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His Fake Identity: Sexual Pleasures

His Fake Identity: Sexual Pleasures

Autor: Sam Rosie



His Fake Identity: Sexual Pleasures PDF Free Download


Alex crop is a America business tycoon.. He's everybody favorite.. He's loved by the rich and the poor.. A twenty eight younger billionaire...struggling to lay his hands on something... Even though he's rich, he's still trying to achieve something ,,,, he can lay his hands on anything but he couldn't lay his hand on something.. was not his calling.. He lost faith in love.. He's younger sister came up with a plan... What plan? ,,,, which plan? Here we have Belovet cropper, a sales girl in a big and fancy restaurant.... A twenty two young lady... She's okay and satisfied with what she has... But she has no rest of mind,, men [young, old, ancestor] are ready to drop any amount just to have her... She flew away from Mexico and came to America... She stays with a friend, WHO?.. Here we have Chloe Simas she's s a receptionist in five star hotel ....A twenty four young beautiful lady but not like Belovet... .she's a bitch, a stripper at night and a worker in the day.... She's belovet childhood friend... Always doing things together, love and affection is around their friendship... However, what happen when hatred take over, jealousy... Find out in this interesting Novel ....
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Chapter 1

He faced his window and looked outside, welcoming the cool breeze with a heart melting smile, he sipped his coffee like a businessman he is.. Enjoying the cool breeze, he was daydreaming when he's phone rang, he jolted out of his thoughts... 

    Cassandra was the name that appeared on the screen of his phone... What did she want, she was cheating on me. Worst of all, she broke up with me, after all, the call ended itself... His call came again, he wanted to cut it but his hand mistakenly picked the call..

"Am sorry Alex,, it was David fault " Cassandra yell

"I have nothing left with you, "

"I'm sorry Alex, I didn't know what I was doing earlier... " she plead 

"first of all, you let David fuck you,, didn't he? "

"am sorry "

"answer my question, Cassandra, he fucked you didn't he?"

"he,,,, did,,,..but I am very sorry Alex, sorry please... I promise I won't try such again.. " 

"fuck you cas ,fuckkkk you.. You wanna know something bitch, ya pussy is a public hole... Don't you dare call my number again.. Screw you bitch " Alex yells angrily on the phone ...

    Tyler walked in shortly.... 

"what's up bess.." he greeted but got no response 

"What's wrong with you Alex, I am tired of your mood, always moody.. Talk to me Alex... " Tyler sigh sitting on the bed 

"it's Cassandra " Alex said almost in tears 

"Cassandra, hold on, you mean your girlfriend.. "

"she's not my girlfriend again"

"I told you from the start, that she's a bitch... She's fucking David"

"Hold on! How did you know,," Alex asked looking at him suspiciously 

"have caught them before, I threaten her that I will report everything to you, do know her reply "

"no, what's her reply "

"she said you won't believe me, because you trust her... Guy you trust her so much I don't know what you see in her.. "

"why didn't you tell me Tyler"

"Are you kidding me dude ... if I explain everything to you then,, I am sure I will be in prison by now ... I don't know why you love that girl so much... She look bitchy ....Do you want to know the perfect girl for people like you " 

"I don't know Tyler, don't stress my brain.. The ones I have seen are enough for me... I don't have anything to do with girls... " he said walking to his secret room.. 

"the perfect girls for you are low class girls.. " Tyler said walking out of his room 

"low class girls ewwwww, they smell.. Geez, how will I cope with them... They stink ...

"If they stink a lot, why don't you brush them up to your taste, " his younger sister said and walked away.. 

"peace,,, when did you came back.. "

"just now... She yells and runs away.. 

"I think I will try and brush the one I see... Yeah, perfect... "


"Belovet, go and serve them those cocktails.. " 

"okay ma'am" 

    She walk close to the table and drop the cocktail on the table gently 

"here is your order sir "

"wow you look so hot "

"thank you sir " beloveth reply with a eye roll, she roll it lightly 

"I don't want this cocktail again"

"what!!,,, what did you want, so I can get it for you.. I have other customers to attend to.. 

"I want you hottie."

   When Belovet heard what he said, she hissed and walked away. But the man hit her ass hard which bounced. Beloveth turned around and slapped him hard on the face.. 

"how dare you hit my ass" Beloveth yell

"I don't know why you are playing hard to get " the old man said 

"what's going on here " the owner of the restaurant said coming down the stairs 

   One of the workers explained everything to him.. And he smile 

"Max!!! " he yell 

"yes boss, "

"call the cops for me,,, hy man am gonna body slam you... "

  Everyone in the restaurant gasped... 

