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Magic And Miseries: Chosen Mates

Magic And Miseries: Chosen Mates

Autor: Heartcode

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Magic And Miseries: Chosen Mates PDF Free Download


The most powerful supernatural is given a second chance at life after being resurrected for selfishly sacrificing herself to save the love of her life. Being the only human who doesn't have powers, she leaves one night to find herself among people like her. Now in New York City, she finds out that people aren't always what they seem, she comes across two guys, Mysterious Ian and Dangerous Don. But there are some secrets in this town that shouldn't be dug up.
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Chapter 1





“How could you forget so soon, who you are?” Jayden asked, as he swung down from the nearest building in the college, walking towards Stasia, who stood with her friend Hazel.

A lot of people were beginning to gather around the place, wondering who were all these people in strange clothes, and how did that guy jump without breaking his legs. And who is their classmate Stasia, to them.

The rest of the strange people jumped down too, as Hazel looked at the rest.

She remembered seeing Stasia's identical doppelganger. Wait, what is going on here, why are there two Stasias. But she kept quiet as she wanted to see what was unfolding here.

“I know who exactly I am, I am an ordinary girl and you all should stay the hell away from me.” Stasia said.

"Ordinary girl? What the hell is Stasia saying now? What the hell is going on here?" She tugged at Stasia's hand, but Stasia gave her, her usual look, that she doesn't know these people.

“Ordinary girl? Jayden scoffed. Seems that you need a reminder,” he continued as he brought out his knife and slowly cut his palm. As he did that, Stasia’s palm also sliced open and blood started spilling out.

Hazel stepped back, in fear, what the hell is going on here for the umpteenth time. The crowd started murmuring as people brought out their phones to start recording.

Jayden didn't mind what the humans were doing, he wanted to get Stasia, back and by Jove, he was going to have her, even if it means hurting her. He was pretty damned on that. Human or not, Stasia belonged with them. With him... especially since he fell in love with her. It took too long for him to figure it now, but now, he was never letting her go again.

“How long does it take for you to feel pain since you are now a…. human.” Jayden said as he stabbed his palm forcefully burying the knife in it.

Stasia was dazed and shocked, she could only see the blood flowing from her hand as tears unconsciously flowed from her eyes. She couldn’t believe it, that after all these years, Jayden would be the one to cause her pain.

After everything, she had done for him, he would do this to her, this is the freaking love of her life here, the one she became human for, so that he could live. And now.... She couldn't even recognise him anymore.

Immediately supporting her hand with the other, she screamed out in pains and fell to the ground. The blood was gushing out very well, as Hazel rushed to help her, but Stasia held up a hand telling her to stay back. Hazel stopped and shouted at Jayden.

"Hey, leave my bestfriend alone right now, or you will get it from me." She said as she trembled a little. This wasn't a freaking human, she was talking to, although he looked like one.

Jayden slowly looked at Hazel and wanted to snap his fingers so that she will explode into molecules right there and then, but he was distracted by Dylan.

“Jayden, stop. You are hurting her.” Dylan said as he tried to stop him but a force field pushed him back.

“JAYDEN! STOP THAT RIGHT NOW” Jasmine said as she set an arrow straight for his heart.

“No, I won’t. Stasia needs to remember that powers or not, we are bonded and she can’t forget us and move on.” Jayden said twisting the knife slowly.

Stasia let out a piercing scream which resulted to a sound blast breaking all window glasses and doors, shattering houses, poles, cars within that area as the rest were flung back.

A demonic growl could be heard breathing in and out, Stasia raised her head up and her eyes were black with green pupils. She lifted her hand up slowly as Jayden and the rest levitated up against their will. Using her mind, she was ripping out their hearts from inside when a blurry figure zapped in at paranormal speed and dug his fangs in her neck, drinking from it, making her to lose consciousness and faint. He cleaned his mouth as he remarked “Best Blood Ever.”

His black hoodie fell backwards, revealing Don. Hazel moved back in fear and shock. Her best friend was a…blood sucking abomination for crying out loud.

“Who the hell are you and what have you done to her?” Jayden asked bringing out his sword.

“Oh, no one, important, was just passing by. Now can someone here explain this to me before I start ripping heads off.” Don said lifting his left palm for them all to see, which had the same exact wounds Stasia had.

A bright light filled the whole place and in the midst of it, a little girl of about 10 years stepped out.

“Karen, what the hell are you doing here?” Kayla asked.

“Oh, just watching different timelines and I loved this one, so here I am.” Karen said as she turned to stand face to face with Don. She gasped and staggered back.

“Try…try…trybid prince.” She said in fear.

“Just call me Don, I don’t bite…yet.” Don said as he winked at her.

“Now, does anyone here wants to tell me who was using my palm to play?” He continued looking at the various teenagers frozen in their spot, surprised and scared that even Karen the most powerful of them all, was terrified of him.

“Oh…that.” Karen said in reluctance.

“Talk, now that I am still nice.” Don growled at her.

“Why your hand is bleeding is because you formed a bond with Stasia…...a bond out of love.” Karen finished slowly.

“WHAT!” They all chorused.


Stasia walked the lonely hallway to her best friend dorm Ian, for their usual study time. It was late evening and it made the deserted hallways look haunted.

It would have been a bit better if people were around walking to and fro to their various destinations, but today was different as no soul could be found.

