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Her Fated Alpha

Her Fated Alpha

Autor: Autumn Falls

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Her Fated Alpha PDF Free Download


I'm running from my old life and straight into my new one. It all seems like fate, if you believe in that sort of stuff. It's not like I was completely in love with my boyfriend, but I was with him for three years and to find him and my best friend in bed together was more like a slap in the face. I decided to apply for every veterinary job in England and Northumberland was my new destiny. I didn't look back, just got in my car and drove but I soon discovered my new life was going to be a huge change and I wasn't sure if I was ready for it. The thing is, I never knew all the stories about werewolves were real, but it seems like I've just stepped into one of my books and the muscled Alpha, who seems to love my curves, has his eyes fixed on me. My old life doesn't want to let me go yet and stepping into a world full of werewolves isn't all sunshine and rainbows. Especially when the Alpha who wants to claim me has enemies and it seems I'm the target to hurt him.
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Chapter 1


Today I left him.

I’m driving away from the home that I have known for three years.

I don’t feel sad, scared or heartbroken.

I only feel relief that I’m getting away, disappointment that I didn’t do this sooner and I’m full of so much excitement that this is happening.

I’m driving towards my new life and there’s a feeling of satisfaction within my stomach. I know that I’m doing the right thing.

Two weeks ago, I came home to find my boyfriend of three years in bed with my best friend. Well, I say best friend, but it’s loosely applied. I’ve known her a little longer than my ex and because I’m such an introvert, I don’t really know anyone else to call a friend.

So there we go, I caught my then boyfriend in bed with a girl who I think of as a friend. I opened my front door to find them naked, fucking on my brand-new sofa.

I didn’t even yell, we all paused for a second as I gathered what was happening in front of me but then the two of them quickly jumped apart from one another and gathered their clothing. As they were getting dress, they were promising me that this was the first time. James was begging for my forgiveness and to not leave him and Lizzy was crying as she apologised.

I wasn’t interested in anything that they had to say and proceeded to climb the stairs to my bedroom and pack anything that belonged to me, or that I wanted to take with me. I wasn’t surprised that it all fit into one suitcase and was mainly clothing.

I don’t have a lot, if any sentimental belongings. I think it’s because I was orphaned at the age of six and was then put into numerous foster homes until I turned eighteen. The only thing I had of my childhood was my mother’s necklace. I used to keep it close in a little brown box but since I turned fifteen, I wore it around my neck. It is a little weird and I’ve always wondered what it means. It’s two wolves, both wooden but very delicate. One is larger than the other which makes me think their male and female, representing my parents and they both have a sparkling clear stone placed in the middle.

I’ve never seen anything else like it, so I’ve never been able to work out what they mean. It’s one of the many things I wish I could talk to them about, but it’s the harsh reality of being an orphan at such a young age.

The only woman I have been close to was my social worker, but she passed away four years ago. She was able to tell me that my mother was a Vet and for some reason that had a huge hold on me and as soon as I turned seventeen, I began my journey on completing my veterinary degree program. It took my five years and working my ass off also holding down a part time job to support myself but here I am, a twenty-six-year-old woman driving towards my new life.

I often thought did I become a vet because my mother was and is it my way to try to understand the parent I will never know, but I’ve never regretted my decision. I loved every minute of vet school and even more so now that I am fully qualified.

Since discovering that Lizzy and James were a lot closer than I thought, I stayed in a hotel and ignored every single one of their calls. Sure, they turned up to my job and made an awkward work environment, but I focussed on my work and trying to find a new veterinarian position. I applied anywhere in the country, deciding to let the job settle the location of my new home. That place happened to be Northumberland as I was interviewed and hired within a week!

My new boss sounds amazingly friendly and she’s helped me with everything. Even helping me secure a new house and furniture. She has made this move so easy and seems as excited to have me join her small local clinic as I am.

She emailed over the photos of my new home, and I fell in love as soon as I saw them. It’s a small, cosy two-bedroom house and is surrounded by beautiful woodland. It’s picture perfect and it seems I have struck gold for my new start in Northumberland.

I smile the whole drive there.

I’m meeting my new boss, Rosa at the clinic. She will quickly show me around before taking me to my new home. Every time I think about it I get so excited. My skin gets all goosebumpy and butterflies settle in my stomach.

I stop off at a little café to visit the little girls room and have a much needed hot coffee. I take a seat at a little table and look out the window. All I can see is green stretching out to the distance. It’s so beautiful here. I’m glad that I have at least one pair of good boots because walking anywhere around here, I will need them.

As the rain hits the windows and I’m heated inside the coffee shop, I feel as though I’m in a movie, or one of books as the female character is about to have this whole new life. This is where the story starts and I feel as though my life is about to be the same.

I have no choice now.

Before I jump back into my car and make the twenty minute drive to Rosa’s clinic, I decide to call her. It only rings three times before she picks up, her cheery voice making me smile.

“Hello darling!” She greets down the phone. “Are you nearby?”

“I am.” I can’t help but laugh. “Just having a coffee break and then I’ll be with you.”

“Ah that’s great! I went by the house this morning to make sure you have everything you need and to make sure it’s all clean and ready.”

As Rosa talks, two men pass, and they look right at me. I don’t feel on edge which is a surprise considering the size of them. They’re big, muscled guys and very good looking. It must be obvious that I’m new because they wouldn’t be looking twice at someone like me.

“You didn’t need to do that.” I assure her and ignore this odd feeling in my stomach. I can’t describe it but when those men looked at me something clicked and I can’t quite put my finger on it.

“Oh yes I did! We look out for each other here honey, so you better get used to it.”

