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when HATE turns to LOVE

when HATE turns to LOVE

Author: nene mosra


General Romance

when HATE turns to LOVE PDF Free Download


how things will turn,if a well known bad boy of the town happens to meet a very rare kind of girl,a mysterious type,behind her angelic figure,a secret that she's hiding.. claudette,she is a mysterious type of a girl,her angelic ang charming face can easily catch man's eye,but she is a well dignified person..she even don't bother if someone likes her,she always ignore them,crushes,first love,first doesn't exist in her life,it seems she hates everyone except her daddy.. meanwhile.. kristoff,being a true bad boy of his town,he's aware of it..he doesn't care..breaking a girl's heart make him so proud and arrogant..he think every girl in the world is easy to get and a kind of a mess..whenever he gets what he wants from theirs,he throw them away like it was nothing to him..just like that...just like a trash... but,as soon as she met claudette,everything turns different...
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Chapter 1

  like other rich families, morgan's family, they are very elusive in public, even though they are rich they do not brag about it,mr.marcus morgan,claudette's father was a wealthy person because of his businesses around the world..morgan's aren't that famous but atleast,everyone knows how powerful mr.morgan is,besides his privacy when it comes to family matter are also open to public..they know mr.morgan eversince he has his own family,he never mention about his wife and only is a personal request of his wife not to tell everyone about them..their names..she just want to keep it private..

  at the dining area,mr.morgan open up something to claudette..

  "in order for me to protect you and your mother in this world's full of pressure because of us being wealthy,i choose to hide both of your identity,i wanted you to have normal life,and not to be involved in such business matters..i wanted you to enjoy most of your life,especially now that your a grown up woman,im very proud of who you are and who you becoming in the future claudette,be free but not so wild understood?"..

  claudette smile a little bit.."daddy,can i have a favor?"

  "then tell me,i have never refuse any of your favor,your such a spoiled".

  "dad can i live with our maid lorie? i want to experience how people like her simply live her life"

  "are you serious?"shock mr.morgan said it loud..

  "yes,actually im planning to share apartment with her,you know..i always feel bored here in our house.."

  "you are already planning but im still not agreeing with you"

  "you just said,you can't refuse to me dad"her eyes if she know her dad will never said no to her..


  claudette get up the chair and hug her dad from behind.."i can manage everything dad,don't worry about me,im such an adventurous girl,i love to try new things and beside no one knows im marcus morgan's daughter,it's for my protection dad right?"

  "oh,well it seems i have spoiled you a lot,i can't even stop you on your desicion,you are smart anyway,how come i will have to doubt anymore,you got my trust my little claudette"..finally her dad agree..

  "dad,im not a little one.."

  "yes i know but for'll always be my sweet little claudette despite of you being like a man when it comes to your attitude"

  claudette knows what her father means,she's really a fierce woman,a hard type,not easy to deal with..she is like an angel with her pretty and charming look..with her amazing curves and figures..who will taught that she's far from any other girls..she's a kind of girl, men would definitely regret when they try to mess with her..she's a bit boyish..