
Let’s Read The World

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Author: theraregirl22



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"What do you want?" He asked her coldly Nora was shocked with his behavior. Didn't he know she was pregnant and he was going to be father? Didn't Samantha inform him about her appointment with the doctor? But she had told her that he would accompany her. "Today is my first appointment with the doctor. Will you accompany me? She asked him softly. " No." Came his cold voice. She looked at him and searched any trace of joke or fun. But she didn't find any. He was still looking at her coldly. She smiled at him and nodded her head in understanding. She turned around to leave from there. She heard the sound of door shutting. Finally few drops of tears came out of her eyes. It was clear with his behavior that he didn't want the baby. She and her baby both were unwanted in his life. She quickly wiped her tears away and smiled at herself in encouragement. She had to be strong. Eleonora was a strong minded girl, struggling with her daily life but, What will she do when she had to marry a stranger for her family? What will she do when her husband didn't love her nor want her? What will she do when her husband didn't want their own baby? He didn't even care about the baby? Will she still stay or leave? Will she still continue to love him or leave him? Join to Eleonora's journey to find out.
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Chapter 1

  Eleonora Sava was a 25 years old simple, ambitious Italian girl whose main goal in her life was to live happily without any regrets . She worked hard in her small Catering and Event Management company to support her family and herself.

  She was born in Italy but moved to the USA for her higher studies and after graduating she opened her little business there with the help of her Nonna who lived in the USA. Her father Patrick Sava was Italian but her mother Adriana was an American. Eleonora also had a younger sister named Cara and a younger brother named Lorenzo.

  After graduating Eleonora tried her best to provide everything to her little sister and brother because she loved them so much. Her world revolved around her family. All she ever wanted was her family to live in happiness. Her mother was her inspiration in life who was beside her in every ups and downs. Beside her mother there was another person who supported her mentally and financially. Her Nonna. She had a special bonding with her nonna since her childhood. She mostly spent her childhood in the care of her Nonna.

  One could say Eleonora's life was going through the tranquility she herself had created. She worked hard, earned money, helped her father to take care of their family and travelled where her heart desired. She had a roof above her head, enough food to eat and clothes to wear. What else could she want from life?

  But there's a saying nothing lasts forever. So how could the tranquility of her life last?

  Everything had changed when her little brother became sick and needed an immediate surgery which would cost a lot of money. Eleonora's father was just a butler in a rich man's house.

  She and her father tried a lot but couldn't arrange that much money in a short period of time. Even though she sold her small company but still couldn't arrange the money. She felt really helpless. Her siblings were her heartbeat. She couldn't imagine anything bad happening to them. Lorenzo was her mischief little sunshine. They had a ten years of age gap between them which made them really close siblings. She broke down thinking of the possibility of losing her little brother.

  When all hopes were almost gone her father told her something that changed her whole life.

  For good or worse? She didn't know that time.

  She hadn't had the best relationship with her father. Her father didn't love nor care about her that much. For her father, his son was everything. Her father was a stereotypical person who valued son over daughter.

  It's not like he didn't love her before. He used to care for her but that was until his son and her Brother Lorenzo was born. He gradually changed and gave all his love and care to his son while ignoring his two daughters.

  But Eleonora never felt any grudge against her brother. She loved him with all her heart. She was the elder sister of her little sister and brother. She stood with them in every step of their life. She made sure to protect her sister from her father's stereotypical behavior. She made sure her brother grew up respecting women, starting from his own family.

  She didn't want her brother to grow up gender discrimination. Eleonora made sure to teach her siblings about equality. It was a bliss that her siblings grew up with good moral values of human life.

  Eleonora always longed for her father's love, care and attention but never got any. It made an empty feeling in her heart which grew by every passing day, months and years of her life.

  A girl will always crave for her father's love. Every Father and daughter in the world always has a special bonding.

  But unfortunately Nora's luck wasn't among them. She and her father hadn't even talked properly since her highschool days. But nevertheless Nora got used to it. She got her mother's love. Her mother loved her very much. Her mother always tried to sooth the empty feelings of her heart.

  While growing up Eleonora was really stubborn and sensitive. She couldn't control her tears even over small matters. Even her anger would turn into tears. Her happiness would turn into tears. Her sadness would turn into tears. But with every passing year her life changed so did her emotions.

  A few days later Eleonora noticed her parents behaving unusually. Her parents would always argue and she knew she was the person they were arguing over. She tried asking her mother a few times but her mother didn't open her mouth. That day when she found her parents arguing again she entered the room.

