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Major General River: I'm In Love With You

Major General River: I'm In Love With You

Autor: Jim-in

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Major General River: I'm In Love With You PDF Free Download


Serene Novak, she's a twin sister of Stormy Paxton but they were separated when they were babies. Serene was Trafficked at the age of seven, that day the human traffickers captured fifteen girls in the Amusement Park. And Serene was one of them. She was forced to join a secret organization, called The Diamonds. They are trained for seducing, and how to assassinate, to be the best thieves and they are responsible for the biggest heists around the world. One day they were given a mission somehow it went wrong or she was betrayed and thirteen-year-old Serene was captured by Kent River. Kent River, a Major General in the military and he's highly respected. He is a secret weapon in the military, Kent River has many enemies. But he's not an ordinary person as everyone around him thought. As to what reasons he saved Serene that remains unknown. They both journey on the road filled with emotions, thorns, and many secrets on the way get revealed. They fight hand in hand, but will they have a good ending? To kill your curiosity...
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Chapter 1

  A big truck filled with Gold was moving too fast, it seemed like it was being chased. Two black cars were chasing after it.

  "Do you think I should jump?." One of the girls asked. She was looking very fierce.

  "Wait a little bit, let me get a bit closer." The one driving said.

  Everyone in the car looked excited to rob a truck filled with gold. Except for the calm girl that sat at the corner, she didn't like to talk a lot.

  She felt out of place, it has been years ever since parted with her family. The images of them seem to be hazy but her little brother is the only person she could remember vividly.

  She looked calm but she was ruthless, to save herself from her jealous colleagues she has killed many people.

  For her to kill was easy, she killed humans as if she was slaughtering chickens. The truck drove in the dark tunnel. That's where they planned to hijack the truck.

  But before the plan could even fall into place suddenly the Serene's car was being fired. The calmness in her eyes disappeared, her eyes were cold and ruthless.

  The two girls that sat beside her covered Serene's nose with a handkerchief and pressed her down. "I'm sorry." One of the girls whispered.

  The car that Serene was in, drove itself, the two girls escaped. They managed to hijack the truck.

  Serene's car was moving at a fast speed. When it came out from the dark tunnel it hit the wall. The cops were already informed.

  When they arrived at the scene, Serene's car was only left an inch to fall into the sea. The scene was horrifying. In just five minutes other cops with helicopters arrived at the location.

  "There is someone in the car." The captain said. "Do you think that the person inside is still alive, just looking at the car, how the bullets penetrated the car?." One of the cops asked.

  "You never know, we should save the person either dead or alive." The captain.

  When the Major General arrived all things needed to save Serene were all prepared.

  "Is everything ready?." He asked.

  "Yes sir." The cop said.

  With the aid of the military in 20 minutes, Serene laid on the stretcher. " She will go to the Military camp." Major General said.

  "From the information we gathered, this girl is part of the heist." The captain said.

  "I know, she's still young I have plans for her. Major General said Before the reporters arrive just declare the girl dead."

  The captain hesitated first. " But sir, she's a wanted criminal how can she be any of helping us." Major General shook his head.

  "Do you think that the person that is behind the whole thing will just fold his arms and wait for us to capture him? Tsk, tsk, so naive." The Major General walked to the helicopter with Serene in his arms.

  The captain felt like he was really stupid.

  It took about twenty minutes to arrive at the headquarters in the military. Everyone was shocked to see the Major General with a little girl in his arms.

  When he arrived in the hospital, no one asked who is the girl, they did some check-ups. "This girl inhaled too much of chloroform and it's a miracle that she's alive." Dr. Qin said.

  "She should spend a night here, so we can do a check-up on her after two hours." Major General nodded his head.

  "I will be back." He left Serene in the ward. He called his maid. And he told her to prepare the guest room.

  Then next day, Serene found it hard to open her eyes opened them slowly. And her throat was also dry. Major General pushed the door open and he walked in.

  He was wearing his clean uniform. She stared at him. She has never seen such a handsome, beautiful, and charming guy.

  Even her former boss was not this charming. But he was handsome.

  "Take." He gave Serene a glass of water.

  Serene took it and gulped a mouthful of water. And she placed the cup on the table beside her.

  She looked at him wondering who is this person why is he making himself comfortable in her ward? "Where am I?." Those were the first words that came out of her mouth.

  "You are in the military base." His voice was like a cello. Making Serene to be captivated by him.

  "If you want answers then look at here." The Major General turned on the t.v and Serene was shocked at what she saw in the news.

  "Why did they say I'm dead." Serene didn't understand this man before her.

  "They will come after you."

  Serene knows what he means, they will want her dead if she's alive because she knows a lot.

  "Why are you protecting me?." Serene didn't understand this man.

  "Because you are useful." After saying those words he left her ward. And many questions unanswered.

  "Who is he, and am I useful?." Serene muttered, she was somehow hurt, everyone wants to use her for their benefits.

  "To answer your question, he's the Major General." The nurse walked in.

  "Huh, but he looks so y..." The nurse cut in.

  "Young, I heard that he joined the military when he was ten, he's smart." Serene was stunned.

  "So young but why?." She asked.

  The nurse shrugged. "We don't know." She smiled gently. "You are such a strong girl."

  Serene eyes squatted if she was really strong then she would not have been defeated by those girls. She could only sigh.

  Days passed, She was discharged a military car fetched her and took her to the Major General's house.

  When they arrived, Serene was stunned by looking at the house. She could tell that the security is very tight.

  "Follow me, Miss." The chauffeur said. Serene followed behind and walked inside the house.

  "Miss Maria the girl is here." The chauffeur said.

  The maid called Maria walked out of the kitchen. "My name is Maria the only maid in this house."

  Maria was captivated by Serene's brown eyes. It was the first time seeing a girl with different stunning beauty.

  "I'm Serene." She replied.

  "Come I will take you to your room." Serene was surprised again,

  'am I going to live here?.' Serene thought