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Autor: KC Sylvester

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When Evangel Clark was told by her father that she was to marry Trenton Wade, the man that betrayed her in high school she panicked and told her father that she was a lesbian. That was the easy part. The hardest part was convincing herself to stay away from the mistake that was Trenton Wade who is still able to affect her body like he did ten years ago. She didn't want a repeat of high school and fears that despite the years that have passed that Trenton Wade was still the philandering bastard, who cares about no one but himself. And then there comes another complication she found herself developing feelings for her best friend whom she asked to help her out with her lesbian charade there placing herself at a crossroads. Which will she chose. Trenton needed the merger to happen between his family company and Clark's castle and to do that he has to get married to the owner's daughter who turned out to be one of his high school mistakes. Obviously, it is expected that the human he hurt years ago will reject a marriage proposal to him but he wasn't willing to back down. He made Evangel fall in love with him and he can do it again. Will he succeed this time?
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Chapter 1

" How do I look? "

Evangel twirled around for her best friend stretched out on her kings size bed with her attention on the phone in her hand. She just finished getting dressed for her dad's birthday party

Her father turned sixty today and was throwing a huge ass party to commensurate the occasion.

Her father was a wealthy business man known very well in the city. His party will be swimming with all the who is who in the city and as his only heir Evangel knows so many eyes is going to be on her so she has to look her best.

Clarissa strengthened up and turned to look at her, allowing her eyes to journey over her best friend's form.

She started from the caramel silky curls adorning her head, flat aristocratic forehead, perfect carved brows, dazzling pale blue eyes sparkling with dancing stars, long swan neck bearing a silver necklace, a teardrop pendant, her slim trim figure slipped into a gorgeous, plain purple dinner gown with a teasing slit to the mid-thigh revealing a long pale smooth leg that was further stretched out by the four-inch silver Gianvito Rossi sandals on delicate slim feet.

" Gorgeous, stunning, breathtaking........ "

Evangel cracks up at Clarice lots of adjectives.

" Exquisite, Junoesque, resplendent...."

Evangel laughed harder.

" That is enough, I get it, I look good. And where did all these words come from. Read a dictionary today? " Evangel teased as she continued to grin widely at her best friend.

" Nope, you just looked so fantastic that I needed more words to convey it, " Clarrisa winked and laughed when Evangel grew red.

Are you blushing baby, she continued to tease enjoying reeling her best friend up. Evangel has always been so easy to tease.

" No. "

Evangel rolled her eyes at her friend's knowing the little blonde was just messing with her.

Her expression grew serious as she stared back at her best friend.

" Do I really look good? "

There was a little insecurity in her eyes as she asked. Evangel was aware that people think her beautiful but the problem is that she has a hard time believing them.

Clarissa allowed every trace of humor to disappear from her face as she held her best friend gaze.

A deep sadness filled her when she saw the vulnerable look in the brunette eyes, and a murderous feeling followed at the thought of the imbecile responsible.

Ages might have past but her best friend has yet to get over the hurt of her past. Her boyfriend someone she had loved and trusted betrayed her in the worst humiliating way possible and since then her girl has been battling with these insecurities.

" You look good baby. "

She held her eyes conveying the sincerity of her assessment both in words and in look.

A shy smile colored Evangel's lips as she read the truth in her friends eyes. She always trust to get a real answer from Clarissa.

They have been best friends since college and since she has known the blonde she has never tried to lie to her or decieve her like the other girlfriends she has had in the past and that is why their friendship has lasted this long.

Evangel was someone who took trust seriously and once broken can never be regained.

" Thank you. "

" You are welcome. "

" I better be leaving, I am already late as it is, " Evangel picked up her clutch.

" Yeah, as if you have ever been early to anything, " Clarissa teased throwing herself back to the bed.

Everyone who knew her best friend knew about her chronic lateness. The woman was never early to anything. In college they have often teased her that she will be late to her funeral.

" Hey! "

Evangel glowered at her best friend.

" You don't have to make me sound like a chronic late comer. "

" I call it as I see it baby, " Clarissa smirked at her.

Evangel responded with a roll of her eyes, even though what her best friend says is true. No matter how early she starts getting ready for an event she will some how manage to go late. The mystery behind it all seems to have escaped her.

" Have a nice date with your boy tonight, " Evangel retorted and breezed out of the door before Clarissa could respond.

" He is not a boy toy, " Clarissa screamed after her.

She was having a dinner date with her on and off boyfriend Stefan, whom her best friend believes she was with because of his ridiculously good looks.

Evangel chuckled at the usual protest that follows whenever she calls Clarissa's intermittent boyfriend boy toy. She trailed through the corridors of their apartment to the outside door, her heels hitting the tiled floor elegantly.

She unlocked the door and made her way into the lift down to the lobby to the outside where her driver stood waiting beside her car.

Evangel hated driving at night that is why she is using her occasional driver.

" Hello, Matteo, " Evangel greeted the tall burly Mexican man with a polite smile on her face.

" Hello, Miss Clark, " Matteo responded formally, his Mexican accent obvious in his voice, as he opened the door for his employer.

" Evangel, Mateo, " She corrected with an eye roll.

The man nodded seriously but Evangel knew he will calling her Miss the next second.

For months now she has been trying to get the guy to address her informally, as his formal address grates on her nerves and makes her feel superior which she doesn't want to but the man has remained stubborn.

" Did you get the gift. "

Evangel had gotten her father a little surprise gift for his birthday. Earlier this evening she had asked her driver to go get it from the shop.

" Yes, Miss Clark. " Matteo closed the door and hurried to the driver's seat. He buckled himself up before taking them out on the road carefully.

The woman he was carrying was a precious jewel of one of the richest men in the city if anything happens to her, his life with be over.

From her apartment to her father's Estate was about thirty minutes drive.

As they drove through the gates a nostalgic feeling filled her. Is been long since she has been to this place. Almost two years.

She smiled as they passed the fountain at the centre of the yards and the beautiful rose garden and flowers maintained by their Gardner.

That had been her mother's responsibility. She had taken joy and pride in her flowers but when she died her father had to get someone to care for the flowers not wanting her mother's pride and joy to wither away.

Evangel let out a sad smile at the thought of her mother. Though is been years since her death she is still misses her like crazy. Her mother had been her best friend.

She smiled as her mind took her to the best friend she left at home. In way Clarissa reminds her of her mother. They are both blondes and shares the same quirky attitude that attracted her to the blonde in the first place.

Meeting Clarissa few months following the death of her mother had been one of the few things that helped her cope with her loss.

Evangel stepped out of the car before Mateo could get out of the car. The parking lot was filled with so many cars, obviously from her relatives and her father's friends and colleagues.

While Mateo went to park the car Evangel headed towards the entrance. Her father's footman stood waiting for her with a smile on his wrinkled face