
Let’s Read The World

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Young Autumn Wilde was a happy she-wolf along with her twin, Summer Wilde and her big brother, Luke Wilde. It was all she ever wanted. To be close with her family and played with pack members since she is the daughter of the Alpha of Red Moon pack. But, in the last count of her 17 years old, she ran away from the pack's house. She ran from one pack to another pack just to search the most precious matter for her. By that, she lives in the woods, sleeps on the ground covered with leaves. But that's not the worst thing yet. The worst thing happened after the best sleep she ever had since she ran away from home. Why? Maybe you want to find out yourself......This story is not based on the real Werewolf myth. This story is purely my imagination.
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Chapter 1


It's another day I woke up in some comfy old leaves. They helped me to cover my body when I was asleep at night so no one can find me trespassing their territory.

Even I know werewolves can scent in a very long distance, but my mom once told me, they will never find you when you covered your body with dirt or leaves.

Since I just had the clothes that were on me right now, I wouldn't let them dirty because of the dirt. And thank God it was Autumn so there were so many fallen leaves to cover my body.

I quickly got up and brushed my hair with my hands. Packs' Sentinels were patrolling at night but in the morning they were gone somewhere else. Maybe sleeping or enjoying time with the pack's members. I usually used this opportunity to go to the human's city and search for something to eat.

Since I had no money, I usually begged for some restaurants to give me food and I would help them with anything they need in return. It usually worked, but in this big city, plenty of them was just like, "Get your dirty ass off of here." And I've been hopeless now with my stomach craving food.

"Hello, dear?" A feminine voice said behind me.

"Oh! Hello." I replied when I saw an old lady smiled at me.

"Can you help me? I'm searching for a good hotel around here." She said by looking in every direction.

"I'm so sorry ma'am but I'm not from here either. But I saw a hotel right there when I passed the street. I don't know if it's good or not."

"Oh, where are you from, dear? And where do you stay?" Her smile never leaves her lips. What should I answer? That I'm from a place that is very very far from here. Maybe 500 miles away? She's human, she might not know about werewolves.

"Oh, I didn't stay anywhere since I lost my purse and all my money. I kind of hanging on the tree to sleep." I told her with a small giggle, not wanting to tell her where I was from, and let her took it as a joke.

"Well, that's awesome, young lady." She chuckled "Why don't you come with me to the hotel you mentioned earlier, since you lost your purse." She said and pushed me by my back with her smile still on her face. She seemed nice.

"So tell me. Are you really hanging on a tree to sleep or you're just joking around?" She asked again and still chuckling.

Oh boy, it's going to be a long day! And I'm hungry!

We finally got into the hotel I told her and she quickly went to the reservation desk, leaving me to sit on the waiting couch.

I looked around and wished there are no werewolves here. I sniffed the air and didn't find any wolf scent. Great!

"Sorry, miss. I think that old lady called for you." The security of the hotel poked my shoulder and then pointed to the familiar old lady.

I walked toward her and she quickly gave me a paper form. I read it carefully and found out that it was a reservation paper.

"What's your name, dear?" She asked pointed to the name list on the paper.

"Oh, let me write it down," I said and wrote down my name. I checked the other questions, but they're all done.

"I already filled it for you. I just don't know your name."

"Are you going to reserve me a room? That's not ness——"I was cut by her index finger on my lips.

"Shushh... I want to and you need to." She said and handed the paper to the reservation guy.

"Okay, ma'am. One single room to Mrs. Alicia Torres for two days." The guy nodded to the old lady, I recognized as Alicia and Alicia smiled at him with a nod. The guy turned to look at me. "And, one single room to Ms. Autumn Wilde for two days, also." I looked at Alicia and she quickly nodded to the guy. The guy looked at me with a cocky smile and told me, "Sweet name."

"Thank you," I replied and turned to the old lady quickly. "Thank you so much Mrs. Torr——"

"Alicia please." She cut me off.

"Well, thank you so much, Alicia." I thanked her.

"No worries, dear." She smiled and asked the reservation guy to help her get her suitcase to her room. "Oh ya, I'm sorry dear but I really need to go to my room now."

"Your suitcase miss?" The hotel guard asked me.

"Oh no, I don't have one. Just my clutch." I smiled, showing my clutch. The guard was confused at first but smiled and went to the lift with Alicia's suitcase. "Once again, thank you, Alicia." I thanked Alicia once more and Alicia hugged me before she turned away and went to the guest lift.

I looked at the envelope the reservation guy gave me, then took a look at what's inside it. There's the room card key, the copy of my paper form, and 2 tickets. It was 2 days tickets for breakfast and dinner. Thank god!

I walked to the hotel's restaurant and asked the waiter if I still can have my breakfast. Because my stomach was craving for food.!

"Sure thing, miss. Let me take you seated." He said and tore the top of the first ticket. "Here's your ticket for today's dinner." I took it and smiled, giving him thanks. He gave me the menu and told me the place to get drinks, and deserts, so the only thing I can order from him was just the main food.

I took a look at the menu and asked for pancakes. When the waiter was gone, I walked to the drinks stand and found 3 different kinds of drinks.

Well, I didn't really like milk actually, but I like it more than orange juice and coffee, so I took a glass of milk and walked back to where I was seated.

When I was just taking a seat on the chair, I smell something different and strong. Something I always smell at night in the woods.

Wolf scent.