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Autor: Benji

En proceso




stopped right on my track as an ‘Angel’ sat stare-glaring down at me. His stare send a riple of warmth through my body ,the smouldering stare turns the riples into crashing waves of fire. He had a well kept Raven black hair carefully brushed backwards,with a sharp definite jawline and pink lips. This man is pure temptation, wrapped in desire , dipped in lust.Like some crazy-sexy-man chocolate snack. My hands begun shaking feverently and the mug fall from my hand crashing into the hard tiled floor. Damn it .
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Chapter 1


The alarm blarred loudly filling the whole room with it's deafening noise,Sally grunted and smacked it lazily before rolling in bed while cuddling the duvet.

“You did it again, blaming the devil for your heavy lazy ass”

Celine yelled while creaking the door open.

“Five more minutes”

Sally grunted while coiling up in bed like a snake.

Celine flipped over the duvet and eyed Sally straddling her hips,Sally squinted her eyes before sitting fown

“Yull be late for the graduation ceremony”

Celine stated .

Sally gulped eyeing the clock before she jumped from the bed and supersped into the bathroom yelling.

“I missed the alarm again”

She squeked.

“No you didn't,you turned it off”

Celine scoffed walking out.

Sally quickly undressed and opened the shower while scrubbing her body ,she left the warm water flow through her body as she closed her eyes and trailed her fingers between her legs.

She is accustomed to doing this and loves playing with her body,she finishes bathing and turn off the shower before walking out with one towel on her head and another one on her upper torso.

This was the day she had been waiting all her life,the day she will graduate and get employed,all her life she had been living under the shadow of her parents getting whatever she wanted without dropping a sweat.

Being an only child to the first billionaire in Metra city, Sally had everyone at her beck and call.You would have thought that being a billionaires child meant having it all,well for Sally,life was boring .

Not until she convinced her parents to get her a younger sister, they adopted Celine who immediately turn out to be the whole world to her,life was becoming a less non adventurous place with Celine in her life and what she yearns for now was independence which she was hoping she will get after graduating.

She walked to her wardrobe and rammaged through her numerous endless rail of designer clothes before picking a black tight jeans,she loved being simple and dread over attention on herself.

She added a white tank top and a black leather jacket finishing with a pair of white sneakers.

She smiled and walked before the mirror tying her blonde hair into a quick bun before applying a slight make up.

One look at her and you couldn't picture she was the daughter of the infamous Kay Williams .

She grabbed her silk embroidered purse and rushed out of her room.

Her family was already at the dining table when she made her grand entrance.

“Cant you y'all wait for the queen of the house before feeding your grumbling stomachs”

She purred plumping her butt on the chair next to Celine.

“You are not the queen of the house Sall”

Mr Kay said with a smile

“Definetely,mom is ”

Celine chimmed eyeing Sally who frowned instantly.

“But she is definitely the princess ”

She added and Sally beamed a gleeful smile.

Sally quickly sanked into her breakfast munching on the baked pancake like a hungry hyena.She didn't notice her family members staring at her with awe and when she did she smacked her lips.

“What ?”

She blurted and the entire kays bursted into a hysterical laughter.

Nervousness usually makes her appetite peak,which was the case here.

“You are nervous ?”

Mrs Kay stated calmly after the laughing stopped.Sally pouted .

“Am anxious ,I never thought this day will come ,I mean am not sure of what to expect after graduating”

She stated nonchalantly while heaving a sigh.

“You shouldn't worry yourself too much darling,I told you I want you to become my P.A after you graduate.It will prepare you before you take over as the C.E.O”

Mr Kay said

“No dad ,we had already talked about this,I want to explore the outside world,I want to have the taste of being independent”

Sally stated while staring to space.

Her head was filled with curiousness of how life could be outside of her parents wings ,she wanted to discover who she is and what she could do.

Mr Kay sighed defeated,he knew arguing with Sally was futile.He had tried countless times to convince Sally but she was always her own stubborn self always doing what her mind told her.

Sally finished her breakfast and stood to leave for school,she was taking the school bus ,which she always insist on doing and her family will join her later .

“Bye family ”

She purred and she was off .

Metro city college

~Sally ~

I could not hide my joy when I received my accolades ,this meant one thing , I could finally live the life I had always wanted.

I could get a job from another company and not my father's,this would guarantee that I get the reaction I need depending on what I can do and not because I'm the daughter of the infamous Kay Williams.

I could get my own salary from my sweat and I could become independent.

“Congratulations siz”

Celine beamed hugging me tightly.I hugged her back closing my eyes tightly,Celine is my world .She had saved me from the sea of loneliness and she meant the world to me.

“Thank you stud muffin ”

I purred smiling

We grabbed our hands and rushed towards our parents.

“Am so proud of you honey ”

My dad stated gleaming.

“Thank you dad”

My mom gazed me with sentimental eyes and I smiled at her,she hugged me so tightly that I nearly choked on her grasp .

“You've made it”

She whispered on my shoulders and I sucked a sob in.

“Yes mom”

I muttered tears of joy clouding my eyes.

Later on

One week after my graduation and I was now to move out of our gigantic mansion ,It was my dad's idea that I move out together with Celine which I gladly accepted,I couldn't imagine a single day without my cheerful sister.

According to them,Celine was an insurance policy that I stayed on track,she is more cautious than I was and a little bit less ‘crazy’ than me.

After the endless goodbyes and constant reminders for us to stay safe and always call home.

We set off to our new life ,Dad of course made sure to assign us a bodyguard for our safety,Andrew . Despite trying to refuse Andrew accompanying us my dad was not having it.

The new apartment

The house which dad bought for our stay was less bit bigger than our initial mansion ,A three bedroom bungalow,the third room for a friend just in case I get one in the future.

The interior of the house was obviously overdone ,I had wanted a simple house with ordinary tone but my dad had made sure he splurged on it.

The hardwood floors coupled with the exquisite furnished furnitures made the house seemed like that of a pop-star and I planned on changing everything to my feel after I get my first salary.

Celine rushed upstairs immediately to pick a room as I walked around the house observing my apartment.

This was the life I had yearned for,I can't wait to start my life as an independent lady.