
Let’s Read The World

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Author: Dee wrïtèz



MY LOVE LIFE. PDF Free Download


Single and SEARCHING Anastasia Grey, who works as a content creator suddenly find herself being pressurized by her mother to find a man. Eduardo Moreno, a rich billionaire's son who never seems to want to engage in any relationship. He dislikes commitment but is also placed under pressure to get a wife before he is entitled to the property of his father. What happens when both meet each other?
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Chapter 1

I watch with both my mother and sister as alot of people came to pay my late father his last respect once more by the graveside.

"Mother come on, we know this isn't easy just don't cry over it anymore." I spoke using my thumb to wipe off the tears that kept dropping to her chins.

"My dear you just won't understand. You were too little to make out what had occur but no worries. Mother will try to be much better." Mother said using her handkerchief to wipe off the tears on her eyes and dropped the bouquet at the down part of my father's tomb. She held unto the slabs for awhile and then began leaving for home.

"We should all get going dear ones. We appreciate your presence much more. The ceremony is going continue at home, do well to follow up. And just Incase you won't be following us down to the house i and my family express our gratitude for standing by us in this tough times." Lauren finished addressing the people like the boss lady she is.

She came to I and mother and we began heading home. Andre my work partner and best friend was the one going to be driving us.


Few minutes later we were home. Mother already said she was going to rest after alot of greeting and sympathy's from the visitor.

Andre and I were still out. We rested on the rails of the outer part of the house. We were just having a alone time not away from the crowd though. We had glass of drinks on our hands as we conversed.

"Hahaha. C'mon Andre. I am not supposed to be laughing hard right now, you know." I said hitting him hard on his back and trying to suppress my laughter as he made another funny face.

"Oh please. That's why I'm here to make you forget about your worries cause today I am to stand by you, so you don't end up giving me a grumpy face and silent treatment tommorow at work." He said again.

"The hell nigga!? Get the hell outta here." I said hitting him once more feigning annoyance this time around.

"C'mon Stacia. You are joking right?"

"I said to leave."

"Are you for real?"

"Yes." I replied. He looked at me like I had suddenly just grown imaginary horns on my head and then the next thing he did made me laughed out loud. He gave me a puppy eye.

"Nigga ain't gonna fall for that." I said in a funny voice as he held me by my waist and we laughed out loud with him still mimicking my voice. "You are stupid Andre."

"All for you baby." He said winking at me.

"You know if some stranger were here they'd probably be thinking you are my boyfriend." I said him a naughty face mixed with an annoyed one.

"Hahaha. That can't happen, cause it would be like I writing my death wishes myself.

"What!?...was that all you had to say?"

"Her royal highness, should I add more compliment?"

"You know you should really leave this time." I said as a guy began walking our way. We suddenly stilled when we saw our assumption were quite right.

"Excuse me Miss Grey, may I have a word with you?"

"Me?" I asked making up a confused face.

"Yes you if you don't mind. I promise not to take much of your time." He replied. I looked at Andre raising my brows at him like bro give me a clue and this crazy son of Mrs Bright actually pushed me to him.

"Stop being clumsy and just answer the guy already." He whispered pushing.

"Stop it will you." I whispered back. "Hmmm...we can talk here right?"

"Hmmm..." The guy started about to kick against for Andre was still standing around. The mothérfùckér jilted me.

"Don't worry about me, I will just be away for awhile but then make sure nothing inappropriate happens bro." He said to the guy tapping him on his shoulders.

As he walked away the guy began. I expected something much better but my hopes and high expectations of wanting to listen to what he was saying and if it worth the charades dropped down the drain.

"My father and your father were best of friends Stacia. This isn't actually my first time of meeting you, I did the day you accompanied your father to one of their end of the year parties and since that day I had seemed to have developed alot much interest in you." I was about cracking as he said that line but I suppressed it. If only that boy was here I would have laughed. But I don't wanna do something that I'll have my nose broken for it. We can't tell if this guy is violent or not.

"And this is why I made up my I was going to be telling you today about it." He finished. For a moment he expected me to say something. I also did expected myself to say something but I stood dumb.

"Is something wrong?" He finally broke the silence.

", not at all. Hmmm can I get a time to think about it?"

"Sure." He replied by this time we already saw Andre coming into view. " I'd take my leave now." He said as I nodded in reply waving him a bye. Immediately he was out of sight, I bounced on Andre.

"You imbecile, you left me someone i knew not."

"Hey! Calm down. Jesus Christ! I said it we can never live under one roof. You are twenty Stacia, yet we act like crazy teenagers."

"Who cares? Does maturity give me money?"

"Sick ass." He mumbled.

"I heard that!"

"What did he even talk about?" He questioned as I started laughing.

"Nigga I heard nothing, except that he likes me and blah blah blah and that it was the day my father and I had attended a party that's were he saw me and all that."

"You didn't even take him serious Stacia? What planet of the earth did you drop from? Cause it's obvious you ain't human." He stated with a serious face.

"Now you are the one that is sick." I replied walking off as he rushed after me.

"Tell me you are leaving atleast."

The second phase brings in view the Montero empire. Mr Moreno had a lady brought into to his matrimonial home. He has the woman to his bed doing all sorts of things to her.

"Hmmm...." He moaned satisfied of the sexual desire she met. While they both enjoyed their ecstasy. Mrs Moreno suddenly opens the door and finds a woman on the bed with her husband. The lady had quickly left the bed and fall to the side expecting the wife of the man she was committing adultery with bounce on her. But to her utmost dismay, Mrs Moreno stood by the door speechless saying nothing but watch the two of them.

