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He's My Home

He's My Home

Author: Levi A.



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Sage Toshiro is suffering from depression. She alway's feels lonely, she doesn't have any friends at school because noboy even dared to talk to her until one day when she was about to jump of the cliff a guy saved her and since then they became friends. As day's past by since the two of them met Sage started to fall to her bestfriend yet she's scared to admit to her best friend, scared of being left again in the dark. Aeros Heider on the other hand once knew that her bestfriend Sage is in love with him yet he just kept silence for he's afraid. Afraid of hurting her because one day he has to leave her and he's afraid of losing her so he thinks that it may be better if he'll keep his feeling's for her. "You are my first love. Since the day that I first saw you I already knew that I fell hard for you. You're my everything. I can't bare to loose you again. I love you so much that I'm willing to sacrifice for you." -Aeros Heider-
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Chapter 1

We are here at the kitchen, eating while discussing the business.

“So…Sage, what course will you taking this school year?” Dad asked

“I’ll be taking medicine dad since I want to be a psychiatrist,” I said and drank water and looked to my mom who’s now glaring at me

“You should take the business ads. Goodness Sage! You’re the firstborn and in the future, you’ll be the one who’ll handle our company.” Mom hysterically said

“Why don’t you let Kisha take that course since she’s your favorite and, I could also sense that in the future she’ll be great in handling our company.” I stood up and looked to my sister who’s now looking at me- no glaring at me

“If you’ll excuse me, I should go right now for I have so many things to do.” I excused myself, leaving the three of them.

I grow up not being loved by my mom nor my sister unlike my dad who’s sometimes giving me attention but that was not even enough for me to feel there loved. Mom’s favorite is my younger sister, for she’s smarter than me and beautiful. There are even no days that mom won’t compare me to my sister.

Sometimes, I wish that one day I’ll feel being loved by someone even if it’s just in a short period of time. How I wish.

As I left the house, I quickly drove my car to my favorite place or should I say secret place.

“Ahh, what a beautiful sight.” I smiled when I opened my door

These beautiful surroundings make me smile each day I came here. I never knew that this kind of place does exist.

The flowers and the trees make me calm every time, I even wonder who’s the owner of this place. You can even see here the city and all I could say that this is far from the toxic city I lived in. It feels like a paradise here.

I took out my notebook and my pen and started to write some stories because this is my hobby every time I came here.

“Who are you?” A cold baritone voice asked me that made me suddenly stopped

“Huh?” I asked confusingly to the guy who’s now in front of me

Damn! He’s handsome he looks like Zeus.

The guy just ‘tsk’ at me and looked at me from head to toe “I said what are you doing here?” I quickly came back from reality when I heard him asked the question earlier again.

“Uhh, I…I was just relaxing here.” I stammered

“Do you know who’s the owner of this Miss?” he asked and I just shook my head

“Nope!” I answered and put my thing’s back into my bag

“Your trespassing here Miss, better get out here or I’ll call the guards to drag your ass out here.” He said

“Uh, who are you to order me? Are you even the owner?” I rolled my eyes at him and stand up “don’t bother answering my question, I’ll just go now. bye.” I said and walk straight ahead to the end of the cliff

“What the hell are you doing?” he asked as he looked at me confused

“Uh, I’m gonna jump.” I innocently said

“Are you crazy?” he asked

“No! Well nice seeing you, Mister.” I waved my hand good-bye and jump off to the cliff

I heard him curse and ran towards me but he was too late because I already jump. It wasn’t even that high nor low, I know that when people see me will be scared like the guy earlier, but who cares I even jump this cliff for months now. I also didn’t have some bruises whenever I jump here.

I just shrugged my thoughts out and opened my car and entered. I was about to start the car when someone knocks on my window.

“What?” I asked him when I opened the window

“Thank God your alive!” he said, his hair is messy right now and his polo geez it’s like he just came from a fight

“What the hell?”

“Damn woman! Don’t you even dare jump on that cliff again, you scared me.” He said

“And who says to you to be scared?” I asked


“Anyway, if you’re here just to tell me not to jump off that cliff again then better be sorry for you have to do it next time will see each other again or not. I’d better head back home today so bye!” I started my car and drove my car away, leaving him dumbfounded

TSS! So what? He’s not even my mother to scold me because I jump on that cliff.

I wonder if what is his name, he looks hot tho’.

“Shit!” I muttered a curse when I remember that I have to buy something at the National Bookstore

“Nah… I’ll just buy that tomorrow” I mumbled to myself

As I reached the house I quickly parked my car and go to the backdoor.

I saw my sister drinking milk in the kitchen.

“Where’s mom?” I asked

“At the room with daad.” She answered and I just nod at her and go straight ahead to my room when I heard dads voice

“But Emilia, we should support our daughter, if she doesn’t wanna handle the company then let Kisha handle it” I heard my dad said

“And what Sam? Let Sage be happy because she already reached her dream while Kisha is struggling with handling the company?! Are you even thinking Sam?!” I just snorted at what my mom said

Kisha struggling? If only they knew I was the one who’s struggling right now.

“Emilia please, just this once. Treat her like she’s your own daughter.” I felt like the world stopped because of what dad said.

What does he mean? I’m not their daughter?

“No. I will never treat her like my own daughter because she’s just like her mom a slut, a whore.” I gasped at what mom answered

“Don’t you even dare talk to Sasha like that,” Dad said

“Don’t tell me that you’re that still in love with her,” I heard my mom chuckled “you still love her don’t you? You even choose that bitch over me.”

My tears couldn’t stop falling as I heard what my mom said.

Now I knew, that I wasn’t their daughter, that she’s not my true mom.

I couldn’t bear listening to their conversation, knowing that I was another dad’s woman daughter is enough for me to hear.

I quickly ran downstairs and go to the parking lot. I even saw the guards looked at me confused as I started the engine.

“Dear, are you okay?” one of our maids asked, I just gave her my assuring smile and nod

“Tell mom and dad that I won’t be going home today. I’ll just sleep on my condo.” I answered and drove to my secret place, where it makes me calm.