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Feral Hunger

Feral Hunger

Autor: NaniiWP



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Forbidden love, stolen bites and feral hunger. Mateless for over three hundred years, Alpha Aaron Rising is sure to claim the girl he knows does not belong to them. Driven and devoured in so much lust and desires, he held her captive and claimed her over and over again. Trying to protect her from being hunted by the Rouges. But his affection was soon tested when he was threatened by the truth, that his mate, Elizabeth Wood came for someone.
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Chapter 1

Elizabeth's Pov

The moon shone high in the starless sky, casting an eerie glow on the dense forest below. The rustling of leaves and twigs echoed throughout the trees, as I desperately sought refuge from the beasts who relentlessly pursued me. My heart pounded in my chest, the fear making my breaths come in short, sharp gasps.

I had been running for hours, my legs aching and my mind racing with fear.

"You still got tough knees there, Elizabeth?" Christian teased at me.

I looked at him from the other tree. Like me, he was also holding a branch to keep his balance, he was holding a gun and his sweat was dripping. The only thing that could be seen on him was his eyes because of the black mask.

"I can't do it anymore," I whispered. He noticed the weakness in my voice.

I saw the change in his reaction, he was worried, I can see it in his eyes. He wanted to come closer to me, but once he moved, we were sure to be caught. They would eat us alive and I don't want that to happen.

"Hold on tight, let's wait for the others."

I leaned my head against the tree, closed my eyes and opened my mouth to inhale a lot of air. I didn't say a word, I just held my left thigh, feeling the pain there.

From his perch high above the ground, Christian peered out into the darkness, searching for any signs of the beasts. His eyes darted from tree to tree, scanning the underbrush for any glimmers of light or movement. He was completely still, his body pressed against the trunk of the tree, as he listened intently for any sound that might give his position away.

"We can jump any time, Elizabeth. I think they are gone," he added but I did not speak. I bit my lower lip and winced in so much pain. "Elizabeth?"

Suddenly, a flash of fear devoured me when I hear a loud roar and howl of a beast. That sound is never far from us. Another roar can be heard from below. The trees moved and the whole area was filled with shouting.

They are hunting us.

"Shit!" Christian cursed, I saw him prepare the rope. "We need to run now!"

I gulped, I forced myself to get up, I stood and grabbed the branch but as I stood up, I felt something wrong in my body.

"Christian..." I called.


The world spun around me, the colors blending into a dizzying whirlpool of light and sound. I swayed back and forth, My fingers clutching at the rough bark of the tall tree I had been climbing.

My consciousness slipped away, and I lost all sense of time and space. I was weightless, suspended in a void of nothingness, with no thoughts or feelings to anchor into reality.

But then, as quickly as it had vanished, my consciousness returned. My eyes fluttered open, and I found myself plummeting towards the ground, my body tumbling through the air.

The wind rushed past my face, whipping my hair and clothes as I fell. I almost forgot to scream for help.

I thought I would fall forever, but I was wrong. But just as I thought all was lost, a pair of strong arms caught me, breaking me fall with a jarring impact. I gasped for air, my heart racing in my chest, as I realized I had narrowly escaped death.

I opened my eyes and gasped. It wasn't human! It was a beast, a beast caught me from falling. But because I was so scared, I pushed him hard, I took the small dagger inside my bag and stabbed him in his arm.

The dagger didn't kill the beast, that was the only reason it roared and let me go, I fell from its arms. My body rolled down, only to stop when my back hit the tree.

I coughed and blood came out of my mouth.

"Elizabeth!" Christian ran towards me, he knelt down and lifted my body, he removed the hair blocking my face. "Breathe, you can do it. We can escape from here."

I shook my head.

"There are a lot of them tonight," I looked up. "It's full moon, they are stronger."

"Fuck!" He cursed. He tore the clothes he was wearing, I almost screamed in pain when he tied them to my thigh to stop my bleeding. "I'll fetch the others. I promised him that once we get here I will bring you to him, alive..."

I took a deep breath.


He is the reason why we are here. We came for Eros Wood, my brother. Those beasts held him captive for years. And before he disappeared, he left a word to me, if I am old enough, I can come and look for him. And now I am older enough, I came here. but I am not stronger enough to save my brother.

