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Her Desired Love

Her Desired Love

Autor: Cgichuru

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Her Desired Love PDF Free Download


"No! Robert please listen to me. She is lying to you. I couldn't do that, please Robert believe me I'm your wife." Sandra begged holding her hand that got hurt when she fell just now. "I have had enough of you Sandra, my lawyer will bring you the divorce papers. It's over, you don't have to pretend anymore and don't worry, I'll give you the one million we agreed on as soon as you sign the divorce papers. This was just a fake marriage any way." Getting into a contract marriage, Sandra thought she could make Robert fall in love with her. Watching him leave she decides to go home and take back everything that belonged to her making her the president of Lungan Group When she meet's Robert, he is shocked to learn whom he was married to. She was not an ordinary nurse like he thought. Will she desire to take him back after all the humiliation or destroy him and all the people that hurt her.
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Chapter 1

"No Robert please don't do this to me. They are all lies. I didn't do it, please Robert don't go. Please don't leave me" Sandra sat where she had just fallen holding her throbbing hand begging Robert who sneered at her walking away with his lover.

In less than twenty four hour's her cracked marriage had completely broken.

As the tears welling in her eyes streamed down her cheeks, she wished she didn't come to the hospital to find him. She wished she had ignored that woman no matter how hard she provoked her.

If only she didn't let her emotions get the better of her she couldn't be here, humiliated and people sympathetically looking at her pathetic face.

Myra had planned all this and she had won. For weeks since she got back she kept sending messages to her asking her to leave Robert but Sandra had stood strong refusing to give up on her marriage despite all the threats she got. As long as Robert stayed with her and didn't ask for a divorce she wouldn't leave. She swore to stand by his side and fight for her place in his heart.

Last night while lying on the coach, exhausted from her hectic day at the hospital, Sandra closed her eyes to take some rest. Feeling her stomach rumbling, reminding her she had not had anything to eat for the whole day, she went to make her self some egg noodles. As she waited for the water to boil, her phone chimed, indicating a new message. Massaging her temples, she thought of ignoring it.

She knew it was another message from Myra, her husband's ex girlfriend who had been pestering her.

Getting irritated by the message alarm tone her phone made every other second, she decided to read the message to see what new tactics Myra had adopted to force her hand.

As the screen light up, she smiled seeing it was a message from her husband. Since she married him he had never taken the initiative to call or message her. This was new and this only meant that he valued her more than he did his mistress.

Unlocking to read the message with all the excitement and longing in her heart, her smiling face froze as her hand's trembled almost dropping the phone. There he was, her husband lovingly holding on to another woman naked in bed. He looked so happy and peaceful, more happy than she has ever seen him since they got married.

Looking at the woman who slept on her husband's chest, she felt like tearing them apart into bits of pieces. She never expected this, as tears blurred her vision she kept looking at the picture.

He had sent it, what did he mean to do to her by sending this. Sitting at the kitchen island, uncontrollable sobs left her. She had experienced pain before but not this intense.

It hurt so much she couldn't breath, Myra had said so much in her messages but none got to her. This was her husband, the man she hoped would love her and grow a family with.

Calming herself down at the blink of collapse, she took ice cold water drinking it with her eyes closed as the cold burning her throat made a shiver run through her body.

Thinking of the picture she couldn't help feeling the numbing sharp pain in her heart all over.

Sadly she knew who the woman was, the same woman who has been sending messages to her. The only woman whom her husband loved with all his being.

When they married, she knew what she was getting into but she hoped he would love her. She thought as she took care of him everyday he would eventually forget his childhood love and accept her.

She kept that hope alive and yes Robert became gentle with her over the months until that woman showed her wicked face again.

Now for weeks Robert had not come home and despite knowing he was with her, seeing the photo tore her heart into pieces.

That woman Myra was her husband's first love. It was sad to see Robert worshiping the ground she walked on even after she had left him.

Intending to ruin their marriage, Myra insisted so much for Sandra to leave and divorce Robert but Sandra didn't intend to leave her marriage. Unless her husband asked her to.

Knowing Robert's mother liked and accepted her, Sandra without a doubt knew he won't leave her.

For weeks now she had keep all the anger suppressed afraid he would leave if she argued with him but now she felt it was too much.

She had let him walk all over her for too long and now it was enough. Losing her appetite, she turned off the gas dialing Robert's number intending to confront him.

After several attempts with no way of contacting him as his phone was off, she went to bed planing to contact him in the morning.

Still with no luck of finding him in the morning, she called his assistant. Getting the address from his assistant after promising not to tell her husband how she got his location, she got in her car driving to the hospital thinking of what to do when she faced them.

"Where is he?" She asked the meek pale woman lying on the bed.

Though Myra looked pale, she didn't seem sick at all.

"Sandra what are you doing here? If it's Robert you are after, well, it's too late. I told you I would get him and I already did." She mocked her with a smile.

"Is that so? You seem to forget that he's married to me." Sandra responded with her hands crossed over her chest.

"Not for long." Hearing Robert's voice outside the door,Myra took a knife from the breakfast tray and sliced her palm.

"Stop what are you doing?" Going to stop her, Myra threw the knife at Sandra's feet then held her hand with tears in her eyes screaming for help.

"What going on?" Looking from Sandra standing rooted to the spot to Myra's bloody hand, Robert understood what had happened. "How dare you?" Forcefully holding Sandra's hand he questioned shaking her violently.

" accused me of seducing you. Just now she tried to kill me Robert. She wants to kill me." Rushing from the bed, Myra run to Robert hiding behind him.

"No Robert please listen to me. I'm your wife Robert. She is lying, she cut her own hand. Robert...." Sandra begged as he dragged her out of the VIP ward.

"I've seen it all Sandra, you are so disgusting. Acting weak and innocent yet you are a cold blooded monster." He sneered throwing her out.


Seeing her winch in pain and her eyes turn red, Robert felt sorry. He felt he had gone too far to have pushed her out the way he did.

Thinking of checking if she was hurt, Myra held his hand. Looking at Myra's bloody hand he felt Sandra deserved everything he just did.

"No Robert please listen to me. She is lying to you. I couldn't do that, please Robert believe me I'm your wife." Sandra begged holding her hand that got hurt when she fell just now.

"I have had enough of you Sandra, my lawyer will bring you the divorce papers. It's over, you don't have to pretend anymore and don't worry, I'll give you the one million we agreed on as soon as you sign the divorce papers. This was just a fake marriage any way."

Watching the grin on Myra's face as Robert held her walking a way, Sandra felt like her insides were torn apart. She felt more pain than she has ever felt. He asked her for a divorce. He wanted her out of his house and his life.

Robert never felt anything for her not in the slightest despite living together for month's. She had been taking care of him, supporting him all these months but he never saw her has his wife.

How pathetic was she crying for a man who clearly felt nothing for her. A man who was willing to hurt her for another woman.

Whenever he acted indifferent towards her, she thought he had no heart. She thought he was cold and emotionless to everyone but she was so mistaken.

Robert had a heart after all but it belonged to another woman.

Seeing him hold Myra with so much love and care in his eyes, she knew he would never look at her like that.