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The Childish Has Gone Mad

The Childish Has Gone Mad

Autor: _imnathalie

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The Childish Has Gone Mad PDF Free Download


Nathalie is so childish. Her Mom, Dad, and her brother are always mad at her because of her attitude. Only her boyfriend understands her childish tantrums only real man can handle. Her boyfriend Jake is so caring and loving. She felt so lucky to have him as her boyfriend because he is so perfect. One day she found out that her boyfriend cheated on her. She was so devastated and that day the childish girl has gone mad. What do you think she will do? Violence? It may be a guessing game, yet the revelation is always at the end. Let's find it out.
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Chapter 1

  Nathalie's POV

       "Mom, I want that, those, these, I want all of them!!" I spoke. I almost shouted hehe. Those toys I pointed are so cute. I want all of them. I want to hug and pinch them.

       Well, we're in the mall right now. Mom is going to buy a new Television because our Television is broken. My brother is the one who broke it.

       And when we are looking for television I saw those freaking cute toys. I like toys. My hobby is collecting toys. I have so many collections of different kinds of toys in our house.

       "No Nathalie I won't buy those kinds of stuff stop being so childish it doesn't suit you. Act like your age, you're not a child anymore. Remember your 17 already." Mom declared that almost makes me cry.

       I'm kinda hurt. She's always like that. What is wrong with buying those toys? Those toys are the only things that make me happy except my boyfriend Jake.

       Mom is not like this when it comes to my brother. Mom always bought what my brother wants. I'm jealous, I wished Mom would treat me like how she always treated my brother.

       Sometimes I doubted myself if they love me. All of my family hated me. Yeah, all of them. Nobody cared about me. I even thought way back then that I was adopted based on how they always treated me.

       "Okay, Mom," I murmured.

       "Let's go, we need to buy a television now. Your dad might be home later." Mom uttered.

       "Too cheap."

       "The design is so simple."

       "I don't like it."

       "What's that? That looks so weak."

       That's what my Mom said to all the shops that we went to. Mom has these high standards on things. She liked an original one, like the things that won't break easily, durable and favorable to use. That's all she wanted.

       I guessed this is the last shop here. I wished Mom would find a Television that suits her taste. I'm tired already I want to watch cartoons. Oh my God, my favorite cartoon show will start at 5:00 pm, and it's 4:30 pm right now. I don't want to miss it.

       "Miss, how much is this?" Mom stated to the seller. I guessed Mom already found a Television that suits her taste.

       "That costs 500$ Ma'am. This is the latest brand of our Samsung Television and this is a limited edition, Ma'am. Are you going to buy it, Ma'am?"

       "Yes, I'll buy it." Mom said. Thank God we're finally going home. We have only 30 minutes left.

       "We're going to deliver the Television to your house, Ma'am. Thanks for buying Ma'am." The seller said while smiling so wide.

       "Let's go, Nathalie." Mom uttered and started to walk.

       "Let's go, Julio." Mom said to our driver. Finally, I can't wait to go home to watch my favorite cartoon show but I'm still sad because Mom didn't buy those toys.

       Why did I even forget to bring my own money? Maybe I'll just return here tomorrow and I'm going to buy those toys, I promise.

       Minutes later we finally arrived at our house. Dad is already here because I saw his car in the parking lot.

       When I entered our house, I sat on our sofa. Ohh the cartoon show will start in five minutes. I turn on our TV.

       If you're asking what is that cartoon show that I'm excited to watch, it's Barbie. Yeah, I love barbie hehe.

       Oh My God, it's starting. When I was happily watching the TV show, Mom asked Dad.

       "Hey, Darling your here already?" Mom asked Dad. Dad is a bit early.

       "Yeah, I finished my worked early," Dad responded.

       "That's good, we can eat early," Mom spoke.

       "Anyway, where have you two been?"

  Dad asked Mom again.

       "Will we've been to the mall and bought a television because Nathan broke it." Mom answered

       "Why did Nathan broke it?"

       "Well, it's just an accident. Nathan didn't intend to broke it." Mom replied.

       That's not true, Mom is lying. Nathan broke it intentionally not accidentally. Nathan broke it because he doesn't want me to watch my favorite cartoon that time.

       I wanted to tell the truth, but I know that Dad will never believe me. For him, Nathan is a perfect son.

       And Mom is always protecting Nathan from all the bad things that Nathan always does.

       Nathan hated me so much and I don't know what is his reason for hating me. I didn't do anything to him. All of them hated me except for my Nanny and all the maid here.

       "Ahh ok. Is he hurt or something? Where is he anyway?"

       "No, he's okay don't worry. He's in his room right now probably watching TV again."

       I'm just here silently listening to what they are talking about. I hope both of them will care for me like how they cared for my brother.

       Why is life so unfair to me? I did nothing wrong. I wanted to give up but I will never give up. Think positive self. I know that someday it will happen.

       My Nanny is always telling me that, don't give up. She told me that my wishes will come true someday.

        "Yaya, please prefer the food. We're going to eat" Mom told one of our Maid here.

       "Yes, Ma'am." The maid answered and bowed her head.

       "Nathalie call your brother." Mom said.

       "Okay, Mom!!" I answered while smiling but Mom didn't look at me. I felt a pang of pain in my chest.

       Anyway, I didn't even enjoy watching Barbie. Maybe next time.

       When I arrived at the room of my brother, I knocked.

       "Come in!!" Nathan shouted. When I entered his room, I saw him laying on his bed. Mom is right he's watching TV.

       "Nathan, Mom said that we are going to eat now," I said and sat on his bed. His room is so dark. All the window here is close.

       "Tsk, okay, and please get out of here," he said simply without looking at me. He's always like that.