
Let’s Read The World

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Meet Luca Bruce Salvatore. He was considered as the devil of business. Nobody dares to defy him. He has everything in the snap of his fingers. He was one of the most handsome, successful, powerful youngest Billionaire of the world. There was nothing he didn't own. Eventhough he was never in a serious relationship, girls swarm over him like bees. All he did was to left them heart-broken. He was called as Mr.lrrestible. Until he met her Ms.Stubborn. He was an arrogant king but she was a sassy queen. He likes to rule, she loves to break the rules. He thought no one could be as stubborn as him.But she proved him wrong in every possible way. He called her a BRAT She called him JERK. He wanted to tame her but she was indomitable. Meet Dr. Aria Addison. One of the best Doctors in the country.She was incredibly beautiful, sweet, cool and stubborn. She was cold to the ones who deserves and warm to her loved ones. Even though she was the centre of attention she avoided it at all cost. She
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Chapter 1

Aria Salvatore

"Am I forgiven?" asked Luca as he caressed my hair locks gently. I was leaning on his chest, my closed eyes with my arms completely wrapped around his torso, while he held me tightly against him. I wonder what's there with his tight holds around me.

"For what?" I asked him sleepily, opening my dozing orbs.

"I was a prick to you a few days back, baby. I deeply regret———— I cut him off saying "I was never angry with you for me to forgive you Luca. I was upset and frustrated. I was scared that because of my carelessness I would lose you. Something bad might happen to you. And that was the only reason for me to be rude to you the following day."

"I had been hurting you all along, right? Right from the moment we met. I did the most cruel things to you yet you are being an angel to me. Why do you love me so much? I deserve to die for trea———— Placing my fingers on his lips I continued,"If you think I am being lenient on you, trust me I am. I know, because you are my husband. You are my other half, Luca. The other half I am in love with. To be precise, crazily, madly and deeply in love with. I don't even think these are the right words to say 'cause the emotions I feel for you is too deep to me measured by anything." Moving my hands from his lips to his chest I saw his eyes following my actions with eyes filled with amusement and fondness.

"This heart is mine. I own this, remember Luca? If I hurt you, I feel it inside me. If you think you deserve to die then you are killing me, not you."

Before I could register the moment, I was laid on my back with my lips sealed with his in a hungry kiss. It was vehement as he took my breath away. I still tried to give in but his strokes weren't something that I could manage to cope up. Messing his hair I felt his guttural groan from his throat as we flushed our bodies together. His one hand was stroking my cheek, while the other held my clothed waist pulling me to him. It was arduous with love and promises. I felt my brain beginning to clog up with his love as he drove my sane actions far away with his breathtaking kiss. There was something burning in between us and it felt foreign.

He pulled away when the decreasing oxygen kicked in making me pant while he was looking at me with his normal breathing.

"I am a swimmer and I won't mind kissing you for a long time," he answered my unasked question, making my eyes widen, pecking my lips once again.

"Shut up," I said, hiding my face in his neck, hugging him. He chortled before hugging me back as he rolled us over, pulling me over him again.

"Luca?" I called out for him as he hummed in response.

"Look my message can be unforeseen or unrelated too but I felt the need to let you know my nature."

I looked up to meet his curious eyes as he held mine with his stare.

"I am someone who believes words are more powerful than swords and more delicate than threads. You can kill a relationship or heal a broken stitch of hearts. It's the words that can prevent the destruction of hearts or it can be the cause of destruction. And it matters only with the person you love."

I paused for a breath before continuing.

"I love too hard. I don't give in easily but I don't give up too. I am stubborn with my love and I am possessive about my place. As a daughter and now as a wife. I can be cruel when I hate."

I paused to look at his eyes. "Hate the one I love." His eyes widened for a second and they became normal cautiously to mask his fear.

"You mean you can hate me?" He asked with his eyes flaring anger and possessiveness. I picked up the hidden pain and vulnerability behind his words and shook my head to a no with a soft smile on my lips.

"If I know I can, why would I not have done it back then Luca?" I asked him in a feeble voice that was almost unrecognised by my very own system.

I love him dangerously and he knew it. We both knew it. My lengths are always limitless. And that's what scares me.

"You can never hate me Aria. You should never hate me?" He ordered with his intimidating eyes that have never looked at me that way. His hold around me grew powerful as I felt like a feather caught up in a lion's paws. Nevertheless it felt safe as I leaned onto him.

"I don't take orders." Though I wanted to say this I didn't because love can be commanding. I love when he demands my attention, my love, my care for him. His rights as my husband and the man who owns my heart, my soul and each and every fibre of me.

"Don't make me," I said, smiling mischievously.

"Don't scare me Aria," he muttered like a lost puppy snuggling into my warm neck. I laughed at his acts, suddenly a stinging pain twitched my skin, a sharp hiss left my lips.

"Hey! Luca Salvatore, what was that huh?" I growled at him. The jerk husband of mine bit my neck, sucking on it.

"For making me scared," he said, smirking at me as I threw an angry dagger at him through my eyes.

He chuckled before saying," I am marking you. You are mine." With that being said he dived in again biting on it.

"I can be a handful at times and worse than that often. Nevertheless I love you like a lunatic. I mean it. Even if I make you hate me you still belong to me Aria," he said, making my breath hitch.

"I won't give up on you Luca. And I know you would never give up on me," I mused lost in his hazel orbs staring at me with a whirlpool of emotion swirling in his eyes. The stare that almost created havoc inside my body. This time he leaned in again for a soft smooch filled with passion and love. Now we both were aware of this. It's our love that is gonna decide our destiny.