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Rewriting the stars

Rewriting the stars

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Rewriting the stars PDF Free Download


Rewriting the stars Blurb ; What is love? For some people it's a sweet feeling.... Something to be cherished. For some's something that they have to avoid at all cost And yet for's simply a tool to manipulate others. And still...some people..spend thier entire lives waiting for it...even though they already know, how it's going to end. Joanna is a fiesty 18 year old girl who has to change schools in her last year of high school. At first she is excited about attending a boarding school since it means that she can avoid the problems going in her life but she is shocked when she finds out just how Kents High work. A school fit for the 1% and attended by the 1% of society...Joanna finds out that the lives of wealthy kids are not as simple as she thought. What happens when she finds out that the students at Kents High have thier life drafted out for them... including the friends they are supposed to keep...even the person to fall in love with?.... Joanna finds herself entangled with Sky, Mike, and Raechel...the most popular students at school. These two people seem to have a story no body knows about. Will Joanna find it out? Follow the story of Joanna as she discovers what Love, friendship and sacrifice is..
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Chapter 1

Rewriting the stars<br />Written by francisca writes<br />Chapter 1<br />Heather Hathaway looked out the window in her class. She badly wanted this school year to be over. This year has been very difficult for her. Starting with her best friend moving miles away...and then her parents just seemed as if everything was falling apart in her life....<br />Her parents divorcing...this was the part that bothered her the most. She had known that her parents relationship wasn't okay. The yellings...the cursing and all the fighting.. but she just didn't expect them to get a divorce! Why will they want to leave each other after being together for so long? What about her?<br />Heather blamed her father for everything. He is the one who caused the divorce. He is the one who decided to go off with some woman... claiming that she is his first love...just thinking about him made her really angry. How can he just abandon her and her mother like this?<br />On top of all of that she was really worried about her mother. After the divorce, she has been awfully must have affected her a lot. Heather felt really bad about it and what made it even worse was the fact that she couldn't do anything about it. She had to just watch her suffer. <br />She was still lost in her thoughts when someone tapped her from behind. It was a classmate, a very annoying classmate Kelvin. Heather rolled her eyes. This was another thing bothering her. This entire school... everything just irritated her. "What's up Heather? A penny for your thoughts?" Kelvin asked smirking at her. <br />It was the last day of the school term....Heather struggled hard to control her temper. She didn't want to cause a disturbace on the last day. "Please leave me alone Kelvin. I really don't want to deal with you" she replied. Heather had a lot going on in her mind and he was just being a jerk..<br />"Why? Why don't you want to deal with me? We should have some fun today. We won't be seeing each other for a few weeks after today"Kelvin said. He really liked pestering Heather she always fought back..and it was fun for him. She was...a source of entertainment for him. <br />Heather swore under her breath. she is not going to lose her temper. She is going to play it cool to the end. After today, she won't see him for a while. Heather frowned when she remembered that the holidays were only a few weeks long and she will have to come back again very soon for her last year of high school. <br /> Kelvin was disappointed that Heather didn't give him the reaction that he wanted. What is going on? This is so not like her. She should at least try to fight back or yell at him to buzz off, the way that she always did... why is she so quiet? He was determined to get a reaction from her. "Hey Heather....why won't you play with me?" He asked poking her from behind. <br /> Heather had had enough. She completely lost her temper with him. Why does he continuously have to be a jerk?? Why won't he just leave her alone? She had a lot going on in her mind as it was already...can't he be a little considerate and just leave her alone when she asked him to?<br />"What really is wrong with you? Why won't you just leave me alone? Why do you keep bothering me like this?! Don't you have even the slightest consideration for other people? You keep pestering me even when I tell you not to. Am I a joke to you? Am are having fun with all of this?!" Heather yelled at him. <br />Kelvin smiled happily. He got what he wanted....a reaction from Heather. But even more than that she had just gotten herself in trouble. That is just great. "I'm happy since I already got what I wanted but I don't think that you will be happy...the Geography teacher just saw you, you see.." Kelvin said. <br />Heather cursed under her breath again. Kelvin has to be the worst person alive. how is she ever going to explain this? She stood up as the teacher entered the class and walked up to her. She glared at Kelvin. Why does he have to do this to her every single time? What will he gain?<br />"Do you mind explaining to me what all of this yelling is about Heather? Do you think that this school is a place where you can come to and raise your voice whenever you want? Or you think that you can do whatever you want since it's the last day?" The teacher asked. Heather sighed. Now she's going to get it..<br /> "I told her the exact same thing sir but she just won't listen to me. She keeps raising her voice at people whenever she wants. Do you think that this is right? I don't think so either sir. I think that she should be punished" Kelvin said. He sure was having lots of fun. Heather just made his day. <br />The teacher looked at Kelvin. How dare he put on a show in front of him? He had seen everything that happened when he walked past the class. Derrick is clearly the one who provoked Heather first! And besides, Derrick is quite popular in school for being a bully. He has to receive a warning today..