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Her Gentleman

Her Gentleman

Autor: atephobii



Her Gentleman PDF Free Download


Azen was one of the candidates to be married to the heir of a prestigious company such as Zety Entertainment. She doesn’t want to take part but her mother registered her. On the other hand, Zin, the heir, who currently decided to get married, instinctively pick her. Azen doesn’t want to get married, to think that she will be marrying a 28 year old man. She can’t tolerate that so she looked for a way to meet Zin. Then unexpectedly, she regretted all her speculation. Zin, her future husband, is a kind hearted boss. He is a pure gentleman who has already fallen in love with her before they even met personally.
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Chapter 1


They clang their glasses together as they drank the beer. Then laughter came out from their mouths.

“Let’s go to Europe next!” Lina screamed as she raised her hand.

“Gotta go!!” Her other two friends agreed, doing what Lian did.

“Well, can you see that hottie there?” Kim suddenly asked, pointing a guy who’s sitting on the bartender area. He looks like a broken hearted boy who’s alone to drink.

“He’s hot…” Azen commented. She had a smirk on her lips as she drank the beer from the glass she is holding.

“You like him? Go on!” Kim then challenged. She pushed Azen and cheered her.

“I don’t like him. But I’ll try digging into his nails.” Azen grinned before walking close to the target.

Her friends are cheering her up while purposively laughing. Azen did not care about that and just sat beside the man. But then, this man ignored her.

“Hey. What’s up? Any problem?” Azen started for a conversation, to get his attention. She had a smile on her lips, showing interest in him.

Brows furrowed, this man looks at her. She stared at her for a bit before grinning upon realizing how hot this woman who approached her.

“If you are interested in me, mind if you join me in the hotel tonight?”

Azen shrugged and was turned off that the man is actually a f*ckboy.

“Well... let’s say, that’s not what I want” She replied. She just wanted to hang out actually and there is no way she will be interested in a boy in a bar.

The man scoffed and took a glass of beer.

“Whores changed now a days.” He commented before drinking what’s in the glass.

Azen laughed and disappointed that this man’s attitude is actually worse that she expected.

“Yes, whores change” She stood up as she took the bottle of his beer and looked down on him.

“But bitches don’t change.” She then poured down the bottle of beer on his lap while chuckling.

The man was surprised from what she did and got up, raging in anger.

“What did you—“ He was cut when Azen touched his chest and twirl her index finger to the spot of his nipple, making him froze.

After seeing the man’s expression, Azen was grinning as she leaned close to his ear.

“Men are too perverted. It’s disappointing” She whispered sexily before leaving the man dumbfounded and excited.

Azen directly went back to her friends to get her things.

“Hey girls, I need to get moving.”

Her friends laughed from what they have witnessed.

“You turned him down on hell, Azen” Lian chuckles.

“You know me” She shrugged.

“Aren’t you afraid to meet your karma, Azen?” Kim

“It’s already coming, Kim.” Lian replied.

“Your mum arranged a marriage for you right?” Lian then asked her.

Azen rolls her eyes.

“She didn’t arrange a marriage. She just suggested me as a candidate as that man’s future wife.”

Yes, the reason why she is here right now is because her life is slowly changing because of her mum’s plan for her.

“Oh? Do you even know him? What if you’ll get picked?” Lian

She rolled her eyes, thinking about the impossibility. “There is no way I’ll get picked. I am a badass daughter.”

Upon talking to them a bit, she went her way home because it has gotten late and her mum will get worried. And as expected, as she arrived, her mum was sitting on the sofa while glaring at her.

“Where have you been this whole night?”

She groaned. “Mum. I am not a kid anymore. I want to live my own life!”

“If you are not a kid anymore, why don’t you agree with marriage?”

Azen got silenced and rolled her eyes after a second. Her mum is slapping her dependence again. This is the reason why they usually get into fight.

“Mum. Can’t you think of another solution other than marrying me off to a man I didn’t even like?”

Her mother sighs as she approached her.

“Azen, do you think I will marry you off to a man who is not capable of protecting you? Do you have a boyfriend? Why don’t you let me meet him?”

Azen got silenced again.

‘Boyfriend? Who the hell is that?’ That a ‘who?’ in her dictionary.

“With the look on your face, you don’t have a boyfriend. Anyway, it is not even sure if you are going to be married. You are just a candidate.”

“Urrr” She shrugged and continue going up to her room.

She dropped herself on her bed as she looked at the ceiling.

‘Damn it! Why do I need to get married?’

She was talking to herself.

‘It is because you don’t have a boyfriend yourself!’

She complained to herself while thinking about what she will do fi she will be chosen among those candidates.

‘Hmmm. What if I look for a man who will pretend to be my boyfriend? Urrr. But I’m sure that I will still get married because of mum.’

On the other side, he was a busy man whose work is here and there. He was young bachelor for his title and assets. Every single woman in his company is dreaming of having a relationship with him but then, he seems to be not interested in anyone.

“The chairman wishes to see you, master” His personal assistant politely announced as he had entered the President’s room. He was from the Chairman’s office where he was told to tell his boss to come to the Chairman’s office.

On the other hand, he put all of the proposals he had been reading on his table. He then took off his eyeglasses and sighs.

“What do you think would he tell me this time?” He asked his assistant, calmly, and looked at him.

“He was holding on papers. I have a feeling that…

it is related to your marriage.”

He sighs and stands up from his seat. He took his black coat and wore it.

“I think…

It’s really time for me to get married.”

“Are you really sure now?”

A smile formed on his lips as he imagined how he would make his wife happy and how he would raise his children well.

“I’m a serious man, Daniel.”

“I’m happy to hear that, master. You’re now 28 and you need to get married.” Daniel chuckled, seeing that his master is really serious this time.

“I am planning to get married at 30 but it seems like destiny is too excited” He joked while fixing his necktie to make him a bit comfortable.

“Dude, you’re complicated.” His assistant laughs.

“You think so?”

“I think you have to work hard more.”


“Those paper from the chairman,”

“What is it?”

“I think those are…

List of your marriage candidates you’ll going to choose to. You know the chairman.”

He stilled a bit as he reached his head to massage it.

“It seems like I’m going to check a bunch of girls again” He commented as he started walking out his office whole Daniel followed him from behind.

“What is actually stopping you to get married?” Daniel started for a conversation as they walked to the chairman’s office.

He didn’t respond for about a minute.

“I am just… anxious.”

“You are anxious that the one you’ll be getting married with will leave you?” Daniel jokes but then he found himself scratching the back of his head because his boss’ face didn’t budged. It seems like it wasn’t the reason.

“I am anxious that I won’t be a husband-material guy.”

Daniel literally got shock from his really lame reason that made him chuckle.

“Not a husband-material? I think that is impossible, master. There had been many women who’s into you these days, you think you’re not husband material enough?”

His boss suddenly stops walking that made him stop too.

“Being husband-material doesn’t depend on my profile on women.”

“Then why? You are a good guy, master and you always dump a girl in a good way. I think it’s enough to make your future wife like you.”