
Let’s Read The World

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Author: kccosmos



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It's a gloomy sunday night for Axis, he decided to scroll up on facebook. He found a girl who's looking for someone who might have the same interest in music as hers. Axis dropped a comment and sent the girl a direct message containing casual greetings. The two both liked each other's personality and they united their time for music and for unwinding sessions.
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Chapter 1

  There are certain days I wish life would be a little bit kinder but there are also certain days I wish my life would disappear -- like a bubble that instantly popped out, a popped out bubble that would never left a single trace of its existence. But for today, my alarm clock woke me up and I am obliged to ride my life.

  I heard three knocks and I saw my mother. "Wake up Mr. Axis, your proposal for your project must be defended today." It's a miracle that she's not angry or too loud on waking me up. "I'll come down, Mom." I rubbed my eyes to wash away my morning star, I rubbed a few. "I'll wait downstairs, fix your bed." She motioned her feet to make her way downstairs, I heard creaks because the ladder is made up of woods. Our house is made up of woods, we are eco friendly in that sense, roofs are exceptions. My room is on the attic my bed is situated infront of the attic's window. The sunlight is penetrating the window glass and the final position of the light is placed on my bed sheets. The sunlight is visible on my sea foam green sheets. The theme of my room is green, I fell inlove with sea foam, one of the green's palette, since I was fourteen. I am completely entangled with sea foam, green is sadder than blue. Some would say blue is the saddest color but for me it's the color green who contains blank interpretation. I placed my pillows on the bed I folded my blanket and I placed it underneath the pillow. I gently caress my bed sheets, I breathe the fresh air, and looked at the window. "Another day of suffering." I stand up and walked downstairs.


  I smelled the mixture of our breakfast's smoke, the ingredients are fried hotdogs and eggs, fried rice, and creamy coffee's aroma. I saw my mom working on the kitchen sink to wash the utensils she used for cooking, she's wearing a mickey mouse apron. I walked towards her.

  "Good morning, Mom! The breakfast smells excellent." I sounded amused because of the smell, this smell isn't always present in our house.

  "To cheer you a goodluck for your proposal." She turned around and kissed the tip of my nose.

  "Where are the others?" I scanned our small dirty kitchen, I can't find my dad named Mil and my younger brother whose name is Kelvin.

  "Honey, they are located outside. Would you call them so that we can have our breakfast?"

  "I will." I went out and navigated their presence.

  "Dad? Kevin?" I shouted, they might be in a far away place.

  "We're here!" A synchronous voice shouted back, I'm sure they are whom I've been looking for. The sound originated from our backyard, so I went there. While I am making my way toward the backyard, I could hear some machinery's sounds. Mostly crashing  and letting out a puff. In our backyard, there's a small house intented for our mechanical and electrical works. I pushed the door and I spotted my brother and father. They are testing my prototype to light up a bulb.

  "W-what are you doing..?" I asked nervously because they might break the prototype.

  "We're constantly checking your prototype to assure its success." My father answered proudly.

  "Father, you don't have to do that. I've tested that one and it's working completely fine. Besides, repetition isn't always the exact answer to a problem. Anyway, we have to eat our breakfast. My defense will start at 10:00am. It's already 8:00am."


  They consciously extracted the rock that they placed on my prototype to light up a bulb and placed the prototype inside a metal box. Our presence crafted a smile on my mother's face. We sat on our respective chairs and eat silently.


  Individually, we grab the plates we used and pushed everything on the sink. As usual, I'll be the one who will remove the dirty portion of these plates and glass. I grab the sponge and dip it on the dishwashing liquid. I squeeze the sponge and let it produce white solid bubbles.

  "I'll wash those plates. Prepare the materials you need for your proposal. Take a bath and suit up properly." My mother insisted and she grabs the sponge.

  "Copy that, Mom." I washed my hands using the running water and damped my wet hands on dry mat. 


