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Love and hate for the Alpha twins

Love and hate for the Alpha twins

Autor: AprilD

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Love and hate for the Alpha twins PDF Free Download


Kaydence Andrews is a 20 year old girl who is a werewolf shifter,and part of the White Moon Pack. Every year a Moon festival is held in a different pack. When we turn 18 years old we can find our mates,our soul mates for life. These festivals are for all wolves to party,have fun.. and hopefully if with any luck you will find your mate. And this year the Moon festival is held in my pack. "Sweetheart you are going to the festival!" shouted my father. " You are 20 years old! It's time you find your mate". "I don't want a mate!" I yell back,as I walk out of his office slamming the door. What will happen when Kaydence decides to go to the festival. She is convinced she will not have a mate! She will show up just tell her father that she did. But out of no where she is hit with the most Intoxicating scent. She scans the crowded room trying to figure out where it's coming from... .... No No No! She realizes that incredible scent is her mate and he is staring right at her! ... Before she can turn to run. Is she seeing double? Oh god no...twins!
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Chapter 1

" Kaydence you are going to the festival" Shouted my father. "You are 20 years old,it's time you find your mate"

"I don't want a mate!" I yell,walking out of his office slamming the door.

I run upstairs to my bedroom. I lay on my bed groaning out of frustration.I will not be going to this stupid festival I keep saying to myself.

"I want my mate" Whispers my wolf Raya in my head

So my wolf Raya has been driving me crazy for 2 years now. She wants her mate. Raya and I are like night and day, she wants to be mated and have sex daily. My wolf is very horny,trust me! she's in my head.

Wolves are very social creatures. We love being with our pack,it's not always just about sex. It goes much deeper then that. Wolves are very loyal to everyone in their pack, we have this need to be close. To protect one another.

"Raya,we don't need a mate," I whisper back to her.

I know deep down she longs for her mate. For that one true love that is ours and only ours.Theres more thing I forgot to mention,yes wolves are very social but the leaders of our packs called the Alpha's, well let's just say Goddess help you if your mated to an Alpha. Alpha wolves can be very territorial when it comes to their mate and extremely jealous.

I sit up on my bed knowing if I don't go to this stupid festival my father will drag me there by the ear.I grab my cell phone off my nightstand,Ill text my best friend Lyndsay and make sure she is going to.

"Lyndsay,you going to the festival tomorrow??"

"Hey! yes I'll be there. Maybe this year ill find my mate!"

"Maybe Raya should of been your wolf! You are as horny as she is haha"

" Very funny! So I'll come by your place tomorrow? we can get ready together. I still can't believe your going though!!"

" I'm being forced to"

" Good! if not I was going to drag you there myself"

"Text me tomorrow morning lynds xoxo"

"See you tomorrow!"


I got up around 11:30. Yes I know ,I love my sleep! After taking a 30 minute hot shower,I wrap a towel around me and walk I to my bedroom.

Knock Knock!

"Hey lynds,I thought you were going to text me first before coming over?"

Lyndsay walks into my room,jumps on my bed with two big duffel bags.

"I did text you! and if miss sleeping beauty could only wake up before noon every day then she would of saw my text," She says raising an eyebrow.

"I brought a bunch of new dresses,makeup, curling iron,flat iron and high heels" with alot of excitement in her voice.

Lyndsay loves her fashion. All the girls envy her,She has long Blonde hair that falls just before her hips and she always has it curled. She has sky blue eyes,tan skin and size 2. She some how still has curves in all the right places,with a big butt and size ç bra size she looks like a barbie.

Lyndsay knows she's beautiful but she isn't one of those popular stuck up bitch type. She has a heart of gold,and loves to have fun.

" sit down and let me do your hair kaydence,we have about 4 hours to make you irresistible" says Lyndsay standing beside the chair in front of my vanity.

As much as I envy Lyndsay's beauty. I'm not ugly either,I have long black straight hair that falls just at my hips as well,tan skin with greyish blue eyes and full lips. I'm a size 4, my body is toned just because I love to run daily. My butt isn't huge but my boobs make up for that with a DD cup.

