
Let’s Read The World

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Author: sreeragsree





Ruby is a middle-class girl who works in a giant IT company. She wanted to be rich and powerful. She wanted to date high-class guys, but she ended up dating middle-class guys because of her average looks. Her family wants her to lead a normal life. It all changed when the new CEO comes to her company.
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Chapter 1

I look in the mirror to confirm I dressed well. Looking at the mirror, I saw an average face, medium size breasts, and a nicely shaped belly. I spread a pleasant smile on my face. I always felt difficult to smile. There is not much happiness in my life. But I always smile in front of the world around me. I don’t want anyone’s sympathy.

From in front of the mirror, then I go straight to my mother’s photo. She is still young and gorgeous in that photo. My mother died in a car accident. I was were young. I have no memories of my mother. A photo of her is what I have.


A voice came from my back.

I looked in the voice's direction came from. In front of my room, there is my stepmother Elizabeth is standing there.

“You finished your dressing?” Elizabeth asked.

She enters my room.

“yes,” I said.

“Yesterday, John told me he wants his remaining money immediately”

“What?” I was shocked.

I come near Elizabeth.

“What are you saying? He wants money immediately? I can only pay him a certain amount in a month. I Already told this to John. He also agreed to it”.

I tried my level best to control my anger. I can’t afford to pay such a huge money right now. He must be joking.

“what can I say to him? It is a deal between you and John. Only you can calm him. “

Elizabeth said, pretending that it was not her problem.

“Dealing between me and John? I didn’t borrow any money from anyone. Your f****** son borrowed money from John. and you put the debt on my shoulder”.

“Come for breakfast,” Dad's voice came from the dining hall. Elizabeth came closer to me and said.

“Ruby, you are telling the truth. But you must remember one thing. My son Mike is in the mafia.”

A smile builds on Elizabeth’s face. When she said those words. After that, she leaves my room and goes straight to the dining hall. My stepmother just warned me about my stepbrother. I know my stepbrother mike is in Mafia and he is also very dangerous.

I put my files in my bag. And confirmed every file was there. Or otherwise, that team leader Samuel will kill me.

I came to the dining room with my bag. I put the bag on the nearby table. Father and Lucy already started having their breakfast. Elizabeth is taking the sandwich from the bowl and putting into her plate. She accidentally looks at my face. But she immediately withdraws it. I looked at Lucy. She is eating the sandwich with one hand and scrolling the screen of her smartphone with the other hand.

“Ruby, come and eat breakfast. It’s getting late. You may miss the bus”

Dad said to me after seeing I was in front of the dining table. At that moment Lucy withdraw her eyes from the mobile screen and smiled at me. Returned a smile to Lucy, and I sat on a chair at the dining table. I immediately take the sandwich from the bowl, which is in the middle of the table, and put the sandwich on My Plate. I take the sandwich and move the sandwich toward my mouth. Before I bite the sandwich, my father said.

“Ruby, we have a special guest this evening”.

I put down the sandwich straight back onto my plate.

“Guest”? I asked father.

“Today, Lucy is introducing her boyfriend to us”.

I looked at Lucy. She is looking at me with a playful smile.

Getting a boyfriend is easy for Lucy. She is way more beautiful than me.

“His name is Paul,” Lucy said to me.

“Nice. is he your classmate?” I asked.

“No, he is my senior”

Elizabeth looked at Lucy with astonishment.

“Paul is coming to our home today in the evening. So I hope you must be there in the home evening,” father told me.

“yes father,” I said.

Dad took his Sandwich and started eating with a cheerful face.

“Is he rich”?

Elizabeth asked Lucy, eating the sandwich in her mouth. Dad stopped his eating and looked at Elizabeth with uncomfortable.

“yeah, his parents both are doctors”

Lucy said with pride in her tone.

“good girl”, Elizabeth said to Lucy, cuddling Lucy’s shoulder. Elizabeth always wanted the best for her daughter, Lucy. She didn’t care about me. Because I am not her daughter.

“Elizabeth, you must look into a man whose personality is good or bad. Not he is rich or poor”. Suddenly dad’s voice came. Lucy told nothing. She just focused on her phone. But Elizabeth stared at dad, her face telling that she didn’t like what father said.

“Good person, yeah, you are a good person. What are you achieved? You just eat and sleep. This is what you are doing in this house. You are a loser. You are totally f****** waste.”

Elizabeth yelled.

Dad put the sandwich piece he was eating back on the plate. He said nothing. He just lay down his head and sat in a chair in silence.

“please stop,” I raised my voice against Elizabeth. She glowered at me. We stared at each other for a few moments.

“You can’t fear me”

Elizabeth Gets up from the chair and goes straight to the kitchen. I looked at dad. He still sits in the chair in the same position. I got up from my chair. I came near to dad. Tears started rolling from his eyes.

“Leave it, dad. Everything will be okay,” I said to dad.

He raised his head and looked at me. He tries to smile, but I know he can’t. I took my bag from the table. And said goodbye to dad and Lucy and I come out of the home.

When I just leave my home, I see John watering his plants in the garden in his house. The smell of the flowers makes my mind calm. Suddenly I just remember what Elizabeth told me about the money a few moments ago. So I ignored John. I walked straight to the road. But before reaching the road, a voice came from my back.


I see John when I turn back. He still watering the plants.

“I told Elizabeth about the money. It’s urgent,” John said.

“I didn’t have this much amount right now. Give me two months. I will clear all of your debt.”

It felt like I begging John.

“2 months? Are you kidding? I already told you. It’s urgent,” his voice getting harder.

“Sorry, I am getting late for the office. I will come and meet you in the evening.”

After saying those words, I walked fast straight to the Road. I just escaped for now.

When walking to the bus stop, the thoughts of my dad arrived in my mind. My dad is a shop owner a few years back. Because of the debt, he lost his shop. After onwards, Elizabeth belittled my dad. She started calling him words like waste, and a loser every day. Because of Elizabeth’s torture, my dad became an alcoholic. After doing some treatment, my dad broad back into life. After escaping from alcohol, he started working in shops as an employee. But dad’s always wanted to become a shop owner. Working in other shops as an employee hurt his feelings. He fell into depression; I stop him from going to work. And I promised him I will buy a shop for him one day. And he will become a shop owner again. I am looking at the full expense of my entire family. Including my step-sister’s education and my f****** step-brother’s debt. I look after my home without the help of anyone.

After a while, a car stopped in front of the shop opposite the bus stop where I was standing. A young man from the driver’s seat opened the car door and got out. The height of the young man was about six feet. He is handsome. His clothes were a t-shirt and shorts. There is also a cooling glass on his face. I could enjoy his sexy body because of the tight t-shirt. The front door of the car on the other side opens. A girl came out of it.


I carefully looked at the girl again. I’m not wrong. It’s her.


Even from afar, I will never forget her golden hair, huge breasts, and her huge butts. They both held hands and went inside the shop.

“Poor boy, he will lose all his money today”.

Jessica and I were in the same class in college. She is a bitch in college. All the boys were behind her. I watched her go with the boys in BMWs, Benz, and Lamborghinis. She always selects high-class boys.

After a while, Jessica and the young man came out of the shop. She had a lot of shopping bags in her hand. They both got into the car. Then the car sped off. I saw the bus coming for me from some distance away.
