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Eternal Love

Eternal Love

Autor: Debbie_writes

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"Young master is coming" the two secretaries screamed together,"we are all screwed we are definitely getting sack letters" another said. Jerome's POV My name is Kang Jerome. I was given Jerome because my father does not want me to be known in Korea. I lived all my life hiding,my father and stepmother see me as threat to his political ambition. My father is the president of South Korea and my step mother is the President of Glamour Group. My real name is Kim Sang Hoo the son of President Kim Do Jae,my mother died when I was young,my mom and dad did not get married legally.......... Stay tuned Korean Drama Debbie_writes your favorite authoress this is my first novel I am going to publish.
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Chapter 1

Eternal Love

[She is mine]

A Korean Drama

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Jerome's POV

The weather is cool today maybe cause of the rain. I'm Kang Jerome,although that's not my real name I was given Jerome because my father doesn't want people to know we are related in Korea. I lived all my life hiding, my father and step mom sees me as a threat to his political ambition. My father is the President of the republic of Korea and step mom is the president of Glamour Groups. My real name is Kim Sang Hoo the son of President Kim Do Jae.

My mother died when I was little, mom and dad are not married legally that's why I keep on live my life in hiding. Talking about me I love a simple life I hate wealthy people like my dad. At 8 I was taken to America after my mother's death she was murdered but the police reported that she used overdose of sleeping pills of which I didn't believe, they tarnished her image. My mom Park Soo Bong is a model and actress but got into a stupid relationship with my stupid father. I tried running away but Kim Ji Hyun always have a way of getting me,life is miserable without an identity of your own,with a carefree father and overprotective step mom. I need to go back to Korea,I wanna be myself,I wanna find my mother's murderer but I'm suspecting Kim Ji Hyun I saw her at our house the day mom died. The door opened I jolted out of my thoughts its my nanny Ursula.

"What do you want?"I asked,"Mrs. Kim wants to speak with you on phone"Ursula said,"thank you"I said and followed her,I was handed over the phone. "Annyeonghaseyo"I said,"I just want to know if you need anything"Kim Ji Hyun said. This is a golden opportunity to leave this place, I've been here for the past 9 years,"huhhh I guess you don't need anything"Kim Hi Hyun said,"ania I want to come to Korea,don't worry no one will know about me or that I'm related to you"I said,she paused for a moment,"OK I will send someone to you soon"she said and hung up.

Finally I'm going back to Korea,this is the happiest day of my life. I've got so many stuffs to do there.


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