After about 2 hours of Lyndsay blow drying my hair,adding curlers and hair spray my hair is tossed down my back in beautiful loose ringlets. Lyndsay pins up half of my hair to the top of my head giving more volume as she says.

"Now for the makeup",says Lyndsay smiling looking through her duffle bag.

After about another hour of Lyndsay doing my makeup. She turns me around to face the mirror.

"wow! Lynds you did amazing,I barely recognize myself" I say smiling at myself.

Lyndsay did a thin layer of foundation,with black eyeliner and a gorgeous smokey eye that some how makes my eyes stand out but in an amazing way!

"Now we need a dress that will make that body glow" Lyndsay says grabbing dress after dress.

I walk out of my bathroom wearing a gorgeous white dress. It's full length with a slit that comes to my mid thigh. It has 2 off the shoulder straps, a deep v line showing off alittle to much cleavage for my liking. This dress has beading a sparkle through out it and honestly white has always looked good on me. Matched with 4 inch white high heels.

"Damn girl! I think we are done here." Lyndsay circles me proud of herself.

Lyndsay kept her hair down her back with her hair curled. She is wearing a stunning strapless dark blue full length dress as well. With a a deep v line,and sparkles through out the dress and a slit going mid thigh to show off her long legs. The dress compliments every inch of her body in all the right ways.

It's after 6:00 pm. Lyndsay and I head downstairs. With my dad being the Beta which is like the second in command for the Alpha,he is waiting downstairs for me and Lyndsay so he can drive us to the Moon Festival,because I am not walking in these damn heels!

"sweetheart you look absolutely beautiful." says my father embracing me in a hug.

"Dad I can't breath" feeling like I'm suffocating.

My dad being The Beta of the pack he is very tall and huge muscles.Lyndsay use to joke around saying how cute my dad is. Gross! like that's my dad. Unfortunately 3 years ago my mother passed away after rogue wolves attacked the borders of our pack. It took along time for my dad to heal from that loss,he drove himself into his work for months after her passing. Even though almost every night I can hear him in his office crying for his mate. I always hoped that the moon goddess would give my father a second chance mate.

"Alright ladies,we need to get going," says my dad walking out the patio door.

As we pulled up to the pack building. It is very much crowded,hundreds of wolves gathered for this moon festival. Multiple Alpha's are here with wolves from their packs in hopes that they find their mate. When I opened the car door,I thought for just a second I thought I smelled something,like very Intoxicating. Lyndsay grabbed my arm and we walked towards the building. When we walked in,it was very crowded. All these wolves In one place drinking,dancing and hopefully a chance of finding their mate here.

Wait, there's that scent again. It smells like fresh pine with rain,where is that coming from?

I can feel Raya in my head becoming very restless.Before I could investigate further Lyndsay grabs me by the arm.

"Kaydence let's get a drink!" leading me towards the bar.

"Lynds didn't you smell that?"

"smell what?" Lyndsay says while telling the bartender what drinks we wanted.

Maybe I'm losing my mind. I got my drink from Lyndsay and before I can take my second drink Lyndsay starts jumping up and down screeching "OMG this is my song" and just like that she is dragging me to the dance floor dancing to Gett Off by Teyana Taylor. We were dancing like no one was watching laughing and twirling each other around. But just then I started to smell fresh pine and rain again.

"Kaydence there's a gorgeous man over there kind of staring at you"

I turned around only to make eye contact to probably the most gorgeous man I've ever seen in my life.

"Mate!" Raya yells in my head

Wait! I think I'm seeing double,another guy walks up to the guy staring at me only for him to look at me to. Another intoxicating scent hits me but this time it smells like fresh baked chocolate chip cookies.

No No No! Twins!

"Mate,Mate,Mate! " Raya is giving me a headache.

I turn to Lyndsay and some how the girl managed to disappear on me within a minute. Where the hell did she go?