"Please find him, find my brother." A tear fell from my eyes. Christian bit his lower lip. He brought his face closer and kissed my forehead.

"I will come back. I will come back for you, Elizabeth. Wait for me."

He picked me up, he put me down behind a towering tree, he left a bag and some weapons so I could protect myself. He held my arms.

"Please be careful," I whispered.

"I will, I will come here. We will both find Eros."

I swallowed and nodded, and when he ran away, I just closed my eyes as my tears continued to fall.

We are a lot, we bombed the border to enter, we killed beasts. We killed a lot of them just to get in here, yet we still didn't find him.

"Eros..." I whispered under my breath.

My eyes opened. I moved and tried to move my foot too. I took a deep breath and tried to stand up. If I won't move, I know I will die too. I need to help them.

"Ugh!" I groaned.

I put the dagger on the side of my thigh, I came out from behind the tree, but when I stepped to leave, I was stunned to see a pair of eyes shining from the darkness while staring at me.

I stepped back, staring back. But I stepped on a branch that made a noise, its eyes narrowed, as time went on its eyes got closer until I saw the tall and dirty beast.


Before I could run, its nail caught my clothes, my body rose, it threw me, again, hitting my back on a tree. I coughed for the second time, even before I got up completely, it rushed at me for the second time.

It landed on my top, It roared in front of my face and I closed my eyes as its sticky and pungent saliva dripped on my face, I took the gun that was lying around and shot it's throat without hesitation. Blood spattered everywhere.

I died, I stood up and watched how it slowly turned into a human form.

A woman.

Suddenly, a howl shattered the stillness of the night. It was a sound like nothing I had ever heard before, primal and otherworldly. My blood ran cold, and I knew with a sickening certainty that it was the cry of a beast.

We, humans, call them as a beast.

But we knew, deep inside, that they were Lycans.

Panic seized me, and I broke into a run, my feet pounding the forest floor as I tried to outrun the beast. But I knew it was hopeless. Lycans were fast, strong, and cunning. They were the masters of the night, and I was just a mortal girl, frail and powerless.

And I saw it coming, but I was too slow. Its jaws closed around my arm, and I felt the sharp pain of its teeth sinking into my shoulder. The Lycan bit my right shoulder. I screamed, a high-pitched sound of agony and terror, as I was lifted off my feet and thrown to the ground.

The Lycan towered over me, its eyes glowing with a fierce, yellow light. It snarled, its jaws opening wide to deliver the killing blow.

I cried in so much pain.

"Aaron..." I whispered a name randomly. The Lycan stopped, I took a deep breath, thinking why I whispered that name.

I don't know who that Aaron is, my face crumbled as I felt more pain in my body, it's like the bite crawled from my shoulder to my veins and skin. I arched my back and screamed loudly again.

"Aaron!" I, again scream the name, I am not aware why I am doing that. But because of the pain I feel I just want to die.

After a while, while I'm in the middle of pain, I saw how the Lycan changed its form. I saw a man, topless, his arm was bloody, his forehead was wrinkled.

Shock and fear filled his eyes.

"Aaron's mate," he whispered.

I closed my eyes.

I could feel the pain coursing through my veins, the poison. I gasped.

I opened my eyes wide, my surroundings turned black, and then I saw a stranger, no, a man. I can see him, but not his face, it was all blurry and light, it was like... a flash. I can see a vision, but it is making my head ache.

"Aaron..." I, again accidentally mentioned someone's name.

"So Aaron's mate was finally born," I opened my eyes and looked at the man on top of me. "It's good to see you again." He smirked at me.

He leaned towards my face, he held the side of my cheeks but I didn't have the strength to remove it.

I feel very weak, and I know that anytime, I can die.

I couldn't even answer when he suddenly jumped up until he was out of my sight. my whole body was shaking, I grabbed my shoulder which now doesn't stop bleeding.

My tears fell from my eyes, and I closed my eyes.

"Aaron," I called, to whoever that is, I am hoping that he can help me, that he can save me.

I rested my head.

Please help me...
