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The Billionaire's Surrogate Wife.

The Billionaire's Surrogate Wife.

Author: Blaliy01



The Billionaire's Surrogate Wife. PDF Free Download


THE BILLIONAIRE'S SURROGATE WIFE. COPYRIGHT 2023. BLALIY LILIAN ANYADIKE. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without written consent of the author, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages for review purposes only. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are used fictitiously and are a product of the author’s imagination. "Get married?!!" I thundered over the phone. "But it was just surrogacy" I tried to explain but the person on the other line wasn't answering. "Hello..." I said anxiously waiting for a reply. "I'm sorry but you have no choice, yes it's surrogacy but your son needs you because the woman you played surrogate dead".
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Chapter 1

“Kendra!!” Mickey shouted running all around the house and I could only chuckle still sewing my thorn dress.

“I can’t feel my face!!” He kept yelling and I even laughed more. I was so happy he was okay and alright, few years ago things would have gone completely wrong and I would have suffered a mental breakdown until my best friend Lizzie introduced me to Catherine Evans. She was looking for a child and had begged me to play surrogate to her, she promised to pay me well and I had to agree. Then, Mickey was in the hospital after he got involved in an accident which took the life of both my parents affecting me in one way which no one wanted to talk about. If I could remember on that day we were heading somewhere and the thought of it made me happy but after the accident, everything blacked out and I couldn't remember anything again, somehow what my parents looked like except for photos. My mother had protected and covered Mickey so he was safe but not saved, he needed to undergo a surgery but I didn’t have the money, I had cried and complained to Lizzie who promised to help me but was that helping, I was going to play surrogacy to a stranger. Catherine was going to pay whatever I had mentioned so I had to accept, I agreed because I had no choice. I payed for the surgery immediately and started my own part of the deal. I carried a child for nine months without knowing the father but what did it matter?, It was a deal that would end soon and when that happens, I’ll have no relationship with them. I gave birth to a son, to a baby boy and I won’t lie at a point I wanted to hold him longer but no, he wasn't mine. I gave him to Catherine and that was it, I didn’t say a goodbye to my baby boy…no not my baby boy, it was a deal, he wasn’t mine, I had to forget about him.

Mickey survived the surgery thankfully and we left the country for green pastures. Life became brighter as I got a job, rented a house and put him in school. I was happy until three years later…,

The telephone rang bringing my thoughts back to Mickey who was now seated on the sofa panting heavily.

“I thought you’d never stop” I told him heading for the telephone and he smiled.

I picked up the phone placing it close to my ear. “Hello”

“Kendra Scott!”

“Huh?, Yeah who’s this?” I asked.

“This is a call from Renis International Co-operation, a message precisely from the president himself”

I stopped to think, I knew about Renis and how rich and powerful the company was but why was I getting a call from them, from their president”

“How can I help you?”

“You’re needed”

“Needed?” I asked in confusion.

“Your location has been captured and in no time someone will be sent to you, all you have to do to get into the car..”

“Excuse me?, Is this a polite abducting technical or what?”

“Two years ago you had a deal with Mrs. Catherine Evans who is as a matter of fact Catherine Dennis. You played surrogacy to her and now you must get married to our president”

“What!!” I yelled and Mickey shot me a confused look. I exhaled reducing the tone of my voice.

“Get married?, “But it was just surrogacy” I tried to explain but the person on the other line wasn’t answering anymore. “Hello…” I said anxiously waiting for a reply.

“I’m sorry but you have no choice, yes it’s surrogacy but your son needs you because the woman you played surrogate to….is dead”.

My heart missed multiple beats as the call went dead. What was happening?, Catherine was dead?, But… But the deal was to end…

I looked at Mickey who stood up immediately.

“Mickey go get your stuffs now!!” I ordered.

“What?” He asked confused.

“Mickey now!!” I ordered and rushed inside hurriedly putting some stuffs I thought I’d need into my bag before I headed towards Mickey’s room helping him pack before rushing down the stairs, I locked the door and just as we got outside, three men on black suits, black polished shoes and shaded glasses stood before us, like they were expecting us.

“Get in” one ordered and that was when I saw two black cars parked. One was a black Lamborghini huracán while the other was a black Mercedes Benz.

“No!” I pulled Mickey who was terrified behind me.

“You don’t want us to get rough do you because I love rough”

I gulped looking at the other two men who stood quietly with a pale look on their faces, I knew they were dangerous and worse of all, I was with Mickey.

The door was opened and the man motioned me to get it.

“Fuck….” I whispered.