<br />"Keep quiet! Do you think that I don't know what is going on here? I clearly saw you poking her first. Why were you trying to annoy her? What do you gain from being a bully?!" The teacher yelled. The students at Sevit High were just too much of an headache. Why are they always like this?<br />Heather was glad that at least finally someone took her side. Someone saw through Kelvinfor once and realized that she is not the one at fault. "Thank you so much sir for realizing that I am not the one at fault. He keeps annoying me. I don't know what to do anymore..." The teacher interrupted Heather..<br /> "Do you think that you have done something grand? Is that why you can talk back? No matter what you shouldn't have raised your voice at him! If he does something to upset don't you think that you should notify a teacher? Seriously I can't put up with any one of you. I'm just going to call in your parents" the teacher said. <br />Heather and Kelvin's heart sank into her stomach. For Heather she didn't want her mother to be involved in this. For goodness sake she is going through a lot already. She already had a hard time because of the divorce...why does she have to be called in? That can't happen at all. <br /> For Kelvin, his father was the person that scared him the most. That man....he is a monster...he took it upon himself to make her life hell...if he gets called in..then he was done for today. He can't have him come here and find out that he is a constant bully in school! It will be the end of him. <br />"Sir, do you really have to call our parents? My mother...she can't come to this school. I mean she is already so busy already...if you call her here you will only be adding to her stress....why don't you just punish me instead...please...don't call my mom here..." Heather pleaded with the teacher. <br /> "Yes Heather is right. You don't have to call our parents. It's just a small incident right? You can just give the both of us some kind of punishment....our parents don't need to have anything to do with this...please...sir...don't call my father..." Kelvin pleaded. He will be dead meat if his father finds out. <br />"Just shut it the both of you. If you didn't want your parents to find out about what you do in school then you should have behaved better! Now come with me to the teacher's lounge...we will wait for your parents...then we can talk about it with your parents better"!" The teacher said. <br />Cynthia and Lily were walking towards the gate of Kents High with thier luggage. The semester was already over... and since Kents High was a boarding school, they lived in the dorms until the holidays came. Then they all went home. Cynthia had something on her mind though. She had heard something as she walked down the halls of Kents High that morning.. she didn't know if it was true or not. <br />Lily noticed that Cynthia wasn't her usual cheerful and talkative seemed like there was something bothering her. She leaned closer to her. "What is going on with you Cynthia? Why do you look like you have a lot on your mind?" Lily asked her friend. It was rare to see her serious. <br />"You see Lily I heard something in the hall today. I don't know if it's true or not but I'm sure it's going to be really amazing if it's true. You just won't believe it Lily. It's really great" Cynthia said delaying the big news. She wanted it to be grand when she told Lily. It was already a very big deal on it's own anyway. <br />Lily was sudden interested. What is Cynthia going on and on about? It must be really big since she is so excited. "What is it? What is the big news? You seem pretty excited about it so it must be really big news. Come on now tell me all about it. Tell me..tell me" Lily urged poking her hand. <br />"You see...I heard in the hall today that Sky is going to come back from abroad very soon. What's even bigger is that he's going to come back to Sevit High when he returns. So starting from next semester, Roy and I are going to be classmates! I still can't believe that something like this will happen. It's really great Lily. Just think about it. Sky attending the same school as us!" Cynthia exclaimed. <br />Lily left her mouth hanging open for a few seconds. What is going on? Sky is coming back? He was a student of Kents High until two years ago when he left to go study abroad. Why is she suddenly coming back? "Sky is coming back? But why? He made such a fuss when he left saying he won't be back until he finishes college.. why is he back?" Lily asked. <br />"I know right? I am as shocked as you are. He kicked up such a fuss when he left... saying that he won't ever be back...and now he is suddenly coming back? Isn't that just amazing? But even more amazing is the fact that he is going to start attending Kents High" Cynthia said. <br />Lily cleared her throat. "Well I don't think that you should be surprised that he's going to attend Kents High. If he is back in the country he should attend Kents High. What other school will he go to? Have you forgotten that his father owns Kents High? The chairman of MK group won't let his son attend some other school apart from Kents High" Lily said. <br />Cynthia thought about what Lily said. She is right. Roy's father owns Kents High...the most prestigious school in all the country...and Sevit High is an affiliate of Mk group. One of the top earning companies in the country right now. There is no way that Roy will attend somewhere else. "You are right Lily. It only makes sense that he comes here" she said. <br />"But come to think of it I think Kents High is going to change a lot now that Sky is coming back. He is the heir to the powerful MK group...I can already see a war brewing. There is going to be a tough competition among all the girls here. Who will end up with Roy in the end?" Lily asked. it really was something that they had to think about it. After all...they knew just how important it side with the right people.