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Lethal Allies

Lethal Allies

Autor: Khira

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NEF. Non existent figures, people who are shadows to the world and has no means of identification, thus they go on killing sprees and are classified as crazy serial killers. Four years after a NEF attack, Arison Seymour, a second year college student and a fresh returnee to Seattle is dragged into a dangerous game of cat and mouse of yet another loose NEF. After the death of her friend, the red-ette comes to discover that the Crazy serial killer is only back to finished what they had began, making sure that she lays beside her sister, 6 feet under. Bonds are formed, friendships rekindled and love found. Could Arison’s faulty memory hold an essential clue to ending this mad game?
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Chapter 1

The building of Verrin University towered high above the other neighbouring buildings, showcasing its unique mixture of modern and ancient architect. It was a University built with the purpose to house the Best of the Best. With a history of 101 years.

I watched as the numbers on my phone screen flipped and stopped at 9:10, not a second eariler or later. Once again I ran my fingers through my hair, clattering my teeth as I did so. I was gonna be late for my first lecture and I had no idea which room I was to be in.

"Am lost," I admitted defeat. "How is that even possible." I pull at my hair, frustrated. 

My fiery red curls hung in a ponytail, highlighting my honey brown eyes and pinkish lips. The blue overall matched with a casual pink long sleeved hoodie, I had on complimented my 5'7 height. 

"Sorry, excuse me." A soft voice called out from behind me, as I turn around a relief expression take over the all to frustrated one which had been on my face all morning. 

"Lucinda." I smiled at the only familiar face all morning. Lucinda and I had met during the opening seminar, but she later revealed that she wasn't a freshman. We chatted for a while but not long enough to exchange contacts. 

"Hey Arison." The older blonde current in front of me waved her hand. Pale skin accompanied with bright blue eyes, straight blonde hair and reddish lips. She slightly towered over me. Definitely not intimidated 

"Welcome to Verrin University." She smiled. "How has the first few hours been treating you?"

 I chuckled. " Peachy."

"Have you been to the admins office to collect your schedule yet?" She inquired with a curious tilt of her head.

"Not exactly. I'm kinda lost." 

"Well based on the freshman schedules you still have some time before lecture," she takes a peek at her watch and straightened up her posture. "About 15 minutes or So, would you like me to maybe show you around?"

Like hell I would. I inhaled and nodded. "I'll love that." I told. 

"Great, then shall we. This way please." She gestures for me to move forward still smiling warmly like a modle advertising a company's newest product.

The walk towards the admins office was a short one and in less than 5 minutes we were already standing in front of a brown door.

"This is it." She announced. 

"Thanks a lot." I smile, being as polite as I could. 

"Ari~" Lucinda sings and I player with my fingers wrapped around the door handle, wipping my head around, I stare at her with wide eyes. 

"S-sorry?" I asked, surprised by the sudden use of my nickname. 

"I can call you that, right?" She beams. "After all we are friend." 

I blink a few times before forcing a smile. "Yeah, friends." 

" Well you should better get going, the process may take quite some time." She gestures towards the door with her perfect smile now back on " Go on"

I slowly nod. " Bye"

I watch her walk away for a moment feeling a bit confused about the slight wave of recognition I felt the moment Lucinda had used my nickname. Shaking off the feeling, I turned around and knocked on the door before pushing it open. Thinking wasn't gonna do me any good. 

Sadly I didn't know that was the start of my future problems.