  My project proposal is about piezoelectricity. It was supposed to be a group project but my groupmates decided to leave me. Because the day the project was given, later that night I planned every details. From the macroscopic detail to microscopic detail. The next day, I bought the materials needed and I laid out my idea in front of our teacher and my groupmates. My teacher enthusiastically agreed and told me to proceed with the project. I thought my groupmates are comfortable with my idea, unfortunately, not. Lea, one of my groupmates, said that I'm being too advanced. Angelo said that I'm not considering their abilities and ideas. Reynon said that I'm arrogant and pessimist about our group. I remained quiet while they ranted about my actions and behavior. There's no sense in trying to fight or counteract their opinions, I can't change those. Later that day they decided to form a new group, they left me dumbfounded. While they did those actions, I remained quiet. I didn't brag about my idea and I composed myself not to rant about their actions. Instead I try to take their actions as an advantage to be better for my project. I thought, perhaps I'll be the proudest student once this project has been finished. I didn't become phony rather I firmly mind the process of creating the project. My teacher suggested that I deserve to have a longer duration in creating the whole project, I told her that I'll do my best to finish it on time, to sounds fair. It turns out, I finished it on time, the research papers and the prototype. In the span of three months, I created the project successfully. Today is the day to defend it, if I defended it properly there is a chance that I'll either create a new technology business or it will be funded by other business.

  I took a bath and wear my well ironed uniform together with my black shoes that looks like topsider. I grab the laptop and placed it on its bag. I carry the bag like a shoulder bag. Wear my I.D like a necklace and envelop my casio clock on my left wrist. I check my wristwatch its already 9:23am.  "Mom! Dad! I'll wait on the backyard. Kindly hurry up!"

  I headed back to the house in our backyard and carry the metal box. Few minutes later, my parents showed up. They are wearing formal clothes. My mother wears a peach thin dress and my dad is wearing a button down blue shirt and black slacks.

  "I'm not attending a wedding, I'll just defend the product. I'm not taking you to a date!" They laugh and ended with a squeak.

  "You're the first child in our entire family to defend a self created project. We want to dress formal." The thing is their expectations increases my worries. My self loathing is sneaking I can't let self pity goes through.

  "I'll try my best."

  "Let's go to the town"

  We live in a farm, where in birds are chirping and chickens are tweaking, and my whole face can feel the air. I love living in a farm, the blue sky is noticeably visible, I don’t want anything, I want the calmness of the blue sky.  we'd need to ride a tricycle to reach the town. In town there are jeepneys, buses, trains, and tricycles. There are lots of people in town, all of them have their own priorities. I find it amusing, people having different lives. When I was a kid, I used to think that I'm the center of the world. I minded my life, I thought I'm the only one who mattered the most, not that I thought other people aren't important. There's a great area in the spectrum of life that needs attention and understanding, that area will never vanished. I grew up and I managed to divide my perspective in parallel lines, there are 7 billion people, I'm not the only one who's breathing.

  We waited for a tricycle, It's a good day that the tricycle came instantly.


  We ride the tricycle and reached the town. For the last ride, we searched for a jeep. It's a good day that there's a jeep. We climb up and seated on a comfortable place. The jeepney went on and we begged it to stop infront of our school.


  "National Institute of Science of Technology, today my son will make history!" My father exclaimed and carries my laptop bag. I checked my wristwatch and it's almost 10:00am. I'm not the first one who's going to defend, actually, I'm the last one.

  "Let's hurry up! The defense will be done at the covered court. It's almost 10:00am." We run until we reach the covered court there are 10 horizontally lined up red monoblock chairs and in each line there are 20 monoblocks, the covered court is quite big. All of the chairs are facing the stage. Below the stage are the panelists, I bet they all have Ph.D titles. There are 5 panelists, three females and two males. They are seated alternately. There's a designated place for our body. I sit at the first row and my parents seated at the back row.  I wish they could have a seat infront because that's where they are supposed to be.