  Noticing her presence her parents quiet down. She looked at her mother who had tears streamed on her face and her father had an angry expression. She sighed.

  "Papa, what's the matter? Why are you guys arguing about? What are you hiding from me? She asked her father while standing in front of him.

  Patrick didn't look at Eleonora instead he glared at his wife. Eleonora then looked at her mother. Adriana avoided her eyes and looked away. Nora was sure something was wrong. She knew her parents were very worried about Lorenzo's treatment who was still at the hospital.

  "Mama, please tell me. What are you guys hiding from me? Is Enzo alright?" She asked things but maybe her parents knew something more about Lorenzo's illness but weren't telling her.

  "No. He's alright. We are not hiding anything. Go to your room Nora." Adriana commanded her daughter with a strict voice.

  "But Mama-" Nora couldn't finish her sentence as Adriana cut her off.

  "I said go to your room." Adriana raised her voice and Nora looked at her perplexed. She didn't understand why her mother was getting so angry.

  "Why are you shouting at her? She has the right to know. Let her decide what she wants." Patrick glared at Adriana while voicing out his words.

  "No. She doesn't need to know. I wouldn't allow you to sell my precious daughter, Patrick." This time Adriana didn't hold her anger and yelled at her husband. She couldn't believe her husband would agree to something like that.

  "I'm not selling her. It's just getting help. They didn't give any conditions. They just want her to make their daughter in law. She will have a good future and We also can save Enzo. Don't be foolish, Adriana." Patrick yelled. He had enough of this. He couldn't let his son die and do nothing. There was nothing bad with Mr. Williams proposal.

  Meanwhile Nora stood there motionless with a perplexed expression. She understood it's about her marriage but didn't understand who wanted her to make their daughter in law. Coming out of her shock she masked her true emotion and cleared her throat before speaking.

  "Papa, tell me clearly about it. You don't need to hide anything. You are right. Let me decide what I want to do." She said while looking straight into her father's eyes.

  "Mr. Williams heard about Lorenzo's illness and he said he will help us with the money. He said he will even arrange Lorenzo's treatment in the best hospital." Patrick began to explain but paused in the middle.

  Nora listened attentively and didn't comment anything. But when Patrick paused in the middle of his sentence Nora understood what's next. Even though her heart was beating fast her expression didn't change. She still maintained a calm expression which made her parents worried.

  "What's the condition?" Nora straight asked about the main point without beating around the bushes. Patrick cleared his voice before saying

  "He wants you to marry his elder son. Zanvil." Patrick said and avoided looking at Nora. Nora already guessed it so she didn't react at first. Suddenly Adriana, who was standing quietly, started to sob. Nora looked at her mother and sighed.

  "How much do we need?" Nora asked her father calmly.

  "Almost 250K Euros." Patrick said. He was a little bit worried about his daughter's lack of response.

  "We have 50K at this moment. So we only need 200K. I agree to marry Mr. Williams' son. But I have one condition. We will just borrow the money and I will return the money as soon as possible."Eleonora stated in a composed voice. Her father looked at her shocked. He didn't expect her to agree so easily. He didn't say anything just nodded.

  "No. You don't have to do this Nora. Don't force yourself." Adriana tried to convince Nora but Nora didn't budge.

  "Don't worry mom. I'm not forcing myself. We should be happy that we could save our Enzo. Marrying Mr. Williams won't be bad." She said to her mother softly instead. Adriana hugged Nora and sobbed at her daughter's misfortune. Nora didn't say anything and let her mother cry.

  Nora was shocked to know that Mr. Williams wanted to make her his daughter in law. Mr. Harris Williams was a businessman. Her father worked in Mr. Harris Williams family house as a butler. She knew their family quite well.

  She met him and his wife a few times in the past when she still lived in Italy. She got quite close to them when she had saved his wife from a road accident a few years back.

  She also met Mr. William's younger son and daughter who were twins and were of her age. But she met his elder son only a few times and in this little time she got a huge crush on him. He didn't come to Italy that much when his family came for vacation or to meet their family.

  When her father told her this proposal she didn't know what to say. Sure she would do anything to save her brother. She knew her father wanted her to agree with the proposal. He would do anything to save his son and even if it meant to sacrifice her daughter he still wouldn't hesitate. So Eleonora agreed without thinking much of it