.

I almost yell at them when I said that. I'm getting annoyed now. I don't understand them.

"Do you want to know the real reason?" My aunt ask.

"Yeah. And please, make it reasonable." I replied.

"You'll find your parents once you get in there." she said.

I stopped for a moment when my aunt said that. My parents. I've waited for so long to meet them.

I really want to meet them and live a happy life with them. I want to know why do they give me to my auntie and uncle and why did they abandoned me for so long.

I want to know their reason. I want to asked them so many things that have been in my head for the past years of my life.

I want to feel the warmth hug of them. I want to kiss them. And specially, I want to feel their love for me.

I looked at aunt and I asked her using my eyes if she was telling me the truth and she nodded at me as her response.

"That's why we want you to move to that school. To fulfill your wish. We know that when you were young, you always wrote that you wanted to know your parents, to meet your parents as your wish every Christmas and every birthday... “She said.

"So your auntie and I decided to find your parents to fulfill your wish." My uncle said.

They have been reading my wish in every occasion. I don't know that they are doing that.

I really always write that wish every Christmas and my birthday because they told me that my wish will came true if I just wait a little bit.

Before, I believe in Santa Claus. I always write a Christmas wish before when I was a child and hoping that Santa will make my dreams come true.

But I just get disappointed because Santa turned out to be a imaginary person who doesn't exist in the universe.

"Thank you." That is the only thing I said.

If there's just a word that can describe my gratitude for them, that's what I will say to them. Thank you, that word is not enough to describe how grateful I am to them.

They're the one who take care of me. And now, they will be the one who will make my dream come true.

They both hugged me and patted my back.

"No worries." My aunt whisper.

I can’t explain the excitement, excitement and joy I feel right now. The long wait that I made wasn't wasted.

Finally, I'll meet my parents now.

After I talked to my auntie and uncle, I go straight to my sister's room to talk to her.

I'm not gonna tell her where I'm going but I'm going to give her assurance. Assurance that I will bring back our parents and live with them for the rest of our lives.

I knocked on her room's door three times.

"It's open. You can come in." she said.

I opened the door and go straight to her side.

"Hey, bro." she greeted me with a smile.

"Hey. What are you doing?" I asked.

I looked at her notebook and see what she's writing.

"My assignments. It's due tomorrow." she replied.

"Need help?" I asked.

"No, thanks. I can handle it myself." she said.

"Okay." I said. "You know how much I love you, right?"

"Of course. I'm your only sister." she said.

I hugged her from the back and kissed her hair.

"Take care always, okay? I'll fullfil my promise to you that I will bring our parents back. I will find them." I said.

"Why does it sound like you're saying goodbye to me?" she said and look at me.

"Yeah, I'm saying goodbye to you. I'm leaving, finish your homework. See you tomorrow. Goodnight." I said and tapped her head.

Finally, the day has come. I just had to find my parents I had been waiting for a long time and finally, the day had come.

"Take care, son." My aunt said and then she hug me.

"Thanks auntie." I said.

I got in the car after we said goodbye to each other. They asked their driver to drive to that school because I don't know how to get there.

I'll never forget the love and kindness that my aunt and uncle give me. I'll pay them back. I promise.

I will never forget them. They will be always in my heart.

They are the one who raised me and feed me. I'm leaving them for now. I'll just find my parents and I promise that I will always visit them everyday.

While we're on our way, I looked at the street we're going through and I'm not familiar with it.

Where is this place? This is the first time I've been here.

There is not even one house. Concentrated plants and rocks scattered.

"Are we close to our destination?" I ask the driver infront.

He looked at me in the rear view mirror and I will admit that I was nervous because of his gaze. I don’t know but

I’m suddenly nervous now because the look that he gives me.

My heart is pounding.

"Yes sir." He replied then smirked.

What's wrong with this driver?

I just ignored it and just looked at the road.

'Don't be nervous, it's nothing.' I said to myself.

I looked at the driver again and caught him looking at me while smirking. When he saw me looking at him he took his eyes off me.