I look back to the two most gorgeous men I've ever seen and they are talking to each other while staring at me.They started walking towards me. I can't do this. I start to feel my heart beat race,I have to get out of here now! I run as fast as I can in these 4 inch heels towards the the door and stumble outside. I keep running towards my dad's car,thankfully he left the keys.

"Go back,I want my Mate's!" Raya yells.

"I don't want a mate,let alone two! twin mates? no!"

I drive home as fast as I possibly can. I'm gunna go to bed and pretend that none of this happened.


Alpha Asher and Alpha Axel's POV

"Why are we here,again? we have been attending these moon festival's every year for the past 5 years. We have not found our mate yet,I'm starting to think she is dead"

My name is Asher Blaze and my identical twin brother Axel are Alpha's of the Black River Pack. We are 25 years old. We both have black short hair,dark Tan skin,over 6 feet tall and blue eyes. We have been searching for our mate for 7 years now. After 2 years we decided to attend these Moon festivals to try to find our mate. I know Axel is starting to get very impatient,our pack needs a Luna and we need our mate.

I stop Axel in the middle of the parking lot.

"Don't you smell that?It's very faint but it smells amazing."

Axel raises his head to the sky and takes in the scent. It smells like Fresh roses.

"Asher, I think our mate is here!"

We walk up to the building,as we enter that intoxicating scent hits us like a wave. She is in here we think to our selves. As we walk around the room,this moon festival is very crowded. We keep trying to find that amazing scent,it's getting stronger. And then I see her. The most Gorgeous woman is dancing with another girl. She is wearing a sparkly white dress that compliments her small body perfectly. Then she turns around and as soon as her eyes meet mine my wolf yells "MATE!".

I'm so hypnotized in her beauty I can't move. Axel walks over to me.

"Axel,she is right there in the white dress" Says Asher to Axel. Never letting his eyes leave hers.

As soon as Axel looks at her he agree's with me.

"We need to be with her now,let's go to her! I've waited long enough" says Axel impatiently.

We start to walk towards her. Only she turns around running as fast as she can towards the front door and then she's gone.


We run out the front door,trying to follow her scent but it's very faint.

"Where did she go?" yells Axel.

"Wait! let's go back In. She was dancing with another girl,let's find her.. she will tell us who she is" says Asher smiling

I scan the crowded room in search of the blonde headed woman in the dark blue dress. Then I see her,she is sitting at one of the tables with our beta Damian.

Axel and I walk over to them. The closer we get,we see that she's sitting on his lap.

"Damian,who is this?" asks Axel.

"Hey! Asher and Axel. I would like for you both to meet my mate Lyndsay." Damian says while bringing her closer to him.

"Your mate? You finally found her!" Axel says with a huge smile.

"Damian,we need to ask your new mate a question. She was dancing not to long ago with a woman in a white dress. We need to know who she is." Asher says while sitting down.

Once Asher mentions the woman in the white dress. Lyndsay looks up to him in shock.

"Your the guy that was looking at my best friend Kaydence"

"Please we need to know where we can find her! She is our mate,she took off running out of the building before we could get any wheres near her" Asher pleads to Lyndsay.

"Well her name is Kaydence Andrews,she is 20 years old and the daughter of the beta from this pack" "Her father's name is Colin Andrews,he should be with Alpha Dylan around here some wheres"

"Thank-you Lyndsay! and congratulations Damian,we are really happy you found your mate." Asher gives his beta a hug

"Axel we need to go find Alpha Dylan"


After finding Alpha Dylan and his beta Colin Andrews and father of our mate. We explain to him that she is our mate,and she ran from us as soon as she realized who we were.

"My daughter ran from you both?"

"I apologize Alpha's,my daughter is very stubborn and claims she does not want a mate. Maybe she just got alittle overwhelmed in the moment." says Alpha Colin very annoyed at the thought of what his daughter did. "I'm sure she just went home. How about you both come to my house tomorrow morning,you can meet my daughter and we will get all of this straightened around"

The twin Alpha's agree,even though having to wait another night before they can have their mate is going to be very hard. Tomorrow can't come fast enough the twin Alpha's thought.