Stasia pilled her hoodie closer for comfort and security as she muttered

“What remains now is just the banging of windows and doors, plus a ghostly wail to make here look truly haunted.”

She made her way to room 119, she soon got there and exhaled deeply as she glanced at the window where the bright full moon stared back at her smirking as if it knew what was going to happen.

Checking her phone one last time to confirm his text message telling her to meet him at his dorm by 7:30 pm, she knocked on the door and waited.

“He better not be sleeping with a girl, he made me leave Don and cancel our movie plan.” She muttered knocking again.

A still silence followed, she placed her ear on the door to check out if she could make out any movement when she heard a piercing scream.

“IAN! She shouted as she tried to open the door, she could hear the ripping of clothes accompanied by screaming as a scuffle took place behind the door. She dug in her purse and found the spare key plus a pepper spray.

The noises and the screams suddenly seized as the door opened on its own slowly leaving Stasia a bit scared and hesitant to enter. She tightened her grip on the pepper spray and entered.

“Ian?! If this is a joke, it isn’t funny anymore…” Stasia was caught short as she came in face to face with a big white growling wolf.

“Jesus on crutches! What the hell?” Stasia whispered as she froze on the spot, her eyes scanning the room for anything at all. She saw the clothes Ian wore to class today shredded to bits and stained in blood.

The wolf howled snapping her back into reality as it charged forward slowly making her to retrace her steps.

“Good wolf, who is a good boy.” Stasia said trying to calm both herself and the wolf down, the wolf almost became calm for a minute before launching an attack on her.

She screamed as she turned and ran down the hallway, the wolf hot on her trail. She kept running as she missed her steps and tumbled down the stairs, spraining her ankle in the process. The wolf looked down on her from the top of the stairs as stasia dragged herself backwards on the ground struggling to get up.

It took a stance and then jumped, claws out soaring in the air.

Stasia instinctively put her arms to shield herself as she screamed shutting her eyes waiting for the attack that never came.

Instead she felt a shove as someone pushed her out of harm’s way. She opened her eyes to see Don besides her.

“Don?! But how did you get here so fast?” Stasia asked relieved, grateful yet bewildered.

“Uhm, I am a pretty fast runner, I guess.” Don said nervously.

“I want you to run and find the closest safe place to hide.” He continued.

“And leave you behind to face a wolf, hell no.” Stasia said shaking her head violently.

“So you DO care about me?” Don asked, raising an eyebrow. This was the least he had expected from her. Truly he was shocked.

“Honestly, I don’t give a damn, but I do know that you can’t take down a wolf, much less anything this size.”

“You are hurt already. Just go, I promise I will be safe ok?” Don said as the wolf stood up from where it was flung to and started to approach them once more.

Okay. Stasia said as she limped hurriedly to the janitor’s closet and closed the door.

Oh my god, this is too much, my life has really changed drastically. A year ago, I would have taken down the wolf easily. Stasia said as she worried about herself, Don, and Ian.


Stasia hung upside down from a low branch of a willow tree watching Jayden as he drew in colors under it. She blushed to herself as she admired his scattered silver white hair and his crystal eyes down to his faint pink lips and his sexy well shaped six abs. she licked her lips unconsciously as her eyes ravaged his body.

Like what you see? Jayden asked suddenly which startled her making her to lose her balance and fall down.

Oww, what did you do that for? Stasia said holding her aching head.

You were busy spying on me, you deserve that. Jayden said smiling as he continued painting.

No I wasn’t and even if I were, I don’t deserve it, I am a princess and I always get out of troubles. Stasia said as she sat down beside him.

Some princess you are, you can’t even curtesy properly. Jayden said.

Stasia smacked him on his arms and said I’m learning. Okay give me some slack.

Okay, fine. I will cut you some slack, by the way, what do you think of this painting. Jayden said showing her.

Whoa…. I mean um ewww, its ugly. Why didn’t you draw me instead?

Oh and you are beautiful? I rather pluck out my eyes and draw you. Jayden said as stasia stuck her tongue out in anger.

She wanted to give him a comeback, but tensed as she said

Bitch Maisie is on her way here. Can’t stand to be around her, so later. She said as she snapped her fingers and disappeared from the garden. Stasia appeared in her room where she saw her twin sister Bella going through her clothes.

Hey sis, how is Jayden doing? Bella asked without looking back.

Jayden is fine, thank you very much and what the hell are you scattering my things for? Stasia asked as Bella kept on throwing more and more clothes from her wardrobe.

“Umm, nothing, so just fine huh? You weren’t thinking about how his hair, eyes, lips were down to the body…...ouch” Bella said as Stasia smacked her with a pillow.

“What did I tell you about reading my mind huh? I thought I told you that it is off limits.

“Uhh, we are twins, its telepathy and not that hard so deal with it. Bella said rolling her eyes.

Oh really, how about I talk about the secret crush that you have on Carl, the churi kanay. And I do know that that is why you are going through my clothes, you are looking for a dress that will impress him.

You wouldn’t try it. Don’t you dare say it.

Oh I would, plus all the love letters that you write but never send. You stash it in your secret drawer re reading it over and over again, is it 200 or 300 letters again, I simply can’t remember. Dear carl, I love the way you make me…….

Stop it Stasia. Bella yelled grabbing a pillow to hit her.

No, you stop it. Stasia replied hitting her back.

Pillow fight! They chorused as they started hitting each other while white feathers floated in the air.