"You want to send me to jail.. " the old man asked.. 

"Yes, I will charge you with harassment.. Old fool "

   The cops are here.. 

"take this man away,, " he yelled.. 

    He walked close to Beloved.. 

"are you okay Beloveth" he asked 

"am fine sir, thanks so much for standing up for me.. "

"it's my pleasure,, girls like you are rear to find ...keep it up.. " 

"Thank you so much sir... " Beloveth said smiling happily and walked to another customer... 

Belovet checked her wristwatch and sighed deeply... Boss is not back yet, I need my salary .....

"have been waiting for what seem like forever... He's not back still " Beloveth thought in frustration 

"Sarah, when will our boss be back.. " Beloveth asked his personal assistant 

"oh! He won't be back today," she replied staring at her face thoughtfully 

"shit,,, what rubbish, he didn't say anything to the rest of us... Why is he like this ... so annoying... " Beloveth yells hitting her hands hard on the marble cabinet... 

"Do you want anything from him, perhaps an appointment ..." Sarah asked with concern on her face 

"not at all, just want my salary from him.. " Beloveth said with a long eye roll evilly 

"oh! Am sorry for my carelessness, he actually said all salary receivers should come to his penthouse for their payment.. 

"okay, give me the address " 

       Beloveth collected the address and took a cab...When she got to the so-called penthouse, it was silent as a graveyard.. She walked inside the compound and met an old man in a security uniform.. 

"Excuse me sir, pls am not look for the owner of this place.. Your boss rather. " she asked 

"my boss is in the garden waiting for you ma'am. " 

"Waiting for me, oh no did you just say ma'am " Beloveth said.. 

"yes ma'am, don't let me waste your time ma'am, the garden is behind that third building." 


    Beloveth followed the direction... Still wondering why the security called her ma'am, this is not the first time he's  seen her why the sudden change... Beloveth got to her destination in thought.. A voice interrupts her... 

"Please follow me ma'am. " A maid said 

"Excuse me maid, which one is ma'am, ma'am... Please my name is Beloveth... Please.. 

    The maid only smile foolishly,,, 

"can someone tell me what the hell is going on".. She yelled at the maid.. 

   Then the maid flinched in fear... 

"The boss said I should bring you with me.. " the maid said in fear.. 

"let's move then, " I just want my salary nothing more.. "

    They enter a mini garden.. All that Beloveth saw was a center table with two chairs, with flowers.. They turn around but the maid is gone... 

"Belovet , " she hard someone called her name romantically 

"oh my God, what's happening " she thought angrily 

"have your sit sweetheart" the voice said 

"and why should I sit," she yell angrily 

"you have to be darling.. " 

    Beloveth only fizzles in fury... Someone wrapped his hand around her waist, pulling her tight to himself... 

   Beloveth was in shock ,,,she pulled out of the back hug immediately and turned around just to see her boss staring at her lustfully.. The anger in her couldn't let her think straight... 

    She move closer to him and hit him hard on the right side face, she repeat the same thing in his left side face ..pulling his collar angrily  

"How dare you touch me."

"am in love with you " the fool said 

She chuckled "is this love,, I don't believe in that,,, let me make one thing clear to you, old fool am not your type.. Go and carry those bitches you vibe with... " Beloved yell walking out of his sight.. 

    He pulls her back with force and slams his lips on hers.... Beloved was burning in fury, "how dare he steal my first kiss" she thought .... She pulled out of the kiss forcefully, feeling hurt a bit.... 

  She held her hands in fist  and hit him on his face.. Deep her hands into his pocket and remove two bundles of heavy money ..

"This is enough for me, much better than the salary I am dying for. " she thought and smiled... 

   She face her boss and move closer to his ear and whisper into it 

      "am leaving Mexico for you "

"I am madly in love with you Beloveth, I won't rest until I have you trust me " he yelled in anger.. "

"I don't care Devon Allen,,, unless boss.. "

    Beloveth checked her contacts and dial chole number... She picked immediately 

"hello Bess " chloe said 

"am coming to America tomorrow with my luggage's " she said 

"Oh no! Why the sudden change of mind "

"I will explain to you when we meet.. "

"okay " chloe said 

    She ended the call immediately... And insert it in her bag.. 

    "It's high time I go back to America " she thought.. Stopping a cab.. 
