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Love for my baby

Love for my baby

Author: Ne- Reel



Love for my baby PDF Free Download


17 year girl .who are pregnant for unknown person. After 4 your. She return home with his baby . Baby's aks who is his father but his mother always silent . One day when baby dip in sleep see seen his dad call him after that he wake up in dream and say his brother 'i want dad with tear full eye......
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Chapter 1

  On the rooftop of taj hotal in X city. There are a beautiful girl. Who see bottom of the hotal with tearing eye.

  'Why?' Loud sound .

  'Why this happened to me? why god? why? I Chiem Agarwal only one child in my family. My mom always love me,always trust me but what i do for him? '

  'My day always proud of me but ami ashamed .how i can say to my mom and day i have a child without father.

  If i say such a thing to my dad he is die .i can't see my dad die .'

  See clean tears in face with his palm. She bottom of building. When she want to jump .she feel pain in stomach.

  She back 2 step.she feel why his stomach suddenly pine.

  She seen blue clean sky .

  'What do you want for me? You destroy my life &know you don't want me die either?'

  She think know she not kill his own life & his innocent child .she only do one thing right now cry & cry & cry.....

  4 hour

  She clean tears in his eye .take the cellphone and his friend .

  "Book me flight ticket to uk tomorrow morning "end call

  After that Chiem take taxi and go to home. Own the way of house she decided everything what to do next .

  Chiem stop taxi near his house. Give money & frond of door she try to ring the ball but she so nervous and scared .one second his hand move to ring bell, next second she move back.when she close his eye and try again. Suddenly door open. His mom smile face chance next second.

  'What happened with your eye baby?'

  Chiem see his mom reaction. She grap his mom hand and say

  'Mom its its nothing. Mom less go in .i want to say something good news and also one bad news 'with big fake smile.

  'Mom don't start cry again ok! Say what you hear first good or bad news 'hmmm'.

  Miss agarwal: 'Good news '

  'Ok! The good new is ....i am selected for the future study '.

  Miss agrawal: 'what about bad news '

  'Mom bad news is i want to go US'

  Miss agrawal

big smile

: it good thing you go to US. Dont bary i handle your dad.

  'Its not about dad'

  Miss agrawal: baby say clearly don't scare me?

  'I want to go tomorrow morning. All arrangement are all ready done .flight ticket....'

  She hug his mom and tears run down silently

  'Mom i really miss you and dad.i miss your salty half cook food 'she remove tears. Smile bag and brake hug ....

  Miss agrawal: You naughty girl you fun my cook. When you have married and ten baby then i fun of you.

  Chiem run away with laff. His mom run to catch to his naughty girl.after 5 min chiem give of to run and miss agrawal catch his. Chiem feel his mom hit anytime so she can't do anything just accept it. Next second his mom hug him.

  Miss agrawal: you silly girl. You always scare me. know i am free.i baby grow up .

  'Mom can i sleep with you '

  Miss agrawal: ok, less go pack you bag first.

  'Okay .i love you mom .you are the best '

  Miss agrawal: you are always say your dad is the best but today mom is the best.

  'Mom .dad is dad mom is mom .no one replace your place in my heart. But my father is best ...too best. '

  Miss agrawal: ok ok father's baby

  This night very long to chiem. She not fall sleep until 2 morning in flight she seen x city last time with tears in eye.


  In UK she see his friend Ne Ne .she run to his friend direct hug his friend so tight and cry. Everyone who pass they see both hug. Ne ne feel embarrassed.

  'Chiem what happened ?less go home and tock '

  Chiem can't say anything follow Ne ne.

  In Ne ne house

  'Say what happened? Why you suddenly say you come to UK?

  'Ne ne first promise me you not say anything wit my parents.' Chiem see his friend with eye hope his friend understand.

  Ne ne promise without thinking. His know his friend bottom his heart.

  'Na na i am 2 months pregnant'.

  Ne ne: what? How can this happen?

  'Place do not ask anything '

  Ne ne: but you can abandon this child. Is ony 2 months .not too later .

  'I try but Doctor say if i abandon this child .in future i am not pregnant again'.

  7 months

  'Baby you are so big .i cannot work properly know. Where are you coming in this world?.you did not fill your mom so pitiful.'

  'Ahh!.. Ne ne call the ambulance .i am going to birth. '

  In hospital

  Operation room Chiem give birth 2 little prince

  Ne ne carry 2 boy in his arm .'Chiem see you baby is cute . they are both twins but both are different. You can figure out easily. Who is big boy and who is small boy. Big boy is hansom or small one is cute .hey Chiem take your big child cry .after give birth. He is not stop. Everyone try to stop his cry but fall.'

  When Chiem carry his big boy he automatic stop cry .see his mom to cute smile.

  Ne ne :Chiem your child only leasing to you .he give you hard time to you in future.

  Chiem say nothing see only seen his two cute innocent baby. He not regard to give birth to child. See feel happy .

  She decided.,she protect his son everyone.

  Ne ne :do you have any name for child. What about his sur name.

  'He is my son and absolutely follow my surname.

  'I have his name Ro agrawal and Roy agrawal .its not its cute '

  5 year

  'Chiem Chiem were are you ?your son are underline. '

  Chiem: what happened miss Aix ?

  Miss Aix:your son are so rude. See what he have do to me?

  Miss Aix 's hold face paint blue nik color. Chiem see miss Aix blue nik color .she smile in heart but not so in front of other.

  Chiem: Ro why you through ink in anti Aix face.

  Ro:i through him ink in face .if she try tuch me agan i do agan and agan .

  Chiem see his son hansom face turn angry. She turn his face to Miss Aix .

  'Chiem i do not to your son .i just want to hug him .he is cute ,handsome but your son do this this' Miss Aix feel little embarrassed.

  Chiem : oh! Miss Aix i am sorry for my son .plz forget him .

  Miss Aix:ok ok but i want to kiss you son after that i forgot him.

  Chiem: ok sue why not

  Ro: But mom .

  Chiem pick his son in his am ,she sur his son not run away. Miss Aix happily come close to Ro and kiss his face 4 or 5 time ..

  Miss Aix :little Ro this is your punishment.

Miss Aix turn to Chiem with happy smile

chiem why your son so stubborn. When i want to play with him .he just run alway.

  Chiem close his son mouth with his hand. Smile at miss Aix .

  'Miss Aix its nothing. He is shy only '

  Miss Aix: its ok if he do agan this to me i take him to my house and not return to you. By by little Ro see you.

  Ro:mom i not go to aunty home. Mom i feel stinky with my fact i want to shower.

  'Ok! ,Ro you not like aunty Aix. See give so my gift. '

  'Mom i only like you '.

  'Why you only like me'.

  'Because you are my mom you semarla so sweet. Other are stinky. Eaa ..ak..'

  See his son action. She think she want to cry or laff.

  Next day

  Ro And Roy rut to his mom room

  Roy: mom we are going to our home town today.

  Chiem: yes ,my study are finish know and your grandma or grandpa miss you. I stay with him.


  Roy: yaaa ..we are going to back grandma love me he cook for me tasty ,tasty dishes.

  Chiem:no but you grandpa cook very testy dishes.