“Okay.” I laugh some more, taking my eyes of the men but they’re still close by I can feel it. Strange but I can. “I’ll see you in twenty?”

“Yes I’m ready! The girls can’t wait to meet you.”

Two other women also work at the clinic, both a little older than me and I’m hoping they’re as nice as Rosa has made out to be because I want to love it here.

We say our goodbyes for now and leaving the muscle men behind, I drive the last twenty minutes towards my fresh new life. The nerves return to my stomach and my legs start to shake.

I follow the directions shown on my phone as it sits in its holder and soon enough, the clinic comes into view. It’s so cute and rustic with it’s big wooden beams decorating the entrance and the flowers scattered in hanging baskets. Rosa described this as a small local business, but the building is not small at all. In fact, it’s bigger than where I worked before and that was in a city. Perhaps the clinic is more in demand here because it’s more rural living here?

I park out front and take in my surroundings. There’s a large gate to the side which looks to have its own entrance and a high fence at the back, protecting the view of the grounds. I can’t wait to get inside!

As I get out my car another car enters the car park and comes to a quick stop close by. I take a step back in surprise and out come three buff men, looking a lot like the two I saw by the coffee shop. They all look right at me and that clicking feels registers again. What is that?

I quickly gather myself and smile. “Hi.”

None of them reply, but one of them does offer me some small head nod which I guess is better than nothing.

The three of them walk into the clinic but they enter through the back gate, where I guessed was the private entrance. As soon as they do, a woman who I’m guessing is Rosa opens the front door and waves me over.

She looks quite small, and her curly black hair is cut to her shoulders.

“Rosa?” I ask as I make my way over to her.

“Hi dear!” She shouts and wraps her arms around me as soon as she is able. “Look at you!” She grins and takes a step back, checking me over. She pinches my cheek. “Beautiful girl.”

This is what I imagine having a grandparent is like.

My cheeks burn but I don’t know if it’s because I’m blushing or if it’s from Rosa’s pinching.

“Oh darling, I’m so happy you’re here.” Her smile is contagious. “Come on in and meet the girls.” I follow her inside and take it all in. There’s photos on one wall of animals, which I’m guessing are the animals they have helped here. On one corner there’s a desk where a young girl sits. Rosa walks over to her. “This here is Tilly,” she gestures to the girl and she smiles up at me. “She works on the reception and is Carols daughter. Tilly, this is Bailey.”

Hearing my name, Tilly smiles even wider. “So this is the famous Bailey.”

I’m definitely embarrassed now. “I’m famous?”

Tilly nods just as two women enter the reception through one of the doors. “Rosa has don’t nothing else but brag about you. Everyone knows about you.”

I look to Rosa and she’s laughing. “Guilty.”

So, is that why those men were oddly staring? They’re just curious as to know who I am because Rosa has been talking about me.

“I feel like I already know you.” One of the women who have just walked over smiles. She’s a little taller than me, very pretty and slim. I feel a little intimidated by her but she’s being really nice.

“All good I hope.” I try to not be so embarrassed by al of this.

“Rosa only hires the best.” The other woman smiles.

“Bailey,” Rosa interrupts kindly. “This is Clara.” She gestures to the blonde lady. She only looks a couple of years older than me. She’s pretty and short, not so intimidating. “And this is Steph.” Rosa gestures to the tall, intimidatingly beautiful woman. “She’s Tilly’s mum.”

“Hi.” I wave to both of them, even though they’re stood right in front of me. This is why I hate meeting new people. I get so awkward.

“Lovely to meet you.” Steph smiles and it seems genuine. I don’t know why but I always feel like really pretty women are usually mean to me but Steph is proving me wrong so far.

“We can’t wait to show you your house.” Clara claps in joy. “We helped Rosa to get it right for you.”

“Honestly, you all didn’t need to.” I feel so bad that they are doing so much. I’m not used to it.

“It was nothing,” Steph shakes her head. “You’re part of our team now.”

The three of them then show me around the building, leaving Tilly on the reception sulking because she thinks she’s missing out on something.

They give me a tour of the operating rooms, the treatment rooms and the staff room. It’s so clean and bright, I immediately feel comfortable here. I will have my own treatment room, to the right of the reception when I start here officially. From my window I can see out to the fields that are at the back of the building. There are outdoor areas for all the animals to enjoy fresh air and a huge area of grass land stretching out towards the forest. This place is breath takingly beautiful.

“Everything okay?” Rosa asks me as I walk about my new treatment room.

I give her a smile. “Perfect.” Rosa looks pleased as she flashes a smile to Clara and Steph. She walks over to the steel table in the middle of the room and picks up the plastic bag. “This is your uniform, all ready for you.”

I take the bag and thank her. The three of them are wearing black trousers with baby pink tunic tops. The logo is a wolf silhouette with Rosa’s Veterinary scrolled underneath. It’s cute and fits the business.

A door then opens from the back, one that I wasn’t shown to and steps into the room. He glances at us all then his eyes then fix on Steph. “We need you.”

Steph’s back straightens, almost to attention and nods. She then looks to me, flashing me her kind smile and back to the man. “Bailey, this is my husband, Emerson.” She introduces. “Emerson, this is Bailey. She’s just moved into town and will be working with us.”

I offer a shy and awkward wave. “Hi.”

Emerson looks to me and nods, then looks back to Steph with a slight urgent look. “Steph.”

She walks over to her husband and looks back with an apologetic smile before following him through the door.

“Okay!” Rosa claps her hand, regaining my attention. “Let’s take you home.” Butterflies swirl in my stomach as I become very excited once again. We say our goodbyes to Clara as she has a busy afternoon ahead of her at the clinic. “It’s a short drive from here.” Rosa informs before we separate and get into our own cars.