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Nice To Meet You Again

Nice To Meet You Again

Autor: Kenniejayjay



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Meet Sonya, who wants nothing more than to know the truth behind her mother's death and her father's disappearance and also find true love. She end up saving a guy on her birthday trip to country X and earn a credit for herself For Maxwell, who has never dated or fallen in love before, it was love at first sight with Sonya and he wants nothing more than to have that eighteen year old girl who stole his heart This story is purely romance.
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Chapter 1

Sonya just finished senior high school and she was over the moon. she woke up late the next day after her final papers just because her aunt has left for where she doesn't know so she is free to relax for a while.

she woke up at exactly 10'o clock. its been long since she slept that late. she took her phone from her desk and downloaded some stuff about the school she applied to in country X. After a while she drop her phone and entered the bathroom to ease herself not long after she entered, she heard her aunt's voice surprisingly and wonder when she came back.

"Sonya! come down this minute" Sonya's aunt, Miss Pat shouted from the living room.

"am coming, am in the toilet" Sonya wondered what could be the problem for her aunt to be calling her again early in the morning, she quickly finished her business in the toilet and hurried downstairs to meet her. Getting there she met her aunt’s boyfriend and her cousin also in the living room. everyone turn heir attention to her as she comes in and stand some feet away from her.

"good morning aunt what is it?" she asked knowing that whatever reason it is is not going to be in her favor. Her cousin try to signal to her but she didn't get what he was trying to say.

"you idiot!" her aunt moved closer to her to hit her but she was quick to dodge her.

"aunt please calm down what's the issue?" she asked again and Pat threw a note to her,

"how are you going to explain this?" Sonya opened the note and read the content. It was the note she gave to her aunt’s boyfriend to help her process her admission to country x. Sonya stood there lost of words on how to explain to her aunt.

"I clearly told you that after you graduate from high school you should find a man to take care of you and pay your debts, but you are still thinking about going to the university and an international school at that. are you kidding me?" her aunt said angrily. Sonya stare at her aunt`s boyfriend who was sitting down quietly.

“you said you will help me”. Sonya said to him.

“i said i would help but i didn't say i wont tell your aunt about it and besides you are not ready to pay the price for it so i don’t see any reason to" Mr Joe replied smirking at her.

“you even made a deal with my man. If you want to seduce someone get your own man. That is how your stupid mother also gave birth to you, by seducing someone else husband. prostitute" her aunt said angrily.

"Mom, that's a bit too much" Simon, her cousin who has been sitting there and watching the drama unfold said to caution his mother. "What I can't even say that much after taking care of her for all this years and letting her live in my house, should I also be respectful to her" she snapped at Simon and he kept quiet.

"I don't care about anything, All I know is that after your final exams you are getting married that's the only use of your face" she said facing Sonya.

“am not getting married to anyone.” Sonya shouted at her and went upstairs. she lie down on her bed angrily when her cousin walked in.