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Midnight Sun

Midnight Sun

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Diana is a seventeen year old introverted high schooler in Fort Fairfield, Aroostook county. She lives with her mother, Juliet and her little brother, Cole. The story begins with a set of unusual activities after Diana's birthday leading to the discovery of her magical powers. She is the last white flasher and the only person who can fight against the evil that is eating up the very fabric of the world of magic.
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Chapter 1

The cold bit into my skin through the extra large fur coat. It was usually very cold especially in this part of the country especially up north here in Aroostook but today'up freezing temperatures seemed out of the ordinary. To be very honest, The few days following my seventeenth birthday have seemed pretty out of the ordinary to me.

On Monday I woke up in what appeared to me to be a The after math of a bath in a cold pool of water. All of my clothes were drenched down to my underwear. I expected my bed to be just as wet so I'd know that it was an after birthday prank that Cole, my little brother, tried to pull. Emphasis on tried . That piece of furniture however was very much dry.

Tuesday, things got even more creepy. The crows on the tree outside my window kept me up the entire night like some form of nocturnal music concert with the occasional hoot from owls. No matter how tight I cushioned my ears. Their dark music still penetrated.

Wednesday I think has been my worst so far. Everyone at school seemed to know me, and like me, and want to talk to me. My cheeks hurt so much from trying so hard to be polite and wearing a smile like a crazy person. I'm not sure I like people being nice to me very much. I am sure that there has to be a reason for it. Not to mention the two people that I saw every where I went. At the mall with my little brother, at the park with my white and grey Siberian Husky Taffy, on my evening run around the block,i in fact everywhere.

Which is why I am going to the stupid basketball game that some random girl invited me to this cold Thursday night. I should get this prank over and done with or whatever it is teenagers do when they trying to get a reaction from you and after today return back to my peaceful life. The weather man never said it would drop down to —10° this morning. I don't even want to imagine how much colder it would get going further. I could have taken my car but if the supposed prank included egging my car, I'd rather walk and not pay for the car wash. I am starting to regret my choice though. Damn me for being so frugal.

The game was already in full swing when I walked through the doors in the gym. The guest school players seemed larger than ours. Is this even fair?

I found a seat in a corner away from public view. I can at least catch up on the comic book I've been meaning to finish for week now. I felt eyes on me and a slight chill on my neck. I turned around. I was not close to any window. Strange. No one seemed to notice anything. In fact the game seemed to be the only thing they were interested in.

"Penny for your thoughts Cupcake?" A husky voice said to my left.

"Jesus!" I jerked throwing my book in the process.

"The name is Theodore. People seem to confuse us though." It was one of the two people that were following me around yesterday. The pupils of his eyes were like ink and He loomed over everyone in the gym, even in a sitting position. The seat for the bleachers seemed too small for him and he had his hair in an onyx ponytail.

"Don't frighten her so much. She's supposed to like us Teddy." This time I actually squeaked. The voice came from my left and instead of a husk, it sounded like something that would put you to sleep. A sirens voice. It was the other person from yesterday. Her eyes were so grey it was almost translucent. Her hair was a platinum blonde pixie cut and she had piercings on every part of her face.

"Hi,I'm Selena. Teddy is just a tiny bit socially inept. Don't pay him any attention."

I grabbed my book and bolted hoping with all my heart that I would just appear in front of my house.

I ran a few blocks past the school before I noticed them running behind me. If they're not any faster I could make it to the safety of my house. Again I cursed myself for not taking my car with me. I would have been home and safe if not that I kept expecting the worst from people. The more distance I tried to keep between the duo, me closer they got to me. My heavy breathing formed clouds in front of me. My heart beat matched with the sound of my feet against the tarmac. Who were these people? What did they want with me?

I got to the safety of my house finally shutting the door abruptly behind me.

"Diana, is that you sweetie?' My mom called from the kitchen. She is either making dinner or maybe doing dishes. I didn't care at all. I just wanted to be away from those awful people. Why are they following me though? Are they like a serial killing club or something?

I got upstairs to my room and I felt another chill like the one at the gym. This time, the window was opened and the curtains flying around. I am sure I had it locked before leaving for the game this evening but before I began thinking of possible scenarios as to why my window was open, I went to lock it. Theodore and Selena were waving up at me from the front yard a goofy grin on both their faces.