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Betrothed To Mr Arrogant

Betrothed To Mr Arrogant

Autor: Humble Smith

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Betrothed To Mr Arrogant PDF Free Download


Betrothed to Mr Arrogant (High school Romance) Written By Humble Smith Synopsis Meet Adrian a rude, pompous and arrogant guy.. He is smoking hot and very rich, Ladies drools around him dying for his touch.. He is a playboy and has no girlfriend, he sees girls as sex bitch used to kill the sexual urge.. He is the center of attraction in school, everyone sees him as an idol, girls swoon around him, Meet Rose the only girl who couldn't fall for Adrian's cuteness.. Adrian hated her for that and wants her on his bed at all cost, the only option was to make her fall for him. What happens when they found out that they were betrothed and would have to get married.. What happens when Adrian finally made her fall for him but also found out that he also was really in love... * * You can't miss it..
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Chapter 1