What the hell is wrong with him? Why is he smirking at me? He's giving me goosebumps.

The hairs in my arms are rising.

I didn't look at him again and just looked at the road. I saw a lot of tree on where we are right now.

It's really full of trees and nothing else can be seen here.

The leaves we pass give a strange sound.

We soon arrived at the school. It took us an hour before reaching our destination. I got out of the car and took my stuff out of the car tank. I didn't let the driver down because

I was nervous about him.

When I got my stuff I looked at the school I was going to go to and it was not just an ordinary school for me because of what I could see.

It looks like a haunted mansion because of how it looks on the outside. It was as if time had passed to it. And then why is it hidden in a secluded place?

Why is this school in a forest? What kind of school is this really? I will figure it out once I get in.

"Good luck, sir. I hope you get out alive." Our driver said when he started the car engine.

He even accompanied it with a silly laugh before he drove the car away.

'I hope you get out alive'

'I hope you get out alive'

'I hope you get out alive'

'I hope you get out alive'

The last word he uttered echoed in my ears.

What does he mean by that? My heart beat faster because of what he said. That adds to the nervousness I feel.

I shook my head to remove those negative thoughts that's going on to my mind. There's no time for me to waver. I need to get in there.

Be strong, Luan. You can do this. Don't listen to whatever that driver said. He's just scaring you.

"No, you have to get in there so you can see your parents. You can do this, Jaiden." I told myself then took a deep breath and walked into the school.

As I walked in there was a cold air that touched my skin. That caused my arm hair to stand.

What's that?

I'm having goosebumps again because of that cold air.

Why do I have to feel this weird feelings?

I just ignored that and went inside the school. It looks different inside and this is not what I expected.

I was amazed because of the beauty and the cleanliness of the interior. The saying is right. Don't judge a book by it's cover. If the outside looks like a haunted mansion, the inside is even more beautiful than other schools I've attended before.

There are also a lot of students who are here and talking. This school looks decent. I feel nervous just for nothing.

As I walked, the students looked at me and whispered to each other. Their whispering but the volume of their voice is enough for me to hear what they are saying.

"Is he a transferee?" A woman asked her companion.

"I think he is. We haven't had any guests since then. So I don't think that he's just a visitor" her companion replied.

"Poor him." Another woman whispered.

"Yeah, it's just a shame because look at his face. He's so handsome." Her friend said.

"It looks like the handsome ones in the world will be reduced." Regrettably whispered a woman as she looked at me.

What do they say? It's a shame? Poor me?


What are they saying? This is a school. Nothing will happen to me here.

I removed the negative thoughts that entered my mind and then continued walking. That's all, Jaiden. 'Do not mind them. I approached a woman to ask.

"Uhmm, excuse me, miss." I was distracted by a woman standing and leaning against the wall while reading.

I heard whispers again after I approached the woman I was going to asked.

"Why did he approached her?" It was like a worried question from a woman.

"Yeah, he's doomed." Her companion said.

The woman slowly lowered what she was reading and looked at me. I see nothing but coldness and authority in her eyes.

I swallowed saliva because of her gaze. I was suddenly nervous.

"Why?" She asked coldly.

"Ahh, can I ask you something?"

"You're already asking." She replied coldly so I suddenly fell silent.

Why is she like this? Cold, yet sarcastic.

"Ahh ... uhmm." I can't ask what I wanted to ask because I was nervous about him.

"Can't you speak properly? What's with ahh and uhmm? You're not a grade school student, are you?"

I took a deep breath before speaking. Why am I nervous about this woman? She doesn't look scary at all.

Come on, Luan. You're not a gay. Why are you being scaree just because of a woman?

"Can I ask where is the President's office is?" I asked.

I finally asked. I still stutter as I ask that.

What's wrong with me? I'm really freaking nervous like my hands are shaking.

"Are you a transferee?" She asked.

I nodded in response.

"Okay, follow me." She said then started walking.