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My First Boyfriend

My First Boyfriend

Autor: Sallystitch

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My First Boyfriend PDF Free Download


The summer of 2016, I was about to graduate high school and my first few days of being an adult were boring, i just sat at home uninspired looking for something that would lead me into the path I wanted to go. I was searching for some sort of happiness outside of myself, not realizing true happiness lies within.
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Chapter 1

  My name is Annabelle Lee, I had grew up in the small town out in the middle of nowhere. We lived in a small house with a porch on the outside. Everyone knew everyone, it was in the county. My family consisted at the time of a household of both parents

Joseph and Josephine

, one sibling



  I had always been shy in school had few friends but tons of crushes. I got picked on a lot in school is also another reason why i never went on that many dates. I was quiet and shy so was ny sister Caroline.

  My parents had always been overprotective of me as they always told me stories of a girl who lived up the road from us who had got raped and my mother told me stories about her past too. They always seemed to want to scare me but i realize now they were only trying to protect me from the real truth of the world.

  They never let me date when i was younger I grew up scared to ask to hang out with friends or boyfriends because of it. I decided I was about to turn 18, I desperately wanted to start going on dates so I downloaded a social media app meet me. I figured most of the guys I went to school with were childish although i had a crush on quite a few of them. As soon as i downloaded it i noticed that it was all about look, less about personality.

  I began messaged a couple guys and instantly was hooked on the app. I dated a couple guys on there for a few days here and there but none of them caught my attention or were like the first boyfriend i dreamed of so i kept looking....

  One day, i crossed paths with a Brett. I told him a little about me and he seemed serious about wanting a relationship. He seemed sweet and kind. He was definitely older he had blonde hair and seemed pretty cool. We began to ask questions back and fourth to each other and soon i discovered he was very professional like

a truck driver

. I was intrigued to say the least. I told him how I had never been on a real date before not even had my first kiss and how i was still a virgin. He somehow managed to talk me into meeting him he said I need to get off my mommys hit. I dont know what it is about how he said that but it really persuaded me. I figured one day we would meet up but i was scared to ask my family to go on a date. I mean how would they take it? I asked and they seemed to be okay with it. So it was planned. We were going to meet our first date in person at Walmart and just hang out. I drove my yellow car to Walmart and parked outside. I was on the phone with him and we were talking he seemed so goofy and sweet just like me. He was driving his truck that day he said and he would show me around his truck. I was excited i never been inside one before. I was so scared to meet him. I had never been so shy in my life. I was still on the phone with him and he shared his location with me. I told him it looked like he was getting closer. But he was still about a hour late. And he said i am. I forget exactly what he said but he started talking about how he was going to move slow, he didnt want to scare me and then magically out of nowhere in the corner of my eye. He appears out of nowhere. My mind ask is that really him. He seemed so tall, mature and handsome. He had on a leather jacket. And a goofy silly smirk. I was so happy to finally get to meet him. He knocked on the car door slightly. I grinned ear to ear. And i rolled down the window slightly he said hey its meAnd went into a long story about how he was sorry he was late. And he handed me red flowers and some yummy crackers forget what kind. I was so happy i handed him a necklace and a card i had wrote for him. He asked if he could come sit down. I said of course and i kept saying I was shy and awkward and how i was scared he said it was okay. He looked so cozy and warm in his leather jacket. He was actually kinda cute. I was surprised like how did i get so lucky. He sat down in the car with me and asked if he could hug me. I was scared i said sure but ive never hugged a guy before he said how he was gonna try to make it romantic. He wrapped his arm around me and it felt so warm it felt so right. I could smell the scent of his cologne and it was the perfect smell. I loved it i asked him what smell that was he said axe. I was bewildered. He had the goofiest smile on his face. And i felt ao happy to meet him. He said want to walk in the store with me. I said yes. At the time i worked there so it was amazing to get to feel what it felt like to have a real boyfriend by my side. He held my hand and wasnt afraid to show me off. He was so talkative to everyone. I loved the experience of having someone to hold. He said our next date would be even better....