"I just wanna pick something from the wardrobe and I would excuse you both." She finally said walking to the wardrobe. Moreno already had the woman he brought in hurriedly dressing up and pushed her out then locking up the door to remain he and his wife. He walked over to where she stood and suddenly grabbed her behind. The woman trembles in his hold.

"Don't you dare say a word about this to anyone,even your children. Am I clear?" He said in his manly voice.

"Let go off me Moreno." She said struggling.

"AM. I. CLEAR!?" He roared once more.

"Yes! Yes!! Just let me go, you can do all you want." She replied. Immediately he let go off her she took to her heels quickly exiting the room.


Stacia Grey.

It was evening already the next day. I sat by my laptop typing off.

I take great pleasure at sitting before my personal computer dealing with my office work and typing off whatever and searching whatever it is I needed and wanted to know of, rather than going on dates with lame asses. Yes,mother suddenly starts pestering me that I get married.

Lauren was back to her home because she had left her kids and job to come over.

The one Momma had set out for me last I went was the worst experience ever.

"Stacia! The food is getting cold already. Ain't you eating? Leave the damn device already!?" Mother complained.

"Am so sorry Mum, I would microwave it all over again as soon as I am done. I have a project given to me from the office and needs to be done with before the next day." I spoke drinking my almost finished whipped milk.

"You always have excuses to give. Anyway suit yourself."

"C'mon Momma..." I was cut off mid sentence with a knock on the door. Mother was already at the kitchen.

"Who is it?" She questioned.

"Leave it to me mother, I would get the door." I said leaving my PC to the door and in a frame of some seconds to get the door, the site I had last opened up gave a notification sound.

Returning back to my seat after taking the parcel from the post man, I sat to see another entirely different site I never searched for popped up on the screen.

I searched through as Mother questioned who was at the door. It was a dating site. It suggested some many faces, funny enough one got me interested and stared at the picture and tap on it to see the profile.

"I don't know Mother, it's a parcel. When you are done you would come to see for yourself what I am talking about. Right now I need to focus." I said then went off the profile and cancelled the unsearched site.


"Spill it Andre! Don't keep giving me that look." I said to my male best friend who came to visit. as we walked out my house for a little walk around after munching on my meal.

"You sincerely want to hear me out?" He questioned more like wanting to be assured I won't bash him if was to say what he intended to.

"I promise you, I would say no bad thing to you even if you worth it." I replied as we stopped by a ice cream stall. "Want some?"

"Yeah, a chocolate flavor at that."

"Alright seems our taste buds craves for same tonight." I replied and ordered to To-go cups. "Here." I said handing his own share to him.

He swirled his lips on the curves part of the cream. And some minutes passed by quietly.

"You ain't saying what you intended to Andre?" I started.

"Alright, it nothing that serious though. Although it is... Stacia I have never ever come over to your house and mistakenly met a man on my way in or out." He said while I sniggered in response.

"It's not funny."

"Wait, Wait I have just one question to ask." I stated out walking into his front. "Hope my mother hasn't talked you into this?"

"Did she have to? I could see for myself. Alot of handsome man comes by the office but you give none your attention. All you are so interested in is the damn job. Don't you sometimes feel tired and need some arms to rest on?" He inquired raising his brows at me.

"And that's why I have you Andre!" I said out of no where.

"What!? What do you mean?" He questioned scrutinizing me closely.

"I said what I said Dre. I don't Seems to be move by this stuff people call love. You know at some point I actually went out of my comfort zone just to grant you all your wishes but it didn't end well cause I ended up sneaking out on my lousy date." I said as he bursts into fits of laughter.

"You are one hell of a clown. You didn't just tag your date a lousy man?"

"Am just being honest here. He was never the type I would wish for Alena."

"There you go again. Alena is now a choice of examples right?" He chuckled getting himself and I a roosted beef sticks with veggies.

"Oh please, like I said I was just being honest. You and I know she ogle at every man she sees."

"That doesn't mean you make her an exemplary figure."

"Hell yeah... forgotten she is now officially your side chick." I mocked.

"What?? That's not true Stacia. We literally just went out for a friendly dinner date." He defended.

"Yeah, a friendly dinner date." I said sarcastically gesturing my fingers in the air. "You had better tell the woman where she stands and stop making her feel relaxed like she's got a catch cause she didn't let me work in peace talking about you throughout the day."

"You gotta be kidding me."Andre said glancing at his wrist brace. "It's late already Stacia it's time to go in already."

I checked and it was just 9pm. "It's not so late like you are saying it. Let's sit by the mini bench and while away time still it's 10."

"Okay. If I don't get to work early tomorrow be sure to partake in a bit of my punishment."

"No guarantees. You might just dance to the tunes of the beat on your own." I said as my eyes caught a glimpse of a lady yelling at a man in front of a brothel.

"Are you seeing that?" I said tapping continuously on Andre laps who seems so engrossed in his phone checking only what the lord knows.

"What are you talking about?" He finally gave his attention as I pointed over to what I was talking about.

"There! That's a woman who obviously caught her man with another woman and you expect me to believe in love? Well I might just give a try if I am allowed to date you my best friend." I finished turning sideways like i wasn't the one who spoke.

"You ain't serious. Get your ass off the bench am done already." He said walking away leaving me behind.

"Can't you be nice and romantic for once?" I said with no answers received. "I was only joking Andre!" I said but he kept walking fast while i ran as my feets could take me.