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Miss Klutz

Miss Klutz

Autor: Berrybloom

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Miss Klutz PDF Free Download


Love is a secular madness, it erupts like a volcano and then subsides. When It does, it leaves you with an option and you would have to decide. Clara Marian klutz had always craved love for a long time. But, when she found the love she sought. Her neverending field of Roses became a wasteland. With her torn and broken heart, she chose to move on, bleeding as she walked her lonely part through the dusty desert of her devoid heart. Years pass, and when her wound was about to heal, her past came crawling back.
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Chapter 1

"Get up bitch" Sandra snarled yanking my hair arduously making me whin in pain.

Damn it! Who would ever perceived that getting into a fight with Sandra would put me in such a mess.

"Let go of me nitwit" I cussed, grunting in anguish.

"Guess you still haven't learned your lesson" Sandra growled "perhaps I need to pull harder" she seethed, yanking hard like her life depended on it.

I probably should had give it a second thought before barging in to save someone else knowing fully well I was no match with Sandra. My bad.

"Alright am sorry" I pleaded in gritting teeth, groaning in agony as sandra tugged my hair almost plucking it off my scalps.

"That's more like it" Sandra slurred pushing me to the wall.

"If you try playing hero next time" she used her hand to divide her neck "I will eradicate you" she threatened before catwalking away.

The school bell rang signifying time for lecture making the crowded students walk towards their classses.

"What a drag" I muttered out loud scratching the back of my head as I stood up from the floor.

"Thanks" lia the girl I tried to protect from Sandra said blashly.

"You are welcome" I let out a faux smile

"Your hair...."

"I know it's messy, thanks for reminding me anyway" I mumbled ambling toward the restroom.

My name is Clara Marian Klutz, an eighteen years old clumsy inelegant knockle head who frequently got bullied by the popular guys in school. Yeah, that is adequate way to characterize me.

I stared at my reflection for a while before switching on the faucet to rinse my face. It's been one heck of a morning.

"What the f**k are you doing here?" A thick harsh voice asked behind me and I twirled to see a tall muscular guy glaring hard at me. Don't tell me am in the male restroom.

"Hi spencer" I waved.

He rolled his eyes at me. "My name is Melvin!" He hushed, scowling arduously at me. "And what are you doing in the male washroom?"

"It was an accident" I groaned, wearing a cap. "Am living anyway" I waved with an eye roll.

"Clumsy fool" He mumbled walking into the toilet.

I get that alot, what do you expect in being a nobody in the whole school. I shove my hands inside the pocket of my hoodie as I walked into my classroom, and as expected, I was ignored like a wall flower whose existence was totally disregarded by everyone.

In my school everything is about money and dressing, if you don't wear the latest brand of clothes, expensive whist watch or drive an experience car, you just won't fit in. Everybody will always see you as trash.

"Clara" A familiar voice called and I turn to see Bethany, my bestie.

"Hi bethany" I mumbled with a sign, sitting beside her.

A pout formed in her perfect shaped lips as she cuddled around me. "Don't tell me you are still mad I read your diary" Her ocean blue eyes gazed hard at me, replenished with curiosity as she arranged her goggles, waiting for my reply. I ignored her and lied on my desk, my cheek on the cold wooden desk as I stared through the window.

"Am not mad, just sick and tired of being me" I uttered ruefully, after a jiffies of awkward silence.

"About time" she snickered lowly trying to stifle back a laugh.

"What do you mean by that!" I chimed in, glaring hard.

"Look" she gestured to my outfit. "You look like a clown" she tried to suppress her giggling, but ended up bursting into loud laughter.

"Haha, very funny" I managed to muster enough sarcasm.

"You look really bad on this oversized hoodie of yours, I must confess" she chuckled.

"If that's the case, then I need to look bad" I stated sternly. "You know I don't have a choice!" I mumbled. I wanted to sound rigid but my voice failed me.

"Sorry, but it's the truth," she shrugged. "Not like i blame you for having hypothyroidism," she added beneath her breath.

"Hmm.." I muttered.

She stared at me like she was trying to figure out something. "You know what, come to my place on Saturday"

"You mean tomorrow"

"Wait! tomorrow is Saturday?" She asked astounded.

"Yes!" I snapped and she sniggered.

"Am just being silly, I know tomorrow is Saturday" she waved her hands. "And I pla..."

"Plan to take you out" I mimicked flapping my hands and making a humorous gesture.

"Come on I don't sound like that" she rolled her eyes.

"You sure do to me" I smirked, sucking the lower part of my lips. Our conversation was interrupted by the loud bang coming from the wide table place in front of the class kept for lectures. Who else would make such racket, if not Mrs Wilberton our geometry teacher. That's her odd way of getting our attention.

Weird right?


"Chicken soup, is that not just your favorite!" Bethany said as we walk down the hallway. We just finished lectures and it was time for lunch break.

"Am a lover of all Bethany " I stated.

"You can say that again" she chuckled and I smiled, trailing behind her as we strode towards the cafeteria.

"But Clara, I just can't believe you haven't had a kiss before" She blurted.

" shss.." I hushed staring around hoping nobody heard.

"That's our little secret" I whispered.


" Just shut up!" I groan, Bethany is just a pin, I still condemn the day she read my diary.

"Don't shss me! We have to do something about that!" She exclaimed loudly.

"Don't you understand simple English" I seethed. "Shut up!"

Luckily the hallway was empty so no need to be inconvenience about creating a scene.

"Sorry..." She mumbled.

We strolled into the cafeteria without uttering another word, which was quite uncomfortable. Bethany had always been a talkative, her staying quiet was just the contrary of her. I started feeling remorse as we ate quietly.

"Bethany" I called, and she tilted her head to stare at me.

"Sorry" I apologized, she let out a sign before letting a smile crept through her lip.

"Just promise me you will come to my place tomorrow" she said.

"Why not" I shrugged, scoffing few strings of noodles. She raised a brow, staring keenly at me.

"Yes"I emphasised and she giggled, her laughter had always been contentious so I joined in no time. It reminds me of my mum. She traveled for business trip few weeks ago, while Dad on the other hand has been away for more than a month, leaving just me and my baby brother at home. Well, mum hired a baby sitter to take care of my brother, since our charlady resigned few weeks ago.

"The noodles are Just too soft don't you think?" She asked using her fork to swirl the noodles in the soap.

"It is?" I asked with a muffled sound as I ate the noodles.

"You are just unbelievea..." Bethany was interrupted by the loud chattering that replenished the entire cafeteria and then a wild gasp followed. They is just one person that could create such scene.

Ethan James Smith.

My prince charming.